Pastor Charles Holmes



E-47 Look what taken place with that. And that was only preparing for this. They went out into dark ages, fifteen-hundred years. Wish we had time, but we're pressed. I want to get out at twelve.

And notice. At... Coming through there in the dark ages... Wish we had time to go into the time, what happened in the time of Wesley and Luther, that sixth time that there was a change come, when the church was liberated from darkness and was brought into the marvelous light of the Gospel again. Signs and wonders... Oh, God, how I know men stood and Divine healing, and signs and wonders took place. It was between the sacrifice and the second coming. And look what taken place then. When John Wesley preached the Gospel, he was kicked out of churches and things, until people fell in the floor and they poured water in their face, didn't know what was the matter with them, fainting under the power of the Holy Ghost. Signs, and wonders, and miracles, and healings took place.

E-48 Now, brother, sister, listen. What's taken place now? We're at the end time. We're going into the Millennium. Every hand pointing that way. The old clock's ticking away about two minutes till midnight. Omnipotence is speaking. Angels are appearing. Prophets are coming. Prophets are prophesying; visions are being poured out upon your...?... The Gospel's being preached; the sick's being raised up; the blind sees; the deaf hear; the devils are raging; impersonators, Jannes and Jambres, are here. But Omnipotence speaks. Hallelujah. We're in the last day. We're at the junction.

Men's hearts are failing for fear, perplexed of time, distress between the nations. The earth's getting so nervous, till it's bursting forth earthquakes everywhere. Jesus said it would be that way. There'll be earthquakes in divers places. What's the matter? The earth knows she's doomed. She's nervous. The world's nervous. But the church is rising in the Gospel, tucked away with security. "He that cometh to Me, I'll in no wise cast out." Hallelujah.

E-49 Except a man be borned of water and Spirit, he won't enter the Kingdom. In the Kingdom you got God's seal of approval: the Holy Spirit in your heart. Let the waves ride wherever they want to. The times are getting worse. Omnipotence is arising. The impersonators are trying to act like it. And all kinds of things are trying to do this. And the Bible said that great final impersonator would rise up yonder and set on seven hills; he'd wear a triple crown, and he'd give power and have power, even so much as to make fire come down out of heaven in the presence of the people. He would do all of that, all of that in the last days.

And how that they'd stand and impersonating people, bowing at shrines of dead people and everything, and rubbing bones and everything. But while they're rubbing bones and bowing their shrines, Omnipotence speaks and the miraculous takes place. If there's a bunch of nonsense, but the church is growing. Great healing revivals all over the country. Signs and wonders are going everywhere. Angels are appearing to people. Signs and wonders are here.

E-50 What is it, friends? We're at the end time. We're at the junction. "Lift up your head," He said, "your redemption's drawing nigh." You see what I mean? The junction time? "And it shall come to pass," saith God, "in the last days I'll pour out My Spirit; your sons and daughters shall prophesy." Prophets promised. "Your young men shall see visions, and I'll show wonders in the heavens above." Flying saucers and everything, great distress. And the earth will be shaken with divers--big earthquakes will be coming, and great volcanics will take place, and great troubles and distress between the world. The nations will be trying to find peace with a knife behind their back; they'll be troubled in everywhere: all these things. And men shall grow worse and worse. "And when the enemy comes in like a flood, I'll raise up a standard against it...?... God. The junction time, the end of the road...

Africa is a roaring with a big healing meeting, signs and wonders appearing, all around the world, everywhere. What is it? The junction time, the end time.

E-51 Horseless carriages go jostling through the broad ways. All these different things He said: The daughters of Zion, how they dress and walk, how that homosexuals and different things would appear. How perversions... Men would be given over to strong delusions and all such things as that, how to be heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, truce breakers, false accusers. And some of these days, may dear brother, Jesus will come. And those who are hammering away at what they call fanaticism today, to believe in the old fashion Gospel of Christ and the Omnipotence speaking and miraculous taken place, He said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. In My Name, they'll cast out devils, speak with new tongues, or take up serpents, or drink deadly things it wouldn't harm them. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover. These things that I did so will you; I'll be with you always, even to the end. When these things begin to appear, lift up your head, your redemption's drawing nigh."

E-52 You see, friends? Just as it was in the days of Noah, in the coming of the Son of man, so is it in the days of the delivering of Israel. So is it the Son of man at the cross. So are we at the junction. God always shows the miraculous, does great signs and wonders: heals the sick, raises the dead, casts out devils, great revival spirits, signs in the heaven, and on earth, distress between nations. We're at the junction.

What's the next thing? Jesus Christ shall come again the second time in glory to receive all those who are dead in Christ and alive in God. God will bring every one with Him. And the meek shall inherit the earth and the great Millennium will set in, and there'll be no more war. They'll stack their arms and mold their--their spears into pruning hooks and plowshares and so forth; and nation shall not raise up sword against nation any more, and neither will there be any more sickness, will there be any more trouble, will there be any more heartache, but there we will live in His Presence here forever and forever. And all these signs and things, we're at the junction. We're at the end road.

E-53 I'm so happy today to know that in Christ Jesus I have anchored my soul in a haven of rest. I'm so glad to see God in His holy Word, performing and giving signs and wonders, and to know that today before my little church here, that I'm able to say this as I did before I went forth the other time, "You shall see the great noble power of Almighty God in that omnipotent miraculous power that'll do the exceedingly abundantly above all that we have ever thought or believed, standing right at the door now, and you see it vindicated right through your own church door, here." So my dear little friends, don't you never let down on Christ. You live...?... lift up your voice and hold holy hands to God. And if the church, anything, starts this way, that way, or people talk and say this, don't pay any attention to it. Keep your heart single on the cross and Christ and live for Him. God grant it to you. We're at the junction, the crossroad.


E-28 Man ought to take consideration. He thinks people... We walk around here on the streets here in Sturgis, and all other cities of the world, as if we were going to live here forever, not knowing what time God will require our soul in--in a spare of a moment. Oh, we should take inventory and check up quickly. And when we see the time a coming...

One night this week, or the Sunday afternoon, I want to speak on this junction time and prove that these great signs and wonders that you see taking place now is only the indication of the end of this age, and the setting in of the Millennium. That's right. By God's Word proves it and that makes it right. Amen.

E-29 Don't mean to yell at you; these things are kind of, got a big voice. Notice...

Fellowship, God wanting to fellowship with man, always wanted to do it. The Old Testament, all of it was full of the shed blood. "Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin." And where there's no remission of shin--sin there's no fellowship. You've got to get away from sin before you can every have fellowship with God, 'cause God can't fellowship with sin. So you're borned a sinner, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies, and how can you ever do it? You just might as well quit right now to begin with. You can't do it within yourself, but there is One Who died to bring you to fellowship, back not only to fellowship, but relationship with God, to make you sons and daughters of God. Died for that purpose, come here, proved Hisself Emmanuel, omnipotent. And when an Omnipotent speaks, the miraculous happens.


E-59 Notice, but as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man: eating, marrying, giving in marriage, scoffers, and all these things. We're living at the end time. Signs and wonders begin to appear right amongst those people. Prophets come. And we're told by God's Word before the end time, prophets shall arise again: "Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy." Is that right? Certainly they will.

And then it's also predicated there also, said "Your young men shall see visions." People call it mental telepathy. They call it everything. And call you... And Jesus said if they call the master of house Beelzebub, how much more will they call them that's His disciples. We're living in the end time. That's what we are. We see these things: a junction time.

E-60 Notice, after the antediluvian destruction, the world was wiped off, and God started from the chaos of that time and begin to rebuild again. Men finally become lovers of themselves; had great judges and so forth, and begin to look to the things of the world, and to explain the preachers of the ministers of those days, "Aw, them days is all past; there's no such a thing any more."

And the first thing you know, they come down to the time that when Israel had went plumb down into Egypt, and was down there for four hundred years... The leading nation of the world, because of sin and unbelief had been brought down, because they wouldn't trust God and was in Egypt because God's Word said they'd be, promised to Abraham. That they would be. And there had to come a junction time that when this segregation had to come. And we're at a junction time now, when God is separating the sheep from the goats. That's right. It's segregation time.

E-62 It was out yonder on the side of the hill one day, when a man eighty years and whiskers, who had disobeyed God, and God came down in the likeness and the power of an Angel and spoke to him in the burning bush. What was it? It was time for the prophet to appear. It was time for Angels to appear. It was at the end time, the junctions of the road.

God spoke to Moses and sent him down. He sent Aaron. And when he went down there, the supernatural was done. Why? It was the junction time, the end time, miracles taking place.

And there they had the old false fighters, too, down there too. They always had them. They'd had them in the days of the antediluvian. They had them in them days. There stood Jannes and Jambres. Standing there, "Well, we can do just as much as you can. You heal one; we'll heal a thousand." That's the way they got it today.

E-63 We got the impersonators. We got people pretending to be, when they're not. And the Bible said, "As Jambres and Jannes withstood Moses, so will these men of reprobated mind concerning the truth," in the last days at the junction we're at now.

And there stood Jambres and Jannes when Moses threw down and performed a miracle of God. They impersonated it and done a miracle too with their stick. And Moses called for plagues, and they called plagues. It's the devils turned loose.

The Bible said, "That when the spirit... When the enemy comes in like a flood, God will raise up a standard against it."

And when in this day with a lot of impersonation, men acting like Christians, pretending to be and in their heart as black as the smutty walls of hell. There's many a pastoring today that should be out yonder cutting corn or something, be better off.

E-72 When the Holy Ghost takes a hold of you and reveals to you that He is the risen supernatural God Himself, then you realize where you're standing. Outside of that you're never born again and you don't know. You're just taking what mama said or what the preacher said. But what do you think about it? It'll never be until it's revealed to you.

The junction time is here. The Head of all things is come. The time, end of all times is come. Notice, eternity's next.

When Lot chose to go down in the well places, oh, he could build bigger churches, perhaps. That's the modern--the modern idea of it. He was in the well watered place. Oh, the big church and all the... And his wife had become the head of the ladies sewing circle perhaps. And Lot was the mayor of the city. Oh, he had things easy, everything. What did he lose? He got down there till the world got in such a ch--chaos, until men absolutely failed to have natural use of their body and become perverted.

E-73 The perversion was to be a sign of the end. And today the perversion in the homosexual is on the increase, that even forty percent of our national government is possessed with perversion. That's newspapers. That's right.

In California the letters that comes to me from the mothers and things up and down there, where women has become the god of the world. And they'll... Brother, those flappers will make men bow quicker than anything in the world, women with their dirty, rotten dress. And you look to your televisions and things and see some of them old girls out there that's put on all this stuff, and you go out and try to impersonate them, and don't realize they been married four or five times. And some of them ain't fit to be door rugs. And you make that your example instead of the humble Lord Jesus, Who died at Calvary to save you from sin. Take your choice today. Amen.

E-74 Modern half of the church members cannot tell you how Jesus was born or even many of these things, but they can sure look in one of these old love story magazines and tell you who wrote it and what time this actress done this or that. It's a shame. That's right.

You say, "What are you preaching, brother?" I'm telling you the truth, and I want you to listen to me.

Sure, it's a disgrace from the way things are going on in our modern world today: A sign of the end time.

E-75 That's what they were doing in Sodom and Gomorrah. The natural use our bodies... The men become so plain to women today, there's not even respect. They'll hardly take off their hat, men will in front of women, and they have no respect for them at all. What did it? The women done it theirself.

And you all talking about juvenile delinquency and things. I think it's parent delinquency. Some of you let your girls go out and run around all night with a cigarette smoking, cocktail drinking party. Come in the next morning with her clothes half off her, old make-up all over her face and that, And you call the Kentucky mothers ignorant. Write her patch down with those Dogpatch, Lil' Abner, and make fun of the Kentucky mothers. That's some of my people up in there.