June 2, 2015__ENTRY 9 Comparison and Contrast
SINDI FAISAL 22130444 250495
4609 dover hills Drive apt 301
June 2, 2015__ENTRY 7:Description and Narration Prewriting
My son
My wife
I amSparrows
Was the voice of the trees when the air come and falling leaves beautiful voice enters my mind and stay in my ear, and when the rain comes and the smell of the trees after the meter and then I take the leaves taste it, touch it and I feel I’m in in another world. At the bottom of the mountains the river and wonderful sweet voice, smell that emanates from within and fish out of it and then drink and taste the excellent flavor, swimming with the fish and touch it.
Compare: at the bottom of mountains it was snow on it I feel it is like I was on the top of mountains ski from the top of the mountain to the river. Swimming with the fish they were fast, and I try to follow them I want to know where are they going.
Narrate: the green land with the red flowers the sky is blue and a lot of clouds. The mountains are white and green the trees leaves fly with the wind.
Scene:I take this photo in the Germany when I was on vacation with my family.
Key action:when we saw the high place we decided to take the picture.
Key participants: I’m who take depicted the picture I put it automatic.
Key lines of dialogue: we talked about the place my wife said wow this is what are I’m talking about, and then we take a photo, and I was saying I’m so happy to find this place.
Feelings: we were laugh because we were happy and enjoyed our time.
SINDI FAISAL 22130444 250495
4609 Dover Hills Drive Apt 301
June 2, 2015__ENTRY8 :Description and Narration
Write: Like every year, on every vacation travels to Europe or Africa. But this time we decided to go to East Asia. Specifically to Indonesia it the magic of Asia as they say about her. When I read about Indonesia, I did not expect to be this magician beauty. When we arrived on the first day, we were very surprised the place is beautiful, and the people were friendly. My wife was in a hurry because she wants to discover the place trees and rivers surrounding each area. We were slept on the airplane, so I agreed with my wife and decided to go out. I was thinking to go to the special place, so I asked the people there, and they told me about some village out of town.
We went to that location, and when we arrived we were extremely surprised or shocked. We could not believe that place here. The water was flowing from the top of the mountain and birds everywhere and roses on the outskirts of the area. The land haven rows of green and yellow sun on a bright and cheerful voices songbirds and wild animals were added to the view. I was rambled and carried my patience, and the reward my steps on Showers and between tall trees uprooted my mind. On this green plain adorned with brilliant colors like those roses panel color manipulation artist to become a landscape of great beauty. There is not the coolest view of the gardens that fill different types of flowers and roses charming colors and pools of clear water and the sounds of birds and butterflies ornate.
I saw from afar those majestic mountains wears the white hats with sometimes clouds and rain at other times. We take pictures that we enjoyed in this fascinating view, and we stay until the medal of the night because we want to see the light and the stars. Moonlight Reverse his light on the beautiful river and the stars were shining. It was quiet and light wind the sky bright view of the stars. It was the best trip we went and the best view I have ever seen. If you ask me do you want to go again, I will see yes I’m going there again and again.
Reflect: no not everything but it is telling the most of event. The water was flowing from the top of the mountain and birds everywhere and roses on the outskirts of the place. Yes, it worth because the image tells the same Beautiful Nature.
June 2, 2015__ Entry 9: Comparison and Contrast
• Who want to go play soccer today
• Baby when you finish your classes
• I will write today essay about my vacation
• Omar does you want to come with me today we need to go to Chicago my friends will arrive today
• My name is Faisal my account is 2233995647 my address is 4609 over hills DRIVE apt 301 I want to let you know the electricity cut and we need to know what happens.
• Hi, my name is FAISAL SINDI my student id 22130444 I just want to know how to open the study guide for English Composition because I could not open it thanks.
• Hi my mother can call me now I missed you and my son missed as well
• Hi can you give me some information bout the car
• I'm so sad because my team it is just lost the game
• I'm going to talk today about the sport and how is important in the life
• My mother
• My instructors
• My friends
• The Consumer Energy Company
SINDI FAISAL 22130444 250495
4609 Dover Hills Drive Apt 301
• Who want to go play soccer Today __ my friends
• Baby when you finish your classes__ my wife
• I will write today essay about my vacation __my collage
• Omar does you want to come with me today we need to go to Chicago my friends will arrive today_ Omer, my friend
• My name is Faisal my account is 2233995647 my address is 4609 over hills DRIVE apt 301 I want to let you know the electricity cut and we need to know what happens__ energy company
• Hi my name is FAISAL SINDI my student id 22130444 I just want to know how to open the study guide for English Composition because I could not open it thanks__ student care
• Hi my mother can call me now I missed you and my son missed as well__ my mother
• Hi, can you give me some information bout the car __client
• I'm so sad because my team lost the game __ twitter
• I'm going to talk today about the sport and how is important in the life__ essay to my instructors
June 2, 2015__Entry 10: Definition
Define: Plagiarism is a stolen work of someone else or someone else essay, and this thing has spread at present because there is information in the Internet the student can use it. There are laws to punish plagiarism, but in my opinion should be more efficient to student know that’s Mistake does not is forgiven. I believe that meaning plagiarism is a lack of confidence if you are a writer or a scientific researcher or a poet too. As the reader, I will not trust you anymore and as students will be exposed to punishment. For me, the plagiarism meaning is copy and past the information it is not belong to you or idea for someone else. Plagiarism has a lot of meanings to been shortened take effort others.
Reflect: this knowledge affected to me so be more attentive and did my work on my own. Taking the sources from the right place helps me to take the correct information. I must work more and be more effective to create my idea, not one else idea. Innovation idea and write it in my way makes me a successful writer. The trust is the most important to me as the writer to build the confidence to my audience. This knowledge lets me follow the handbook for the college and It is made me a good writer. I benefited a lot from this word (plagiarism), and I will be affected in this coursework and another course as well.
June 2, 2015__Entry 11: Cause and Effect
• Promotion in my job
• High salary
• Beneficial knowledge
• For my family
• Improve the social situation
• Improve my skills in writing and reading
Have affected my studies at the moment made me more development of and gained the skills to write and corrected a lot of information, also developed my linguistic skills or scientific terms.
In the future will give me the ambition to supplement studies. Give me the best of my career and take Promotion. The most important thing is beneficial knowledge. I give my family the same motivation to supplement the study, especially my son.
Promotion in my job for high salary also it gives me beneficial knowledge. Let my family proud of me. Improve the social situation Improve my skills in writing and reading. Knowing the origin of everything, frees the minds of restrictions, open minds of illusions, manages the movement of production administers the wheel Renaissance.
A- In the future will give me the ambition to supplement studies.
B- Give me the best of my career and take Promotion.
C- I give my family the same motivation to supplement the study, especially my son.
Have affected my studies at the moment made me more development of and gained the skills to write and corrected a lot of information, also developed my linguistic skills or scientific terms education is the basis of urbanization and development, is the foundation of prosperity Nations. The Education gives us the culture of the different life. Education is the best thing a person does in his life.
June 2, 2015__Entry 12: Evaluation
I have been developed in this unit, especially in the essay. I learned many new ways to write an essay. Also, I learned some essay skills that gave me excellent Opportunities in the future. I also learned how do I write the journal in the right way and simple. If I take other courses, it will be easy for me because I had the background for this methods. Each method essay benefited for me so much in the future helps me in my work for writing articles. Important for me is how to learn to write, and this thing is that I have benefited from it. In the future, I can be a professional writer or teaches writing and methods to my friends or my family or any student want help to learn this skill. In my work, I can also use these skills in write official letter to the companies and the employees or my boss.