RV Promotions

Keep Your RV Safe & Working Like New

Water Heater Service $84.99
Clean & check burner; Clean pilot orifice; Clean burner tube; Adjust air flow; Check LP pressure; Check anode rod. Labor only.

Refrigerator Service $84.99
Check operation of 12v, 110v, & LP; Clean and adjust burner; Clean flue &
orifice; Check LP pressure & adjust if needed; Check for venting obstructions.
Does not include removal if necessary.

Roof Air Conditioning Service $84.99
Perform amperage test; Check & replace filter if needed; Clean coils; Clean
Evaporator. Labor only.

LP Furnace Service$133.99
Clean and check burner assembly; Clean pilot orifice; Clean & check ignition; Adjust air flow Check LP pressure & adjust if needed. Does not include removal if necessary. Labor only.

LP Leak Test$54.99
Check LP Hoses for wear; Check all fitting for leaks; Check LP bottles for date code; Inspect and adjust regulator and check all appliances for leaks.

Drain /flush all antifreeze; Connect all valves for water flow; Check for water leaks; Inspect anode rod. Fresh Water Sanitation an extra $67.99

Full Appliance Tune-up Special $498.99
Includes all of the above with De-Winterization and sanitation. If sold individually $601.93

RV Spring Inspection & Review$229.99
Check electrical system 12VDC/110VAC; Check LP system for leaks; Plumbing: Make sure water lines hold pressure @ 45 PSI & holding tanks with chemicals are ready to use; Appliances: Cycle them from being in storage for the winter;
Generator: Basic service on the generator & perform load test to guarantee it to be ready for use. We will provide a written estimate of current condition of your RV’s major components, with recommendations for any replacements or repairs necessary and estimated cost.

RV Chassis Inspection & Review $139.99 - $229.99
Class A, Class B, Class C; Change engine oil up to 7 quarts; Check transmission fluids; Brakes, Tires, Wheels; Entry Steps; Coolant level/condition; All related chassis components. Labor only. We will provide a written estimate of condition of your RV’s major components; with recommendations for any replacements or repairs necessary and estimated cost.

Generator Service $189.99
Change oil & filter; Check air filter; Check spark plug/s Clean and adjust carburetor; Load bank test. Parts are additional.

Wheel Bearing Repack for Travel Trailers & Fifth Wheels $99.99 per axle
Clean and repack wheel bearings; Inspect bearings; Inspect brakes/shoes; Inspect magnets; Replace grease seals. All parts are extra.

RV Pressure Test - SealTech $89.99
Protect your RV against costly water damage. Our state-of-the-art SeatTech machine pressurizes your RV, allowing us to find areas of possible water penetration.