Jury Message for the week of April 20, 2015 to April 24, 2015.

We have a jury trial on Tuesday next week.

The following jurors must report for jury duty Tuesday, April 21, 2015, at 8:45 a.m. If your name is listed here, call the jury telephone line or check the jury website on Monday evening, April 20, 2015 for further information regarding the Tuesday’s jury trial.

Barbara Allen, Charles Axtell, Matthew Bosler, Tamara Brown, Christa Brumley, Charlie Cady, David Carter, Joe Chamblee, David Clark, Bobby Flavell, Stanton Gaylord, Kevin Gragg, Andrew Grimes, Jeffrey Gruntmeir, Melissa Hall, Julie Hamill, Sheri Harting, Amber Hatcher, Teresa Holder, Nicholas Hollman, Mackenzie Holyoak, Shawn James, Jennifer Lacy, Justin Linsenmeyer, Lance Martin, Christopher McCoy, Catherine McCutchen, Nicholas McKnight, Kathleen Myers, Jackie O’Kelley, Clifford Palmer, Dwayne Parker, Jacob Penrod, Brittany Perry, Adrienne Puente, Karen Rakes, Cindy Robbins, Tammy Robinson, Michael Rose, Brittnee Rosser, Adrieanne Sanogo, Kathryn Sewell, Roger Smith, Carol Solick, Cynthia Turner, Kyle Wanless, Gregory Ward, Benjamin Way, Tim Wheatley, Zachary Wilson

All jurors shall check the jury website or call 405 372 4855 on Thursday, April 23, 2015 to check for trials set the week of April 27, 2015 to May 1, 2015.

If your name is listed above you must report for jury duty. Failing to report when your name is called places an undue hardship on the litigants and your fellow jurors who do report when summoned. If you have questions, please call 405 372 4855 during business hours or email me at .

We have a new jury panel report on May 4, 2015, and you will serve until that day. Each time you are required to come to the courthouse for jury duty, please come to the court clerk office, Room 207. We will check you in and direct you to the judge and court room where the trial will be conducted. You are paid $20.00 for each day of service and you receive mileage at the rate of $.56 per mile each time you come to the courthouse for jury duty. If you receive parking citation from the City while you are at the courthouse serving on jury duty, please bring the citation to the court clerk at Room 207. We MUST return these citations to the City or you may receive “failure to pay-bench warrant” letter from the City. When you come to the courthouse for jury duty, please wear business casual clothing. Do not wear shorts to court. Do not bring food or beverage into the courtroom. Turn off all electronic devices before entering the courtroom.

We sincerely appreciate your service to our court and community.

Lori Allen

Payne County Court Clerk

Suite 206, Payne County Courthouse

606 S Husband Street

Stillwater OK 74074

405 372 4774