DRAFT Minutes

Telephone: (302) 577-5030

Fax: (302) 577-3440

Summary Minutes

Juvenile Justice Advisory Group

Juvenile Civil Citation Work Group

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

New Castle County Courthouse

12th Floor Conference Room

500 N. King Street

Wilmington, DE 19801


Members included Commissioner Dawn Williams (Family Court), Lisa Minutola, Esq. (OPD),Katie Kenney (DYRS), Melody Caulfield (Family Court),Meta Brown (for Chief Judge Chandlee Kuhn), Kit Lunger, Esq. (OPD), Mark Conner, DAG (DOJ), Chief Christine Dunning (WPD), Bob Dunleavy (DPBHS), Donna Pugh (DCJ),and Kathleen MacRae (ACLU)

CJC Staff:Terica Jones, Drew Fennell, Chris Kervick, Ron Keen

The meeting opened at 10:00 A.M.

  1. Welcome and Introductions

Co-Chairs of JJAG JCC Work Group introductions and provision of a brief overview of their prior work with the subject matter. Attendees went around them room and introduced themselves.

  1. Brief History and Explanation of Civil Citation in Delaware

An overview of prior efforts of the Juvenile Justice Collaborative (JJC) was provided by Donna Pugh (DCJ) along with discussion of other efforts within the state. In addition, the purpose of Juvenile Citation in the state was discussed including potential advantages and benefits of this effort. As her funding encourages the advocacy and support of these efforts, Donna Pugh offered to assist with any research and support she could provide to the Work Group.

  1. Moving Forward with Civil Citation

There was a brief discussion of challenges that have arisen over the past several years that this effort has been in motion. Ownership of the initiative, the necessity of a Civil Citation Center and its feasibility were some of the items examined. In addition the upcoming possibility of a Community Court process in Delaware was discussed and its potential impact on the efforts of this work group was mentioned.

It was determined that work groups originally established by the JJC would be reestablished.

  1. Establishment of Subcommittee Work Groups

There will be three subcommittee work groups (eligibility, process/sanctions and community program services). A list of the work groups and members was distributed. The Co-Chairs requested that an agency representative be identified and that they be notified by October 7, 2013. In addition they informed the group that chairs for each subcommittee would be assigned by the Co-Chairs.

The eligibility subcommittee will focus their attention on eligible offenses. The process/sanctions subcommittee will focus on the legal and systemic process. At some point, this group may need to be split into two. The community program services subcommittee will focus on updating the list of available services. A 4th legislative subcommittee will not be necessary at this point but may be convened at a later date.

The Co-Chairs requested that each of the work groups meet once prior to the next scheduled meeting of the JJAG JCC Work Group. They also asked that the Eligibility Subcommittee work on an expanded list of eligible charges by the next meeting. Completion of this list was not guaranteed but it was confirmed that it would be discussed. The member agencies were urged to incorporate counterparts from all counties in an attempt to ensure statewide representation for discussions.

  1. Meeting Schedules for Work Group and Subcommittees

Discussion regarding preferable meeting dates/times for the Work Group was held. It was determined that while Tuesday mornings were not ideal, Wednesday mornings or Friday mornings/early afternoons would be workable. The Subcommittees were encouraged to establish their own schedule as long as at least one meeting occurs prior to the next Work Group meeting.

V1. Next meeting Date

The next meeting will be tentatively held on November 22nd in Dover. The time and location have yet to be determined. A meeting notice will be sent once they are confirmed.

VII. Questions and/or Comments

An M.O.U. was discussed between law enforcement and the DOJ of eligible offenses. In addition, a Work Group member encouraged the group to consider close coordination between the services and the process to ensure communication and work flow.

An implementation timeframe was discussed with 6-12 months deemed feasible. This will be dependent on the time it takes to update the list of eligible offenses.

Rotating meeting locations were discussed to ensure statewide participation in this effort.

Chris Kervick (CJC) offered to work with the Police Chief’s council to identify potential work group members and to utilize the Chief’s Council meetings to maintain the involvement of law enforcement personnel. He offered to get on the agenda to disseminate information when it becomes appropriate.

Lisa informed the Work Group that she has contacted the director of the Statistical Analysis Center for detailed information regarding juvenile arrests, charges, multiple charges, etc. to assist with the structuring of this Civil Citation effort.

  1. Adjourn

Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 A.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Terica Jones

Criminal Justice Council