August 26, 2014

Chairman Gary Miller called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. The following Board members were in attendance: Chairman Miller, Supervisor Mueller, Clerk and Treasurer. Supervisor Averbeck was called out of town last minute and unable to attend.

Minutes from the July meeting were read. Motion was made by Mueller / Miller to approve the minutes as read. Motion carried 2-0.

Dave Tellock and Adam Timm of Advanced Disposal spoke on the proposal offering the Town uniform garbage and recycling containers at no charge, as part of a process of switching over to an automated system of collection. All residents will get two 90-gallon containers, one for garbage and one for single-stream recycling. Garbage collection will remain on the same scheduled date as the current calendar. Recycling will change to every other week. Single-stream recycling means that all recyclables and paper products will be in one container. There were several questions from those in attendance, some about replacing dumpsters and the cost of doing so. It was explained that dumpsters will likely be exchanged if they are in disrepair or if wheels break, which can happen. If a dumpster is damaged as a result of negligence, there may be a cost to the resident for a new container, running in the $55-$65 range. Plan Commission Chairman Carlton Kastorff expressed concern about the elderly and some of the residents that have very long driveways. He also suggested that the town offer bulky pick-up once or twice a year. Others agreed that bulky waste pick-up or a drop site should be offered, possibly once in the spring and once in the fall. LeVerne Wenker expressed his opposition to the new system, stating that he does not like the idea of having to retrieve the containers after collection and the problem of having them sitting along the road in the winter when plowing is needed. He likes to take his bags to the roadside and not have to go back for a dumpster. Dave Tellock explained that the containers are large enough where they would not necessarily have to be taken out every week, especially in the winter. They could hold enough to sit for a couple weeks at a time. Further discussion followed. A motion was then made by Miller / Mueller to change over to the automated system, effective November 1st, allowing enough time for Advanced to draft notices to residents, get the dumpsters prepared and distributed. Motion carried 2-0. Dave Tellock asked if anyone knew of groups or organizations that would like to help out with the distribution in order to raise some money. Advanced would pay them for the time they help out.

A request for a rezone of property owned by Joe and Abby Kopf was reviewed. The Plan Commission has tabled action and will be further considering the application at a hearing on September 15th, therefore no action can be taken by the town board at this time. A motion was made by Mueller / Miller to table any action on this matter at this time. Motion carried 2-0.

A request for a rezone on property owned by Forrest Hackbarth was reviewed. The Plan Commission has made a recommendation to rezone 3.295 acres of parcel #T07-16-16-15-04-001-00, from A1 Exclusive Ag to A2 General Ag, following a public hearing held on August 19th. A motion was then made by Miller / Mueller to rezone the 3.295 acres to A2 General Ag, as recommended by the Plan Commission. Motion carried 2-0.

A motion was made by Mueller / Miller to table action on a Certified Survey Map for Joe and Abby Kopf. Motion carried 2-0.

A motion was made by Miller / Mueller to approve and sign a Certified Survey Map for Forrest Hackbarth, splitting 3.295 acres plus 0.178 acres of road right-of-way dedication, from parent parcel #T07-16-16-15-04-001-00. Motion carried 2-0.

Chairman Miller reported that Jim’s County Line Bar has passed a final inspection by the Fond du Lac County Health Inspector. There were some issues with the condition and cleanliness of the place that have been addressed. The condition has greatly improved.

The board reported that there are still some issues with the locks at the fire station and town garage. Block has replaced some of those that aren’t working but they still don’t last and even the replaced ones fail after some time. Discussion followed and a motion was made by Miller / Mueller to gather more information on other types of locks and systems and get some bids on replacing them with something more practical. Motion carried 2-0.

Plan Commission report – Carlton Kastorff reported that the next meeting will be September 15th, with a public hearing for Joe Kopf followed by a regular meeting of the Plan Commission. They will be working on reviewing ordinances and getting a Code of Ordinances organized. They will also be looking into burning restrictions, as suggested by a few residents of the town.

Highway report – road work has been completed for this season and Joe is doing another round of mowing.

Fire Department report – Toby Hass reported the #527 and #526 pumps are getting tested this week. There should also be some info on new air packs by the next board meeting. No other issues to report.

Mark Isaac reported that the Lions Club is doing work on the landscaping at the ball diamond, replacing the old timbers with layered stone. The cost will be around $7000 and the Lions would like to have the town pay for the initial billing to save on sales tax. The Lions will reimburse the town for the cost.

Monthly bills were approved and paid.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Lori Linger, Town Clerk