KEMPTON NEW CHURCH NOTE HOME, November 21, 2013page 1

Thursday, November 217:30 P.M.1112 meeting in library

Sunday, November 2410:00 A.M. Family Service. Setup: Steve King

Tuesday, November 26No Kindergarten

Wednesday, November 27No Kindergarten and no afternoon school for Middle School

Thursday, November 28Thanksgiving! 10:00 A.M. Family Service. Setup: Bengt Boyesen and Jeremy Synnestvedt

Friday, November 29No school

Tonight’s 1112 Curriculum Meeting: Parents, you are invited to gather in the library to hear some first thoughts about a curriculum for Grades 11 and 12, put together by the Middle School faculty and pastors, taking into account what we have heard so far from parents.

KutztownAreaSchool District Bus:There will be p.m. busing for our kids on November 25th. Thanks – Erika Brown.

Moms’ Morning Class is starting up again:The first one will be held at 10:00 a.m. onWednesday,December 4at Anndwyn Hendricks’s house. The topic will be about what it means to teach to the affections. Ifyou have a topic you would like to discuss or hear about in the future, please let me know. Thank you – or 215-715-0786

ICE SKATING:Please see the attached letter from Mr.Wyncoll for details on whole-school ice skating, which will be happening on December 2, 9, and 16. (As was communicated yesterday, there will be no skating on November 25.) Among other things, please note that “74 students require 74 seat-belted spots each week, so we would love parental participation (or lending of your vehicles).” Carla Kerr finds thisinteresting and welcomes your calls to the school office if you have time and/or vehicles to offer to the cause. Thank you.

Wheelchair seating in the church: Please note that we have made two spaces in the church where people in wheelchairs can sit. They are marked by small handicapped signs that are at the far ends of two short pews near the back, one on each side. There is also a padded chair to the outside of each reserved space where someone can sit right next to a person in a wheelchair. Please don’t slide the chairs over into the handicapped spaces (or else be sure to move them back after a service). Thank you.

Sunday Coffee:Anyone wishing (or willing) to help with Sunday coffee, either on a regularor an occasional basis, please contact me (). Thank you – Kate

Playhouse behind the church is safe again. All cleaned up.

Craft Sale: December 7 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. There will be ornaments, food, and much more. Around 9:30 a.m., Mr. Maurer’s students will play some Christmas music. Please let me know by December 5 if you plan on selling a craft (but better late than never). There is a $5 fee (a donation to the church) for vendors over the age of twenty. Questions? You can contact me at or at 610-756-6745. Thanks – Maia

Some theater to look forward to! The Middle School will be offering us Dickens’s A Christmas Carol on December 13. Performances in the society room at 11:30 A.M. and 7:00 P.M.

For sale:A thick, queen futon with springs. It is in nice condition, but it doesn't look nice, as it has been attacked by the stink bugs in our attic. $35. For Free:Two twin foam mattress toppers, and a nice crib mattress. Call Cade Coles. 6415

For sale: Just in time for Christmas: a little, blue toy kitchen! Includes a coffee maker, serving utensils, pots and pans, nice wooden food, and cutting boards. There are some princess stickers on it that you may want to remove. $25. Call Maren Cole. 6415

Cleaner/mother’s helper wanted:We are looking for someone who could come once a week for a couple of hours to do mostly cleaning, maybe the occasional helping with kids. This would be a paying job. We have one cleaner/mother’s helper already, but considering that we have a baby on the way, we really need extra help. Please let us know if you are interested, and we’ll discuss what day of the week and what hours are available. 610-756-3110. Thanks! – Tamar Cole

We are happy to be moved in, and there are still some items that would help us out if you have any of them and no longer need them: a vacuum, bookshelves (or just shelving), doormats, snow shovel, footstool, and any scrap wood for Phoenix’s woodshop. Thank you so much – Stephanie King

Homeless shelter: We have started working with a homeless shelter near Reading., which was recently ranked the poorest city in the United States. We are serving dinner there on December 11th. Anyone from Kempton is invited to join us. We usually arrive 4:00-ish and leave 7:30-ish. If you are interested, please shoot me an email and we can get it all coordinated. Thanks –

Pinking shears:I have an extra pair. Would anyone like to have it? 4376. Carla Kerr

Still seeking ride to BAforthree quiet, cold turkeys on either Tuesday or Wednesday of Thanksgiving week. Any one headed that way on those days? 610-756-4042 – Erika Brown

Piano for sale:Hardman console with matching bench. Pecan finish. $950. Call 610-756-4002. Sandie Capparell

Eggs for sale:$2/doz or $3 for 18. There is a small fridge on our front porch for self service. Please feel free to stop by Henriques and get some eggs! Also, we still have a turkey that is looking for a new home (or a carving plate).

Egg cartons wanted:of the dozen size. I have plenty of 18 sized at the moment. Thank you – Henriques

Furnished country house for rent:The home shares a private lane with another family and is nicely tucked into a hillside in a beautiful, peaceful valley. Four bedrooms, three and ½ baths. No smokers or pets allowed. If you are conscientious and appreciate the beauty of the Pennsylvania woods, we would love to show you the place. Available for showings by appointment. Please call610-698-6536. Thank you – Erika Walker

Pastured broilers for Sale:raised on grass pasture and a natural, antibiotic-free feed ration; shrink-wrapped and frozen. Price: $4.25/lb. Email , or call Anndwyn at 484-390-1923. Thanks — the Justin Hendrickses