Kent ACPIN invites you to
Understanding Ataxia
Study Day and AGM
Pathophysiology background through to current evidence based approaches.
8.45am registration
9.00am till 4.00pm
AGM : 4.00pm - 5.00pm (new members welcome)
Saturday 9th March 2013
The Village Hotel, Maidstone,
Kent, ME14 3AQ (just off the M20)
Refreshments, Lunch and Course Materials Provided
ACPIN members £60
Non-members £90
Dr Lisa Bunn
PhD Neuroscience, BSc Hons Physiotherapy – Lecturer in Neurological Physiotherapy and Motor Control, University of Plymouth
Professor Jonathan Marsden
PhD Clinical Medicine, Bsc Hons Physiotherapy, Msc Neurological Science, Professorship and Chair in Rehabilitation, University of Plymouth
A map and agenda for the day will be sent on receipt of the application form and cheque/ or BACs payment
Please complete and return attached application form. For further information or to request an application form please contact Hannah Smith on 07708508946 or email