Kendriya Vidyalaya No-2 Sadras




R-20 / W-30 / SP-10 / HW-10 / LIS-15 / SPK-15 / T-100

I. Read the passage and answer the following 10X1=10

The Ramayana tells of the birth and education of Rama, a prince and the seventh incarnation of the god Vishnu, and recounts his winning of the hand of Sita in marriage. Displaced as rightful heir to his father's throne, Rama goes into exile, accompanied by Sita and by his brother, Lakshmana. Sita is carried off by the demon king Ravana. With the aid of the monkey general, Hanuman, and an army of monkeys and bears, Rama, after a long search, slays Ravana and rescues Sita. Rama regains his throne and rules wisely. In the probable addition, Sita bears Rama's twin sons and was sheltered by the sage Valmiki. After many years Rama and Sita are reunited.

1. What does Ramayana tells about?

2. Who is Rama?


3. Who married Sita?


4. Who kiddnaped Sita?


5. Who is Ramas brother?


6. Who rescued Sita?


7.Complete it .

Valmiki is ------

8.Who is Hanuman?


9.Write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’

The Seventh incarnation of God is Rama [ ]

10.Fill in the blanks with the describing word found in the passage:


II.Read the passage and answer the following questions

The milkman’s cow was in a bad mood.It sat in in the middle of the road and refused to move.

The milkman begged the cow to get up . The children are waiting for their milk to help them grow strong.Please get up he pleaded.He pulled and tugged and prayed.But the cow wasn’t going anywhere that day.

Along came a policeman,his buttons and buckles gleaming bright ‘’Hump,” he said twirling his long moustache, “I’ll show you how to do it right.” 1.why did the cow refuse to move?


2.Write the plural of the word milkman’


3.Write the singular form of children


4.why were the children waiting for their milk?

5.Make sentence using the word gleaming

6. Pick out the opposite of the word ‘accept’ from the passage.

7.write ‘yes’ or no in the box.

The milk man’s cow was in a bad mood _____

8.Fill in the blanks using the right word give at the end of the sentence.

The children are waiting for their ______(cow /milk)

9. Write the past tense of ‘Get’.______

10.Give a title for the passage.



- . Answer the following questions 4x2=8

1. What did the Pundit claim to know?


2.Do you think Nasiruddin was good at archery?


3.How did Miss Sullivan help Helen ?



4.What did the boy make with trunk of the tree?


II. Poem –Questions.

1. Why is a nose important for you? 1x1=1


2. Why did grand father give the children money? 2x1=2


3.Write down at least two questions using “why”? 2x1=2



III. Do as Directed. 7x1=7marks.

1.  on Monday I will go to school-( Put these in correct order)


2.This sum is ______(right, write) [Choose the correct word].

3.We should be ______to animals (kind/cruel) [ Fill in ]

4  Give the opposite of

Happy ,lucky by adding ‘un’



5..My toys ______broken. (Use help box to fill)

.Her frock ______too long. (Use the Help box to fill)

6.a. Everyone has gone to sleep.

b. I want to read my book.

[ Connect the pair of sentences using and or but]


7. Punctuate the following line:

he said i will move the cow

IV. Write five sentences about your pet or an animal you love. 1x5=5






V. Write a paragraph about Arun by using the clues 1x5=5

Clues. Indian, cricket, eight hours, practices, eats healthyfood, runs two kilometers

every day,batsman, Arun, player.







I.  Write the missing letters.

a.  re_us_d

b.  t _ m_d

c.  n_u_hty

d.  a_az_d

e.  s_ic_ing.

II.  Jumble the following letters and write the correct words. 5x1=5

1.  e r t e s -

2.  m e y r r -

3.  a t e t g r -

4.  c r u o i u s -

5.  s a c p m e r -


Copy the following passage in the space provided: 1x5=5

Tennis is an excellent game for improving your overall fitness, stamina and physical co-ordination.




Copy the following passage in currsive writing. 1x5=5

One day Krishna was playing with children. Suddenly He took a piece of clay and ate it up. The children came and reported the matter to mother yashoda that Krishna had eaten clay.





