Kadena Officers’ Spouses’ Club
Membership Application 2013-2014
Please print clearly! - All information will be entered into the directory as written
Applicant’s Name: New Membership Renewal
Home Address: .
Mailing Address: .
Home/Local Phone #: Birthday: .
Email Address: DEROS: .
Sponsor’s Name, Rank & Organization: .
Bunko Crud Tennis Diving/Snorkeling
Mah Jongg Supper Club Golf Bridge
Scrapbooking Play Group Lunch Bunch Other (please specify):______
Previous Assignment: Hometown: .
Hobbies/Special Interests: .
We would like to know you better! Please share your OSC history with us, including previous board & committee experience(s):
Would you be interested in serving on the KOSC Board? Yes No Which Position? .
Would you be interested in volunteering at the Gift Corner? Yes No
§I understand that my name will be published in the KOSC membership directory for members’ use only (Please place an “X” next to any information that you prefer NOT to have published in the annual membership directory.
§ Applications may be returned to the Kadena Gift Corner or mailed to: ATTN: KOSC/BLDG 160 Unit 5149 Box 10 APO, AP 96368
§Dues are $35.00/year (1 June 2013 – 31 May 2014). Any member who joins KOSC after December of the current board year will pay prorated dues in the amount of $17.50. KOSC dues cannot be refunded. Please make your check payable to “KOSC General Fund”. For more information email:
Kadena Officers’ Spouses’ Club Constitution Article 9/Dissolution
In case of dissolution of the organization, whatever funds are contained in the treasury at the time will be used to satisfy any outstanding debts, liabilities, or obligations. The remaining of the assets will be disposed IAW 34-223, by donating to a charitable institution decided upon the majority vote of the members. In the event the association is dissolved and liabilities exceed assets, all members equally assume the liabilities to the extent recognized by law. Each prospective member will be informed that they may become personally liable, to the extent recognized by law, for the debts of the association. Should KOSC decide to disband or shutdown IAW AFI 34-223, its officers will notify the Force Support Squadron Commander or Division Chief of their intent to dissolve the private organization and will prepare a time phased action to do so.
For Administrative Use Only
· Database Dues Collected______Cash Check #____
· Welcome Date______New Renew
· Sakura Hail