California State Council

November 17, 2017

San Diego, CA

08:00- 16:30PM

David Samuelson, RN, President

Kathy Van Dusen, RN, President-Elect

Janet Williams, RN, Immediate Past-President

Lou Buell, RN, Treasurer

Linda Rosenberg, RN, Secretary

Susan Smith, RN, Director-at-Large


ENA is indispensable to the global emergency nursing community.


The mission of the Emergency Nurses Association is to advocate for patient safety and excellence in emergency nursing practice.

State Council Meeting Minutes

November 17, 2017

Members present:See sign in sheets

Guest: N/A

  1. Call to Order: 09:00
  2. Establish Quorum

Discussion/Summary:Adoption of agenda

Motion: Approval of minutes from August 11,2017 (Hold to Jan)

  1. Presidents Report (David Samuelson)
  • 2017 State Council Education Conference: Discussed successful event
  • Announced that there were no applications to be on the BOD for 2018, hence Kathy V. has appointed the positions, keeping the current BOD to serve for a second year.
  • Announcement that the BOD meeting are open to all members and encouraged anyone interested in learning about a position on the BOD to express interest and there is an opportunity to shadow a board member and learn about their role and responsibilities.
  • Reminder for all chapter presidents to enter the results of their 2018 board elections into the National ENA website and e-mail so she can also post the 2018 results on our California ENA website.
  • National “Leadership Orientation” scheduled for Jan 18-20th in New Orleans. State Council will support 1-2 board members from each chapter and pay registration plus 1 night hotel stay. Members who attend will be responsible for their own airfare & second night stay. Deadline to register is December 23, 2017.
  • Announcement that Lindsey Lawless has been appointed Social Media Specialist to expand exposure for ENA on multiple electronic sites.
  1. 2018 State Council Meeting Locations:

Jan 4-5Surf & Sand HotelLaguna Beach

Mar 20-22Hyatt HotelSacramento

May 10-11Fess ParkerSanta Barbara

Aug 9-10Sonoma LodgeSonoma

Nov8-9TBDSan Diego

  1. Treasurer’s Report


State Checking $409,998.47

State Market Savings $ 28,587.58

State High Yield Savings $ 69,291.28

Total State $507,877.33

Chapter Checking $142,177.80

Chapter Savings $ 19,661.73

Total Chapter $161,839.53

**Chapter reminder: Please submit all “Financial Reports” online monthly

  1. Membership Report: (Rosenberg)

ENA 2020 Membership Challenge-National Goal is 50,000 members by the 50-year anniversary of ENA. The membership goal for CA in 2017 is to reach 4,600.

  • California Membership as of November 2017 is 4312 current members! Keep recruiting we are almost there!
  • Please continue to recruit your nursing partners at work and new graduates to join their professional organization and get involved!
  1. Committee Reports……………………………………………………………….15 minutes
  1. Bylaws/SOP’s: Bylaws are available online at Assembly (L. Hummel):Delegate applications are online.
  2. Education Committee: (Idman-Gervais):
  1. EMS (J. Scott):
  2. ENAF (Schertz): We raised $500 today! Thank you


  1. Leadership in Practice (J. Rossie): November 17, 2017 discussion topics included review of the following clinical focus articles: • Update on Sepsis Treatment in the Emergency Department, Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal, 39(3), 176-183 ( • Stopping Sepsis at the Hospital’s Door, ENA Connection, 41(9), 19-22; • Cerebellar Stroke: A Missed Diagnosis, Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal, 39(3), 184-192 ( • Temporizing an Extradural Hematoma by Intraosseous Needle, Injury International Journal of the Care of the Injured, 48(5), 1098-1100 ( Open discussion topics of concern to attendees included thoughts on nurse patient ratios in which the nurse accepts patient assignments beyond ratios and opioid free protocols for management of pain in the ED. Participants provided insightful discussion on accepting patient assignments beyond ratios. Participants did not have experience with opioid free pain management but offered an online reference for free CEUs and training resources at Additionally, information regarding the recently passed legislation AB1048 addressing pain as a fifth vital sign was shared. Participants were encouraged to brainstorm topics for possible resolution submission. Deadline for submission is fast approaching and we would like to see California submit a resolution for General Assembly 2018. Put those thinking caps to work!
  2. ENPC /Pediatrics:Call to Order by Trez Gutierrez. Approval of minutes from August Meeting. Brandon Stinnett was announced as the 2018 Director. ENA Course Ops News: The 5th Ed. is still being worked on and will hopefully be ready by the 3rd quarter of 2018. The ENPC site on is being looked at due to difficulty in getting to the teaching slides. No unfinished business. New Business: Steven G. from UCSF Children's who was referred by John Fosio, has requested a outreach grant, this was supported by the committee. Northridge has 10 Open Table: ENPC Instructors. Keep track of lectures that you have done and enter them in Course Ops. There is a new PALS Ped tape used on certain rigs that can be custom made and replaces Broselow. Next Meeting Jan 5th 2018.

Submitted By: A. Webb

  1. EMS Commission News:

CalEMSA met September 13 in San Diego Jennifer Lim, EMSA Deputy Director of Policy, Legislative, and External Affairs, spoke about two bills that are inactive at this point but were significant and continue to be on the serious watch list for the two-year session. • AB 263 (Rodriguez) is entitled Emergency Medical Services Workers Rights and Working Conditions. It would require private employers that provide ground emergency medical services to authorize and permit its employees engaged in pre-hospital emergency services a prescribed rest and meal period. It would also require EMSA to publish an annual report containing specified information regarding violent incidents involving EMS providers. • AB 1116 (Grayson) is entitled Peer Support and Crisis Referral Services Act. It would create a Peer Support and Crisis Referral Services Program under the California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) with three separate tracks: o Fire service o Correctional officers o Rescue or emergency responders The Commission had some concern about the communication between the peer support member and the employee being confidential and not subject to civil or administrative disclosure. Data The Core Measures Report for the 2016 information will be posted soon, as will the report from UC Davis on how the Core Measures program is going. Dr. Backer felt that it is time to take a new look at the Core Measures – especially since all the providers in the state have moved over to the National EMS Information System (NEMSIS) 3.4 which gives more uniform and consistent data across the board. Data problems are now coming from the field entry level; we need to work with providers to not shortcut data entry. As they become facile in working with their ePCRs, they need to know the most important fields and the most important data to enter consistently. APOD This Commission has shown an interest in ambulance patient offload times and delays (APOD). Because of the statute and our efforts to make standardized reporting, we need to see a statewide picture of APOD. Therefore, we are going to make the argument that we need all of the local EMSAs (LEMSAs) to report this data. An EMS fellow is going to work with us to write a report on the process. The next meeting will be held on December 6. Regards, Carole Snyder, RN

  1. Government Affairs (Duke’s):
  2. Historian (C. Snyder): No report
  3. Trauma Committee:We are working on a state sponsored TNCC instructor course for the 1st quarter of 2018 in the Santa Barbra area. If you are in need of instructor courses in your area please let us know. We had discussion about STOP the bleed campaign and instructor courses as well as the possibility of pairing with the education committee to bring the course to a state meeting. We briefly discussed mass transfusion protocols and different things institutions are doing. We also spent time talking about what institutions are doing to support their ED staff that was involved in the Las Vegas shooting. It was a great discussion overall. Thank you! Submitted by Megan Duke
  4. IQCSP:

Chapter Reports……………………………………………………………….5 minutes each

1. Channel Islands #378:

2.East Bay #223: Our last chapter meeting of 2017 was held at Kaiser Richmond. We had 10 attendees present for speaker, Angela Freitas, BA MS, Criminalist from Contra Costa County Sheriff's Department, who presented Nursing Implication in Forensics. This was an interactive presentation, with many audience questions regarding forensics in the emergency department. Ms. Freitas also presented interesting case studies and how those cases impact the care in the emergency department. Charles Guerrero, from Chamberlain College of Nursing, gave a presentation about what services that Chamberlain College of Nursing provides for emergency nurses and higher levels of education. He sponsored the meeting with pizza, hot wings and cookies for dessert. The chapter discussed the 2018 election results, as well as National and State updates, and the need for a 2018 planning meeting. 2018 Election results: President: Michelle Redlo Immediate Past-President: Nancy Hiteshew President-Elect: Sarah Wells Treasurer: Louella Buell Secretary: GinelleRasch

Submitted By: Nancy Hiteshew, President

3. Greater LA #224:

4. Inland Empire #362: In the Inland Empire we have had a busy few months. Since we last met we have had numerous new members (46 since the last state meeting) and we are seeing more consistency in those that are coming out. In August we hosted a CEN review and in September a CPEN review. In October we tried a noon meeting instead of an evening meeting and we had a great turn out! We met at a local coffee shop and while we did share some updates we really just wanted to spend time getting to know our new members. Our main goal was to be available to any of the ED nurses in our community who were affected by the the Las Vegas tragedy. As a chapter we sent gourmet cupcakes to the 7 hospitals who received shooting victims during ED nurses week and spoke to their managers in offering our deepest condolences and support. For this months meeting we hosted an instructor course for Stop the bleed and had great participation and attendance. Next month on December 3rd, we will be celebrating the spirit of giving back by hosting our third annual homeless outreach in which we will pair up with a local hospital and collect and wash hundreds of blankets to pass out. Additionally pass out meals, new socks and also dog food and dog toys. Each year its been a great hit and it has been a blessing to everyone involved.

Submitted by Megan Duke

5. Kern County #442:

6. Monterey Bay #495:

7. Loma Prieta #232: We are planning the Loma Prieta Holiday Sorie for December 1, 2017. Kelly, the “Hostess with the Mostest”, is inviting us to her beautiful home. Our next regular meeting will be held on January 19, 2017. We will be focusing on plans for the upcoming year including encouraging new members and supporting existing members. Our elections were held in the fall and we elected a new board, with many “experienced” members.

Next meeting scheduled January 18, 2018. This meeting will focus on planning for the upcoming year. We are moving our Update to the winter in anticipation of encouraging an even larger attendance. For that reason, the next Update is planned for 2019. We plan to post a save the date with plenty of notice. Our last update was held on Emergency Nurses Day, October 12, 2017. We did have increased attendance, but even with a slate of truly excellent speakers, we are hoping to encourage even more participation. Happy Holidays and a wonderful New Year to all!

Respectfully submitted by Jan Ogar, RN

8. Mid-Valley #225:

9. Orange Coast #226:The OCENA Board delivered candy baskets with fliers for ENA membership application to the night shifts for the 24 hospital ERs in Orange County. We had a yoga wellness event on ER Nurses Day and had 8 in attendance. From this event we sponsored a ENA membership for the yoga facilitator who is also an ER nurse. We are planning our educational conference 08/18/18 at St. Jude Medical Center in Fullerton, CA. December 7th will be our meeting in Costa Mesa, CA at Seasons 52. We also will be having our first 2018 meeting on Janruary 9th at Orange Hill Restaurant in Orange, CA. We have 2 new chair positions to the board: Social Media Chair- Jillian Baker, and Education Chair- Jolie Hultner. We had 3 1st time board members with the new 2018 board elections. We are planning to send 4 board members to the Leaders Orientation in January in New Orleans. We ended up having 12 delegates from OCENA at the National conference, more than originally reported. We currently have 417 members and are planning to increase numbers in 2018- more to come.

Submitted by Jillian Lee

10. Sacramento #253: Since we last met at State Council Sacramento Chapter has been busy! We held a CEN review course in Roseville through Solheim Enterprises. As anticipated we received great reviews from the participants. In addition we had an education event in October with topics on Caring for the Autistic and Body Modification. Our December meeting will again be a celebration held at Tower Café on December 13. We welcome our 2018 board, Sandy Piedra President, Mary Gannon President-Elect, Shante Brown Secretary, and Andrea Perry Treasurer.

Submitted by Jeremy Elrod

11. San Diego #228: Submitted by Dianne L Idman-Gervais, RN, CEN

12. San Francisco #230: San Francisco had a successful “Trauma Con” Conference at SFGH in October. We extended it to a second day when we got Bard to sponsor an ultrasound class. They also sponsored a great a Panera lunch. And we got 6 new members who got the conference for $1 when they joined ENA. Our newest conference will be Neuro Con in the Spring. Details are still forthcoming. We probably won’t be sending a representative from our chapter to the Leadership Event in New Orleans early next year.

Submitted by Mark Wandro

  1. Superior #379-

Meeting Adjourned at 15:17pm

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CA ENA State Council BOD Minutes