Keills Primary Parent Council Minutes

3rd April 2014, 6pm

Present: Judith Frost, Susan Baker, Naoimh MacLellan, Julie Baker, Amy Swanson, Meri Ferguson

Apologies: Fiona MacGregor, Katherine Urquhart, Alison Campbell

  1. H/T update – The Open afternoon was a great success, raising £104.10 for Marie Curie. The Bake Off was a successful event, well done to all who took part, helped etc. School tea towels are available at £5 each. The children raised an impressive £134 for Sports Relief. A wellie, water proofs, sand shoe and school sweatshirt recycling initiative is being set up for Eco Schools, see letter for further details. The Generation Science work shop was brilliant, an article is to be published in the Ileach. The P7 High School visit was also a success, article to follow in Ileach.
  2. Chairpersons update – The Bake Off was a success, we will be looking into holding further events. The Trim Trail funding has been received.
  3. Treasurers update – monies made at Bake Off £733. The big Lottery Grant for the Trim Trail has been received into the bank account £8440. The account is standing at approx. £9900.
  4. Fundraising – a Mini Bake Off at the Islay Show was suggested, a tent would be required, helpers confirmed, tables and chairs transported to the show ground, juice and water would be available instead of tea/coffee to negate the need for a generator. Tentative enquiries to be made with Show committee. Initial action MF. Holding a Bonfire Bake Off was also suggested, to be discussed further at a future meeting. Bruichladdich Distillery are happy for us to sell our tea towels at their Open Day. Action KU. Katherine has e-mailed the appropriate manager at Calmac to sell our tea towels on the ferries.
  5. Trim Trail – various ideas were discussed, a low level trim trail from Wicksteed Ltd was selected. Quote to be obtained ASAP from company for delivered product. Approved Contractors to be approached for quotes as soon as information received from Wicksteed. The trail can be viewed at it is proposed that the trail be fitted along the top fence by the football pitch. Action MF. Dunlossit Estate will be approached with regard to possibly creating and installing a low level log train suitable for Pre5 children. Action FMacG

The next meeting will be on Thursday May 1st 2014, 6pm in the staffroom.