Board Meeting Minutes
MONDAY, November 20, 2017
Present üKelly Leach ü Anders Swenson Brigette Leach üKevin Sportel ü Bill Schultz Sarah Pion
Karl Guenther ü Cliff Lipscomb üLisa Robb
üMitch Kline Gary Barton Carl Bratton
John Cagney
Pledge The November board meeting was called to order at 8:04pm by President Kelly Leach. The meeting was held at the Kalamazoo County Farm Bureau office.
Special Travis Bartholomew announced that the road repairs are complete. He also asked the board if there
Guest were any road issues they would like to address. He also asked that the time of the board meetings
be posted on our website. Lisa will try to make that happen.
Minutes The board reviewed the October minutes. Anders Swenson made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Mitch Kline seconded the motion.
The motion was passed.
Financial The board reviewed the financial statements for October including any variances. Cliff Lipscomb
Statements made a motion to approve the financial statements as presented and to place them on file. Mitch Kline seconded the motion
The motion was passed.
Membership The board reviewed the membership list for October. Associate membership Cliff Lipscomb made a motion to approve. Anders Swenson seconded the motion.
The motion was passed.
Regional Jason Scramlin gave Sarah Pion’s report in her absence. A copy of the report is on file.
Insurance Copy of report on file.
Old The board discussed the open board seat. Lisa Robb tried to contact Chad Drobny. The number
Business we had on file was disconnected. She sent an email to the email address on file but has not gotten a response. Kelly Leach will see if she can find a phone number for him.
Kelly Leach announced that we did receive a grant from MFB for the “Wild Bill” radio ads. It wasn’t for the entire amount we asked for but it helps. She reminded the board that we are always in need of more topics and contacts. If anyone has any please pass them along to Lisa or Kelly.
The board reviewed the 2017/2018 budget. Cliff Lipscomb made a motion to approve. Mitch Kline seconded the motion.
The motion was passed.
The board discussed the Voice of Ag Conference – Anders Swenson and his wife Amber would like to attend. Anyone else interested, let Lisa know before 12/15/17.
Lansing Legislative Seminar is 2/27/17. Anders Swenson and his wife Amber would also like to attend. Anyone else interested please let Lisa Robb know.
Kelly reminded everyone that the Regional Membership Collaboration is tomorrow night at the Cass County FB Office at 6:30pm. Anyone interested is welcome to attend.
New Kelly Leach discussed the MFB Annual Meeting with the board. Attendees should have received
Business their packets from Lisa as well as their copy of the policy book from MFB. Please see Kelly when you get there for your badges.
Brandie Kline discussed purchasing the ag children books for Richland schools for K-2. They would be handed out while the MFB Ag Science Lab is there next week 11/27 & 11/28. Bill Schultz made a motion to approve. Mitch Kline seconded the motion.
The motion was passed.
There was also some discussion about helping to pay for the cost to have the Ag Science Lab come back next year.
Kelly Leach and Jason Scramlin explained that MFB would like each county to assign a Michigan Dept. of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Oversight Issue Action Team. They would like them in IMIS by 11/27/17. Lisa will add Mitch Kline, Bill Schultz, Rob Richardson, Ed Cagney, Kevin Sportel, Kelly Leach and Cliff Lipscomb.
The board reviewed the 2018 Holiday Schedule submitted by Lisa Robb. It’s the same schedule observed by MFB. Anders Swenson made a motion to approve. Kevin Sportel seconded the motion.
The motion was passed.
Jason Scramlin discussed the 2018 Take Root Conference which is on 2/26/18 (day before LLS). Anyone interested should register by 2/12/18. Lisa will also have INFORMZ email sent.
The board reviewed the committees and made a few adjustments. Lisa will make the adjustments in IMIS.
Lisa Robb and Kelly Leach worked with GTM and came up with some FB clothing and for board members or members to purchase if they like. Lisa will send the link all the board members to review. Let Lisa know if there are any other items you would like to see on the list.
The board discussed goal setting for 2018 and decided to have the goal setting meeting in January. Each board member was given a questionnaire to take with them.
Cliff Lipscomb announced that we need more lighting in the parking lot. Lisa will look into. Cliff Lipscomb made a motion that if it can be done for $500 or less go ahead and get it done. Otherwise Lisa will bring estimate to the board. Anders Swenson seconded the motion.
The motion was passed.
Bill Schultz announced he is interested in attending AFBF. Lisa will get details to him.
The board agreed to start meeting at 7pm next month rather than 8pm.
The board reviewed the CAG minutes.
Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 9:26pm.
Submitted by,
Lisa Robb, Secretary/Treasurer