Kahuku High and Intermediate School
School Community Council - Community Meeting
Tuesday, May 9th 2017
KHIS Classroom P37 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
ATTENDEES:Principal Donna Lindsey, Mrs. Kit Brizuela, Mr. Nathan James, Mrs. Tara Makaafi, , Mrs. Suzanne Reed, Mrs. Mavis Fonoimoana-Loo, Mrs. Iris Paulo, Mrs. Charity Fonoimoana, Mrs. Gisele Wong, Mrs. Lucy Moanana, Mrs Raynae Fonoimoana,Mrs. Katie Metzger and students: Ms. Zamic Sullivan, Ms. Amber Falemalu, and Mr.Talen Chappell.
Called to Order at 5:15pm / By Kit Brizuela
MINUTES / Minutes of the April 2017 SCC Meeting were read. Suzanne approved the minutes. Nathan seconded minutes. / The approved Minutes will be posted on the SCC website.
A hard copy will be posted in the front office/bulletin board by K. Metzger.
CALENDAR / KHIS School Calendar
5/10 Awards NIght
5/16 Athletic Awards Night
5/18 Graduation
5/26 Last Day of School for Students
1. SCC Nominations
2. AC Plan Review / The SCC elections are complete. The following is a list of the 2017-2018 elected board members:
- Gisele Wong
- IpoUluave
- Shelly Carreira
- Iris Paulo
- Charity Fonoimoana
- Lucy Moananu
- Mavis Fonoimoana-Loo
- Tara Makaafi
- Amber Falemalu
- Talen Chappell
Principal Lindsey explained that with the information from CNA and WASC, we are developing a data-driven culture. She asked the question of “what does alignment look like?.”
7th and 9th grade are key transition years. The 12th graders are well-tracked; much effort is made so seniors stay on track to graduate. Principal Lindsey would like to see this start much earlier.
1. SCC Mini Orientation
- SCC Assurances
- Think Tank Overview
Principal Lindsey welcomed new SCC Board members and thanked current members for their participation and dedication. She explained how challenging it can be to get feedback from the various role groups and encouraged the new reps to reach as many people as possible.
She gave an overview of the Academic Plan and provided a summary of the 2017-2018 topics covered by the SCC including, lock-out, waivers and parking issues.
The SCC Assurances have been submitted.
Principal Donna Lindsey answered questions and provided details about the Think Tank. One member from each department is included on the Think Tank Team as well as Steering Committee and principal. Recent topics included absenteeism and advisory class.
Regarding absenteeism, 7th grade and freshman students are important target groups. Unsurprisingly, studies show that absenteeism is connected to failing grades and reduced graduation rate. Principal Lindsey would like to start the school year with a plan in place with enhanced back-up by admin. The 3 day rule for parent note to explain excused absence is not working. Suggestion to have parent notes emailed to attendance clerk is an option Principal Lindsey is considering. Attendance clerk would have to have a distinct email address setup for just this purpose.
In regards to advisory period, Principal Lindsey explained how the strengths outweigh the challenges. As it stands, advisory class is not being utilized to its potential. Some teachers are using it as a study period and some subs don’t know the purpose or plan for advisory. The Think Tank team discussed ways to beef up advisory and use it as a time to celebrate achievements in addition to assemblies. Principal Lindsey suggested planning a calendar that coincides with national themes (i.e. suicide prevention, drug awareness, etc). Ideally for middle school students, advisory would meet every day. Data shows that advisory is most effective when the class meets daily.
ROLE GROUP REPORTS / 1. Certificated Staff: None
2. Classified Staff: None
3. Student Representative: Sadie Hopkins Dance Friday, Friday, May 12
4. Parent Representative: Many parents are attending the end of year AVID celebration
5. Community Representative: None.
6. Principal:
- Would like to have all dances scheduled on calendar in advance for 2017-2018 school year.
- Considering a call-in hotline for students. Currently researching how other schools are handling it.
EVALUATION OF MEETING / This meeting was well-attended with every role group present! It was a pleasure to host the members for next year and get to know everyone.
NEXT MEETING / August 9, 2017
ADJOURNMENT / The Meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm.
REFRESHMENTS / Refreshments provided by Katie Metzger / Mahalo!!
Minutes taken by: Katie Metzger 5/9/17