Karina Flores- Director of Orchestras
Marina Glava- Assistant Director
Dear Orchestra Parents,
Please read over this handbook with your student. You and your student are 100% responsible for knowing and understanding the contents. On Thursday, August 27th your student will be quizzed over the handbook! If you have any questions or concerns please contact me immediately! EMAIL IS BEST.
There will be an Orchestra Parent Orientation at 6:30pm on Thursday, August 27th, 2008. We will discuss the school year in more depth. If you must miss this meeting, you will have access to the handbook and forms on our website, however attending the meeting is highly encouraged for your understanding of the program.
Karina Flores
Director of Orchestras
FowlerMiddle School
Orchestra Class Rules
First and foremost, creating a learning environment requires the cooperation of each and every student, each and every day. Our classroom rules are as follows:
- Get your instrument quickly and quietly. No socializing!
- Be seated and be prepared with supplies at the start of class.
- No playing instruments while tuning.
- Come prepared for class each day with:
- instrument, PENCIL, music books, and music
- Be polite to teachers and classmates.
- Raise your hand before getting out of your seat or talking.
- The teacher will dismiss the class.
- DOES NOT BRING FOOD, DRINK, or GUM to the classroom at any time.
- Obey all rules!
1. Be Responsible
2. Be Dependable
3. Be Dedicated
4. Do Your Personal Best!
Orchestra Conduct Policy
Misbehavior is not tolerated. Steps are as follows:
- Warning
- Detention with a parent phone call
- Detention, parent conference w/administrator (appropriate penalty will be discussed during conference)
FMS Grading Systems
- 50% Major Grades: which includes Tests (both playing and written) as well as concert attendance.
- 40% Daily Grades: which includes quizzes, written work, class participation (weekly positive points), major projects.
- 10% Minor Grades: which includes homework assignments and practice sheets.
*My expectation is that each student bring their homework by the proper due date. FMS handbook clearly states that a late assignment will automatically receive a 70.
*Students who display questionable behavior while in the care of a substitute teacher will be given a 0 for the day(s) in question. .
Weekly Positive Points (40%): Each student will receive a FREE 100 every week. A possible 20 points may be earned each day to receive a 100.
- 5 points will be deducted each time for misbehavior.
(A student that looses more than 20 points in one day will receive a parent phone call)
- 5 points chewing gum!
- 20 points will be deducted for that day if he/she does not have supplies ready for class (instrument, music, binder, or notebook).
Use of School Instruments
FISD INSTRUMENT RENTAL AGREEMENT: This fee is due the first week of school.
All school instruments require a signed rental agreement form along with a fee of $100 for use of “travel” instruments and $50 for “school” instruments during the 2009-20010 school calendar. Because Fowler has a limited supply of violins and violas, do not assume that the orchestra program will be able to provide you with that instrument. However, cellos and basses will be provided since they are more difficult to transport.
School instruments such as violins and violas are granted to those families in need of assistance (confidential). Please make arrangement with Ms. Flores before or during the first week of school.
At the end of the school year, all school owned instruments are turned in for inventory check, cleaning, and repair. (Your fee will cover these costs.)
**Any damage incurred to the instrument while in the possession of that student or family is the sole financial responsibility of that party if the costs exceed the $100 fee. Please act responsibly with your instrument!!!
All music issued to students should be kept in the appropriate colored orchestra binder and maintained in good condition. Music should not be loose and/or folded.
Students will be issued ONE COPY of music. If they loose, misplace, or forget their music it will be there own responsibility to replace that music. Students will not longer be able to use the office copier, and will receive 5 points off their daily points. Students will be responsible for borrowing another student’s music and making copies on their own time or at home. The parent will be contacted if the student comes to class the second day without music. If the student comes to class the third day without music, a morning detention will be issued.
Music/binder/notebook checks will be held periodically during the year to see if students have the correct music and if students are marking (only in pencil!) the music accordingly to the instructions given in class.
It is our responsibility to conserve paper and ink when we can. There is no tolerance for students who cannot following these rules.
Practice Planners
Practice will be monitored. Students will have a 6-weeks practice planner to keep record of; parents will need to sign the practice card every Monday.Students will have a practice card that they will be responsible to keep track of in their binder. Students will be questioned if their recorded practice time does not compare to the quality of their playing. Studies show that young musicians are increasingly more successful when parents are involved with their students during practice time. Practice should not be forced, but should be encouraged and seen as a personal time to become better at what you like to do!
Each student will be assigned a locker and a lock combination for that locker the first week of school. Students may not trade lockers, switch locks, or borrow supplies from another locker without asking. Students must be responsible about this rule. Students MUST keep their lockers locked at ALL TIMES except for during class. If a child looses a lock they MUST pay a $5 fee to replace the lock.A stolen lock is the result of not following rules and will be categorized as being “lost”. Students who do not follow these guidelines will receive an automatic detention, parent phone call, as well as a report to the assistant principal.
Students must have short/cut fingernails in order to play in the orchestra. Long nails will damage strings and possibly cause injury. If a student decides to get fake nails for a special occasion, they MUST be removed by the following Monday. Fingernail clippers will be provided to a student immediately if seen with long fingernails. A parent note will be needed if fake nails must stay on after Monday.
For the 2009-2010 school year, the uniform will consist of:
Formal Concert
Black Polo shirt with Orchestra Embroidery ($15)
Black Pants
Dark shoes (dark socks)
Casual Concert
Orchestra Spirit T-Shirt ($15)
No specific shoe required
Orchestra polo shirts and Orchestra t-shirts will be available for order.
Uniforms are to be worn to all concerts and performing events!
Sectionals/Extra Rehearsals
Attendance is required at all sectionals and rehearsals. Participation outside the school day is a required part of the orchestra program and grades will be given for participation and attendance. Students in Advanced and Intermediate orchestra will have one sectional per week before schoolin order to rehearse music for upcoming performances. Extra rehearsals might be scheduled before contests as needed. Beginner Orchestra will have one sectional per week before school in order to advance students on technique. Students MUST be on time for their rehearsal. This is for a grade! If a student misses their rehearsal they may make up that “0” by attending another orchestra’s rehearsal.
Rehearsals will begin promptly once school begins for region auditions!
All rehearsals will begin at 7:30am-8:10 am so that
students may attend tutorials if needed.
Please look on the website for more details on the rehearsal schedule.
Concert Procedures/ Etiquette
- Be quiet and attentive during the warm-up and the concert.
- Stay for the entire concert (This is part of the student’s grade)
- Help move equipment back to its proper place at the end of the concert. (stands and chairs to the orchestra room, etc.)
- Wear appropriate uniform (shirts must be tucked in)
While in the audience:
- Remain seated during the performance. Never leave your seat while an orchestra is performing unless it is an emergency or you are disturbing the performance (coughing, crying baby)
- Refrain from talking during the performance(5 points will be deducted from test grade each time the student is asked to stop talking).
- Turn off or switch to vibrate all cell phones and beepers.
- Clap for the performers after each song is finished (in multi-movements, we only clap at the end of the entire piece.) Catcalls, whistles, and yelling are not appropriate for a formal concert.
All-Region Orchestra
All-Region XXIV Orchestra Division is comprised of three Orchestras, which serve differing levels of experience. To participate in All-Region Orchestra, you must be selected by a panel of judges in a blind audition (judges are separated by a panel and can’t see the musician who is playing). It is a great honor to be selected for this All-Region Orchestra and everyone is encouraged to participate! All Intermediate and Advanced students will learn the music.
- Region Entry Fee is $______
- I will post a schedule for morning all-region orchestra tutorials ASAP.
- All students that participate should come to the rehearsals in order to receive the best instruction for placing in the orchestra. Rehearsal time does count toward the practice card minutes.
Music for the audition is received in August and auditions arein October. Students who are selected must attend all the rehearsals and final performance.
All Falcon Orchestra Information will be posted on the website.
It is the responsibility of the student and parent to
look on the website weekly.
The website is updated each day!
Orchestra officers are an elected leadership council. The purpose of this council is to provide assistance to the teacher and leadership in the orchestra program. The council will meet at least once a month to discuss special needs in the orchestra and provide ideas for social events.Nominations for orchestra officers will be held in mid September. Elections are done by secret ballot and only members of the orchestra body can participate. Students may run for only one office, not including social committee.
Orchestra Officer Positions:
President (1)
Vice President (1)
Historian (1 from each orch)
Librarian (1 from each orch)
Stage Crew (5)
6th grade Representative (2 low strings/2 high strings)
Social Committee (4)
As a parent of an orchestra member, you are automatically a member of the Falcon Orchestra Booster Organization. Parents will elect 1 president, 1 treasurer, 1 secretary at the first Mandatory meeting in August. Meetings will be set throughout the year in order to discuss events, finance, and concerns.
Become an FISD volunteer and you can attend any school-wide activities with the orchestra.
ALL parents will be asked to volunteer a little time to help out with the football concession stands at LibertyHigh School’s Stadium. Our first game is Tuesday, September 8. All games will be on Tuesdays from 5pm-8:30pm @ Liberty High School Football Field. Time Slots will be provided to distribute volunteer time. This year we will be asking volunteers to get “food handling” certified which will not take up much time.
Students of parents who volunteer will be granted financial aid opportunities in the program.
More info to come!
Football Dates
Sept 8, 15, 22, 29
Oct 6, 13, 20, 21, 27
Nov 3, 9
Private Lessons
Frisco ISD is extremely fortunate to have an outstanding staff of private lesson teachers. This program is designed to enrich and further the level of performance of the musician. One on one individual instruction is one of the main reasons why orchestra programs are extremely successful in Texas. Even though private study is not a requirement for participation in the musical organization, it should be noted that most orchestra students who take advantage of this excellent opportunity. It is a misconception that private lessons are for students who have “fallen behind” on their instrument. While private lessons will benefit those students, private lessons are designed and intended more for students that are advancing and proving success on their instrument. The opportunity to study with these professional musicians is invaluable and has proven to be one of the most successful ingredients to individual achievement.
Private lessons may occur before, during, or after the school day.
They are once a week for 22-30 minutes.
Responsibilities of the private lesson students and/or parent:
- Attend each lesson prepared with all supplies
- Pay for the entire month on the first lesson of the month (please pay on time. This is the only source of income for some of our teachers)
- Commit to lessons for an entire semester
- Notify the teacher if child will be absent from lesson (This includes illness, class field trips, family emergency, etc. Please call the private teacher directly. Notifying the school or orchestra teachers is not sufficient for an excused absent.)
- Unexcused absences must be paid for. Please inform teachers of conflicts at least one week in advance. Please contact teacher of illness within 24 hours.
Private lesson scholarships may be made available upon request, to the students that meet certain criteria. Please see me for scholarship information.
Private lesson teachers are available through Ms. Flores. Here at Fowler, we only provide the best teachers! Please sign up at the beginning of the school year, schedules will be made quickly and time slots will fill up fast!!!
Orchestra Handbook Acknowledgement Form
Return by Wednesday, August 26th, 2009
Print Student’s Name Orchestra Level
I have (print parent name)______received and read a copy of the 2009-2010 Fowler Falcon Orchestra Handbook, and I am aware of mine and my child’s expectations and responsibilities involved as a member of the Fowler Middle School Orchestra.
I also understand and consent to the responsibilities outlined in the District’s Students Code of Conduct. I also understand and agree that my child named above shall be held accountable for the behavior and consequences outlined in the Student Code of Conduct at school, and at school-sponsored or school-related activities. This shall include school-sponsored travel and any school-related misconduct, regardless of time and location.
Students involved in extracurricular activities are held to a higher standard of conduct. We view participation in extracurricular activities as a privilege and not a right. I understand that any student who violates the Student Code of Conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action. This includes any misconduct, regardless or time or location, which would reflect upon representing Frisco ISD in an extracurricular activity. Students involved in a major disciplinary action (i.e. including but not limiting to alcohol, drugs, and violent behavior) will be removed temporarily or permanently from extracurricular activities.
Signature of Student
Print Name of Parent/Guardian Relationship to child
Signature of Parent/Guardian Date
Fowler Falcon Orchestra Parent/Student Information
Return by Wednesday, August 26th, 2009
(Please write NEATLY)
Last Name
Grade Level
Guardian #1 Name
Guardian #2 Name
Student Relationship to Guardian #1:______
Student Relationship to Guardian #2:______
If I need to contact a parent (during school hours), whom do you prefer we try to contact first?
Sign up form
Private lessons may occur before, during and after the school day. Lessons are available to all students at a cost of $16 per person for a 24-30 minute session per week.
Parents are responsible for making payments on time. Returned checks are unacceptable and will be brought to the director’s attention immediately. Parents will need to pay for any fees given to the private teacher as a result of a returned check.
All students in the Falcon Orchestra should be in private lessons. Ask Ms. Flores about Booster Scholarship Opportunities if you should need assistance.
______I would like to enroll my child in the private lesson program.
Parent Signature______
Parent Phone ______
Parent Email ______
Student Name ______
Instrument ______
FowlerMiddle School Orchestra
Fees Sheet
Name______Class Period______Instrument______
Advanced Orchestra / Price / Paid AmountAll Region Fee / $10.00
Polo Shirt / $15.00
Spirit Shirt / $15.00
Essentials for Strings / $8.00
Intermediate Orchestra / Price / Paid Amount
All Region Fee / $10.00
Polo Shirt / $15.00
Spirit Shirt / $15.00
String Explorer Bk 2 / $8.00
Essential Techniques / $8.00
Beginner Orchestra / Price / Paid Amount
Polo Shirt / $15.00
Spirit Shirt / $15.00
String Explorer Bk 1 / $8.00
NoteSpeller / $6.00
Smart Music / $50.00
Additional Purchase / Price / Paid Amount
Suzuki Bk 1 / $7.00
Suzuki Bk 2 / $7.00
Suzuki Bk 3 / $7.00
Suzuki Bk 4 / $7.00
Suzuki Bk 5 / $7.00
Total Amount: / $
Please make out all checks to "Fowler Orchestra Booster Club"
Additional Purchase / Price / Paid Amount
School Instrument Fee / $100.00 and/or $50.00
All School Instruments Fees should be made out to: FISD Orchestra
Orchestra Booster Club meets at least once a month to discuss events and activities. The function of the Booster Club is to raise money for the students in order to assist in their success. Each parent who has a student involved in the Falcon Orchestra has a responsibility and opportunity to help raise money. Our primary goal in 2009-2010 is to raise enough money so that each child in the orchestra program can receive private lessons.