The 2011/12 season tryouts will begin on Tuesday, September 6, 2011. Tryout groupings will be posted to the KMHA website by September 1, 2011. It is the responsibility of the player to ensure they are aware of which grouping he/she is slotted into. Players are required to attend ALL tryout sessions and requests for grouping changes will not be entertained.

Please note that if you register for a rep tryout on your initial player application and subsequently decide that you wish to play recreational hockey you will be charged a $25.00 administrative fee. Once you attend one tryout the $150.00 tryout fee is non-refundable.

Players successful in making a KMHA Rep team will be charged an additional $200.00 carding/rep surcharge fee.


Atom Development tryouts will begin on Friday, September 16, 2011. Tryout groupings will be posted to the KMHA website by September 12, 2011. It is the responsibility of the player to ensure they are aware of which grouping he/she is slotted into. Players are required to attend ALL tryout sessions and requests for grouping changes will not be entertained.

Please note that if you register for an Atom Development tryout on your initial player application and subsequently decide that you wish to play Atom recreational hockey you will be charged a $25.00 administrative fee. The fee schedule for Atom Development includes a $75.00 non refundable tryout fee. Once you attend one tryout this fee is non refundable.

Players successful in making a KMHA Atom Development team will be charged an additional $150.00 surcharge to cover extra practice time and league administrative fees.


Recreational/House league team evaluations for Initiation to Midget will begin on September 19, 2011. Tryout groupings will be posted to the KMHA website by September 14, 2011. It is the responsibility of the player to ensure they are aware of which grouping he/she is slotted into. Players are required to attend ALL tryout sessions and requests for grouping changes will not be entertained.

Please note that if you register for a Recreational team on your initial player application and subsequently decide that you wish to tryout for an Atom Development or Rep team a $25.00 administrative fee + the tryout fee will be charged.


KMHA will refund registration fees less a $50.00 administrative fee prior to the start of the 2011/12 season. Once the season begins, fees are prorated for the period of time the player is involved in KMHA programs. Prorated refunds with a $50.00 administrative fee are only refundable up to December 31, 2011. After December 31, 2011 KMHA will not issue refunds for the 2011/12 season. Tryout fees are non refundable. Please note that players registering with KMHA that are successful in making a BC Hockey Midget AAA team will be given a full refund.


KMHA will begin new player registration at 9:00am on Tuesday, August 2, 2011 at the KMHA office in the Memorial Arena at 1420 Ellis Street. We will take players at that time on a space available basis. Please complete the required paperwork prior to coming to our office on registration day. It is imperative that you come with all of the required documents. KMHA will not accept incomplete applications. Typically we have line ups on registration day. While we will have space available in some divisions after our first new player registration day there are no guarantees.


KMHA is a volunteer organization. Our success is through the hard work and dedication of those who give of their time to work with our players. We have many volunteer opportunities available and encourage each family to take up a volunteer role within your association. Coaching applications are available on the forms page of our website. Please complete one of these applications should you wish to be a coach or an assistant coach with one of our teams and submit to our office by May 16, 2011. Please see the volunteer application if you would like to participate in an off ice capacity within the association. We require Division Directors (please call our office for an overview of this position), tournament coordinators, team managers, Game Day volunteers for our community involvement initiative and many more rewarding volunteer opportunities. If you have any questions on what you can do to help out, please don’t hesitate to contact our office at 250-861-5677 or via email at .


KMHA reserves the right to limit the number of goaltenders per division. Players wishing to participate in our programs as a goaltender MUST make their position request clear on the player application form, failure to do so will result in you being unable to play that position should we have more than 2 goaltenders per team in your specific division. KMHA will not supply goaltender equipment to players beyond the Atom Division.


KMHA will host a Hockey Canada Officiating Clinic in early September. Anyone 12 years of age and older that is interested in becoming an on ice official for the 2011-12 season must complete this clinic. An HCOP clinic is required every season in order to be a referee or a linesperson within BC Hockey. Clinic dates and information will be posted on the KMHA website under the officiating tab by late August, 2011.