Kapitel 9 ÜbungssätzeJannach’s German for Reading Knowledge, Sixth Edition: pp. 94-95
1. Have you already been in Salzburg? This city, the capital of the federal province of Salzburg, has contributed much in recent years to the advancement of tourism.
2. The Salzburg festivals were a great success last year. Around 500,000 tourists visited the city.
3. After his eighth symphony, Gustav Mahler composed "The Song of the Earth." It is a symphony for alto, tenor, and a large orchestra.
4. AIDS (acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome) was discovered in 1980. The medical research of the nineties substantially increased the life expectancy of those sick with AIDS.
5. An effective method of treatment has been being sought for a number of years. (also: We have been seeking an effective method of treatment for years now.)
6. At the beginning of the nineteenth century a lot was heard once again about the great German mystic, Jakob Böhme. Besides the Bible, Böhme had read only several mystical writings of theosophical and alchemical content.
7. Luther had rendered a great service to the German language with his translation of the Bible.
8. A Turkish student in Germany reports: "In a strongly devout Muslim family, the word of the head of the family remains a sort of law. The foreign environment in a new homeland, for example Germany, hasn't changed this law."
9. After the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989) some named Marx and Engels "westerners" not without some justification: Karl Marx had studied first in Bonn and completed his Capital in London. Engels was born in Wuppertal into an entrepreneur family and had worked in Wuppertal and Manchester in his father's factory.
10. Marx and Engels authored The Communist Manifesto together in 1848. Engels had already met the scholar Marx in 1844 in Paris.
11. After the revolution of 1848 many German intellectuals emigrated from Germany into the United States. Marx and Engels, however, ended up in London.
12. The Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundsen sacrificed his life for his Italian rival Nobile during his search for Nobile's airship. Amundsen disappeared in 1928 at Spitzbergen.
13. He himself had flown over the North Pole with Nobile and Ellsworth in 1926.
14. In his Critique of Pure Reason Kant investigated and determined the boundaries of all human knowledge. Here (in this work) knowledge itself became the object of critique.
15. His most important philosophical works appeared in the last decade of the eighteenth century.
16. James Watt invented the first practical steam engine in the year 1765. The invention of the first steam engine made the mass production of industrial products possible.
17. The cityscape of the city of Augsburg is shaped among other things by buildings of the Renaissance period.
18. The favorable location on the trade route to Italy made Augsburg into an important commercial center already in the fifteenth century.
Jannach’s German for Reading Knowledge, Sixth Edition / ©2009
Richard Alan Korb