JuniorPre-Race Checklist

Two days before your race have the following items packed in your equipment bag:
Item / OK / Item / OK / Item / OK
Your Racing Licence / Sunglasses / Helmet
Jersey/Skinsuit (and spare) / Undershirt / Gloves (long and short)
Overshoes / Socks / Change of clothes (after race)
Cycling Shoes / Walkman/I-pod / Towel
Tights (if required) / Water bottle/Sport Drink / Race Food
Arm Warmers (if required) / Heart rate Monitor/Strap / Overnight clothes (if required)
Warm Up Jacket / Tools & Parts / Personal care items
Spare Wheels (if required) / Trainer/Rollers (if required) / Blanket
After packing your equipment bag, do the following with your bike:
Item / Checked
Check the drivetrain completely and test to insure everything is working properly.
Check the front and rear race wheels to be used.
Check the tyres for cuts, bald spots, tears, bulges, debris stuck to surface and tyre pressure.
Check headset, stem and seat post and road test any adjustments.
Check all spare race equipment to be used.
Put a spare tyre, tube, glue, tyre pump, patch kit, and tyre levers with the race wheels.
The day before the Race:
Item / Checked
If you are staying at a hotel, be sure to check in as early as possible and visit the track if possible.
Fill two water bottles with a sports drink and place them in the refrigerator or cooler.
Write down your three pre-race goals.
Review the details of the velodrome, race distances, times, teammates, opponents and weather predictions.
Go to bed early enough to get a good night of sleep.
Dream of performing at your very best.
The day of the Race:
Get up early enough to eat properly.
Pack all items into your vehicle and double check
Take the water bottles out of the refrigerator and put them in your car
Take your prerace goal and read them
Leave early enough to arrive 2 hours before the start of your race.
If you are not pre-registered, register, get your race number and timing device (if applicable)
Check the roster to determine who is in your race.
Locate a suitable place on the velodrome infield to set up your equipment and trainer/rollers
Pin your number onto your jersey or skinsuit, fit the timing device to your bike and re-examine the velodrome.
Locate your coach and teammates to discuss the race plan.
Prepare your bike and set it up on your trainer.
Change into your race clothes and stretch completely, while drinking your sports drink.
Do a complete warm-up that ends as close to the start time of your race as possible.
Review your pre race goals and then go to the start with a relaxed mind and prepared body.
Race to the best of your ability for that day and accept the results, whatever they may be.
Cool down properly, stretch completely and change out of your race clothes.
Go to where ever the race results are posted and record your performance.
Return your number and timing device (if applicable) to the Officials
Make sure you get your licence back from the Officials
Have your coach handle any problems.
Begin eating and drinking within 20 minutes of the end of your race.
Review your pre race goals and record how successful you were in each. Go and relax.