Kamehameha Schools – Kapälama

English 10 Course Summary

Mr. Ken Goto

School Year 2012- 2013

Available by email appointment,


In English 10 the student will continue to reinforce and add to the skills and knowledge gained in previous years. The student will apply appropriate literary terms to analyses of novels, short stories, dramas, essays, and poems. In composition, the student will continue to improve writing skills through many types of assignments, including personal narratives, the persuasive essay, the cause-effect essay, and literature based analyses. The student will also continue vocabulary study and will review basic grammar with emphasis on subject-verb agreement and pronoun reference.


The student will:

1) Identify and define the elements of the short story and novel such as plot, setting, characterization, foreshadowing, conflict, point of view, theme, symbolism, and irony;

2) Explore the characteristics and literary terms of drama through the study of selected drama

3) Identify various poetic devices, including sound devices such as rhyme, meter, alliteration, and onomatopoeia, and respond to the poet's intent;

4) Identify the author's main purpose in a non-fiction selection, provide evidence to support a generalization, distinguish between objective and subjective statements, distinguish between denotation and connotation, make inferences, and predict outcomes;

5) Understand and explain in a well-developed essay the relationship between a cause and its various effects or an effect and its various causes;

6) Select an appropriate topic for research, locate information, take notes, formulate a thesis, synthesize information and present it in the selected format, and write a bibliography;

7) Identify appropriate synonyms and antonyms for vocabulary words and use them correctly in sentence completions, analogies, and original sentences;

8)Write sentences using correct subject-verb agreement and clear pronoun reference.


Materials: Laptop, Writing instrument (pen/pencil), folder paper.

Texts: In effort to create a cost effective and “paperless” school year, we are pleased to offer you digital (electronic) texts held on the blackboard website along with class sets of instructional texts for you to borrow on loan.

*Works (as needed) A few supplemental paperbacks may be assigned to be purchased.


Kamehameha Schools provides access to many technological tools to enhance the teaching and learning process such as laptops, online resources, BlackBoard, probes, etc. We support the integration of technology as a critical component in preparing students to thrive in our global society. As appropriate to each course, teachers will provide further classroom expectations and guidelines as to the extent technology (e.g. laptops, websites, BlackBoard, etc) will be utilized for research, instruction, assessment, and communication purposes. School rules governing laptops are in effect.

STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES: (Be Prepared, Be Respectful)

Student responsibilities are very simple, and fall into two basic categories: Be prepared and be

respectful. What does this mean in the classroom? BE PREPARED: Before learning can begin, one must be prepared to learn. As such, students will come to class prepared. This means:

-Be on time, ready, and seated before the bell rings.

-Cell phones and earphones to be made invisible.

-Make your food invisible as well. If starving, you may exit the classroom to eat your food,


-Use the restroom before class begins…enter the classroom in dress code.

-Bringing your laptop and materials to class daily. (Only English materials on your desk)

-Honoring deadlines. You cannot fully participate in class discussion or activities

if you have not prepared and finished your homework prior to class.

-Saving and uploading all final drafts to blackboard and/or email. Printing assignments prior to

class. Anticipating technological set-backs and problem solving.

-Keeping up with assigned work through absences.

-Seeking help when needed, attending all assigned study sessions

BE RESPECTFUL: In order to create and maintain a safe and positive learning environment, students will be respectful at all times. This means:

-Represent yourself, family and school in a positive way.

-Be an active listener by giving your full and undivided attention to the speaker

(whether myself or your classmate). Refrain from excessive talking.

-Come to class with a positive attitude (spread “good ripples”)

-Respecting the viewpoints of others, Take care of each other, give every student their dignity,

-Following directions as given and observing general rules of accepted behavior


-Misbehavior will have an adverse effect on a student’s class participation grade.

Depending on the infraction, consequences may also include mandatory study help, a

phone call to parents, or possible detention, as outlined in the Student Handbook.


Students will engage in critical thinking and be aware of the world around them, understanding and practicing core values of:

  • Aloha (love, affection, compassion, sympathy)
  • ‘Imi na’auao (to seek enlightenment, wisdom, education)
  • Malama (to care for, to protect, to maintain, to attend to)
  • ‘Ike pono (‘Ike- to know, to see, to feel, to understand, to comprehend, to

recognize. Pono- righteous, appropriate, moral, goodness, proper, fair)

  • Kuleana (privilege, responsibility, area of responsibility)
  • Ha’aha’a (humility, humbleness, modesty)
  • Ho’omau (to perservere, to perpetuate, to continue)


Instructor will strive to understand and practice core values as well. He will communicate objectives and course expectations with students and parents. Instructor will come to school prepared and be available during non-class hours to assist each student. Instructor will treat the students with respect and will hold students accountable for behavior and work that falls short of the standards set by the school. Instructor will assist the student to reach the standards through additional support systems. Assignments will be graded (by next class session- projects and essays will take longer) and posted immediately. Instructor will be available to answer questions that the student or parent has regarding the student’s progress. The instructor will strive to provide an optimum-learning environment at all times. The instructor will honor your right to the best education without distraction, unneeded obstacles and challenges.

(I will help and support you if you are struggling. I believe that if you fail, I have failed you as a teacher. I believe in you and will never give up on you).

Note: If I am not meeting these expectations, let me know…I expect you to constantly give your best effort, therefore you should expect the same out of me. I have high expectations for you, as you should for yourself. I see the best in you and expect the best out of you!


Grading is weighted:

35%- Formal Writing (Essays, Discussion Essays, Posts)

25%- Reading Assessment

20%-Classwork: Research/Creative Projects, Group presentations, class activities

15%- Participation

5%- Vocabulary, Grammar, Literary terms

The semester final exam counts for up to 20 percent of the semester grade; each quarter’s

grade counts for at least 40 percent of the semester grade.

Students are required to keep all graded assignments in a class folder and to check KS

Connect on a regular basis.

Late Work:

Every assignment, unless otherwise specified, is due at the beginning of the class period.

If your body is on campus, your paper is due. This means NO Hale Ola Excuses. If you

know that a due date is pending, and you are sick a day or two before the due date, your

paper is still due when you return.

Late work WILL NOT BE ACCEPTEDfor “time-sensitive” assignments (Group Presentations, class work, etc) and assignments checked for completion (RR’s, Posts). I will grade what is submitted at the time it is due.

Major assignments which are weighted heavily (research/creative projects, essays, discussion essays, etc) will drop one lettergrade for the first day it is late, then score a 0% on the second day.


95/100 Essay…one day late= 85/100…two days late = 0/100.

VERY IMPORTANT: All major assignments must be completed to be eligible for a grade in the course. (If there are three essays in the semester, you must complete all three)

***ASK FOR EXTENSIONS! Mr. Goto grants extensions on assignments on a case-by-case basis. Communication is IMPERATIVE! If LIFE HAPPENS, talk to me andwe can work out options. I can’t help you, if I don’t know. Extensions are most likely given to students who ask for them prior to the due date. As in life, it is important to communicate your situation if you feel you will be unable to get the job done on time. Such responsible action is usually awarded an extension in this class, yet must be done prior to the class session. (Not all extensions are granted…)


I believe there are a variety of ways in which we participate in learning. Thus class participation is defined as actively and positively contributing to the learning environment.

Lack of participation given:

1)Excessive absences

2)Off-task behavior, including off task laptop use

3)Lack of participation during “Hoʻopāpā- Intellectual class discussion”

4)Tardies to class.

5)Infraction of basic school and classroom rules, or behavioral incident which takes away from our positive and successful learning environment

6)Missing materials: (Notebook, textbook/novel, writing instrument)

6) Unexcused “no show” for assigned study help


-Students are required to check their KS email accounts and blackboard on a daily basis.

-Laptop to be used for “academic use” only. Facebook and other electronic/computer games are off limits in the classroom.

-Students are not allowed to record (video or audio) classroom activities without prior

approval from the teacher.


Afterschool study help:

Regular days: Keoua 103

Block A, C: English Office (Smith)

Block B, D: Keoua 103

Available by email appointment,

Statement of Understanding


I have read this course summary and understand the expectations and

requirements for this course. I commit to strive for excellence in all that I do in English this year.

Student’s Name: (Print): ______

Student Signature______Period: ______


I have read this course summary and understand the expectations and

requirements for this course. I commit to support my child as s/he strives for excellence in English this year.

Parent / Guardian Signature: ______

(Please complete by______)