Netherfield CE Primary School


A booklet for parents


2017 / 2018


We like to praise children at Netherfield CE Primary School. The school’s approach to behaviour is to praise children who demonstrate the ‘Good to be Green’ expectations. Rewards, privileges and opportunities are given to these children. In class, ‘Green’ behaviour includes:

·  Good sitting

·  Good listening

·  Good looking

·  Good thinking

The children’s attitude to learning, positive behaviour and progress with learning, is celebrated through:

·  Castle points/rewards

·  Good behaviour badges (given 3 times a year)

·  Individual stickers or certificates to take home

·  Sharing work in Achievement Assemblies

·  Raffle tickets

There is also a clear system of sanctions that are applied when behaviour falls below expectations. Details are set out in the school’s ‘Relationship Policy’ which is shared with children and parents.

Sanctions include:

·  Red slips

·  Loss of playtimes, privileges and/or Golden Time

·  Discussion with parents

·  Further measures for more serious or persistent misdemeanours

OUR ‘Good to be Green’ rules ARE:

In Sapphire class we reward children who follow the ‘Good to be Green’ rules with:

·  Praise

·  Raffle tickets, stickers and certificates

·  Castle team points

·  Golden Time

Children who do not follow the Relationship Policy may receive a sanction of:

·  A Red slip and Red cards

·  Loss of Golden Time

·  A loss of privilege


English is made up of:

·  Reading

·  Writing and Spelling

·  Speaking and Listening

We learn our English through:

·  Phonics- This involves group-focused teaching, centred on the teaching of sounds (phonics) to enable children to effectively blend words for reading and spelling.

·  Guided Reading activities

·  Individual reading with Teacher/Teaching Assistant

·  Reading at home

·  Spellings to learn at home and tested in class, weekly

·  Drama

·  Dedicated Literacy lessons

·  Learning Journey/ DICE activities


Mathematics is made up of:

·  Number

·  Geometry (shapes, position & direction)

·  Measurement

We learn our Mathematics through:

·  Dedicated maths lessons.

·  Practical experience.

·  Times tables to learn at home, tested weekly.

·  Applying Maths to different situations

(e.g. turns and shapes in PE; measuring in cooking and our learning journey).

By the end of the year we are aiming for children to:

·  Read, write and understand place value of numbers to at least 100.

·  Know the 2, 5 and 10 (Plus 3 in Yr 2) times tables

·  Use a range of strategies and equipment to solve problems using the four operations x + - ÷

·  Name and describe 2D and 3D shapes and their properties.

Personal, Social & Health Education

These lessons will help pupils ‘develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain.’

Pupils will also be taught through three underlying core themes, within which there will be broad overlap and flexibility:

1.  Health and Wellbeing

2.  Relationships

3.  Living in the Wider World

Within these three core themes you will visit, investigate and teach 12 separate units, through 70 individual lessons, based upon the following areas:

Healthy lifestyles Hygiene Changing and Growing

Emotions Keeping safe Communication

Bullying Fairness Family and Friends

Money and Finance Communities

Rules and Responsibilities

Other Personal, Social & Health Education topics linked specifically to DICE topics will also be covered over the year.

For each school day we expect our children to come ready to learn by bringing in their:

·  Book bag, reading record and reading book.

·  Home learning books, including weekly spellings and times tables books.

·  Named P.E. kit, including appropriate footwear Please: no earrings on this day or have tape to cover them over.


PE: Tuesday and Thursday

·  Children need a named P.E. kit (outdoor and indoor wear will be needed.)

·  No earrings on these days please.

·  Trainers or plimsolls are needed for P.E.

·  Please ensure that your children’s kit is named.


·  Books, books and more books!

·  Reading with an adult each day at home is important for all ages.

·  Practicing spellings and times tables.

·  Topic-based Home Learning projects.

Spellings and Times Tables:

Spelling tests = Friday.

Times Tables tests = Wednesday.

Please make sure your child brings in the appropriate books on these days.


·  Make sure your child has breakfast.

·  Keep your child at home if unwell, and call school office to let them know.

·  Ensure your child goes to bed at an age- appropriate time.

·  Keep up to date with home reading.

·  Practice spellings and times tables.

·  Check your child’s book bags for information.

·  Use the local library.

·  Use the internet for research.

·  Encourage children to apply their maths, English and science skills in the wider environment outside school, e.g. reading road signs, cooking, planting.

·  Develop independence.

·  Return slips promptly to school.

A Healthy Lunch box

Just a few ideas to help keep your child’s

lunchbox in tip-top shape for a healthy lifestyle.

It’s as easy as 1, 2 and 3!