Jumpstart for Upcoming Second Graders

Math Benchmarks

Please reinforce and practice over the summer.

  • Recall basic facts to 18: addition and subtraction

Goal: addition: 100 facts in 5 minutes and subtraction: 100 facts in 6 minutes

  • Practice addition and subtraction " families"

8+3=11 3+8=11 11-8=3 11-3=8

  • Practice doubles

5+5=10 6+6=12 7+7=14

  • Count up method


Put 9 in your head and count up



Put 6 in your head and count up using fingers

(7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) How many fingers? 9! Then 9 is your answer.

  • Know number combinations to equal 10.

5+5=10 6+4=10 7+3=10

Ideas to use: number cubes (dice), playing cards, manipulative games, Holey card, computer games.

  • Telling Time:

Goal: Telling time to the nearest hour and half hour.

  • Make sure you have an analog clock (clock with hands) displayed in a central location.

Identify the hour hand and the minute hand

  • Money:

Goal: Identify, combine, and compare cents up to $1.00.

  • Identify each coin.
  • Practice counting money. Start counting nickels and pennies; slowly add dimes; then add quarters.
  • Number Patterns:

Goal: Skip count from any given number by 2's, 3's, 5's, and 10's.

  • Give: 84, what is the next three numbers in the pattern skip counting by 2’s.
  • Word Problems:
  • Act out real life situations where adding and subtracting are used.
  • Measurement:

Goal: Develop an understanding of linear measurement, weight/mass and capacity/volume.

  • Use a tape measure, ruler, and yardstick. Draw on the sidewalk using various measuring tools.
  • Use plastic cup, pint, quart, and gallon containers. Fill with water...
  • Find a scale in the produce department and have your child weigh the fruit
  • Have them look on the packages to check out how much certain packages weigh.
  • Cook and do arts and craft activities which require measuring.

Language Arts Benchmarks

Please reinforce and practice over the summer.


  • READ, READ, READ, and READ some more. Read to your child. Read with your child. Let your child see youreading.
  • Read to, with and byyour child to model fluency, phrasing, and expression, as well as build comprehension. This is probably the most influential factor in your child's success in school.
  • Visit the library to pick out new books every week that include all genres.

Rule of thumb: If your child misses 5 or more words on a page, the book is too hard.

Read poetry and pick out rhyming words. Shel Silverstein and Jack Prelutsky have some fun poetry books that are quick and fun to read.

  • Basic Sight Words:

Goal: Read all words on SCPS lists at 100%

  • Practice the sight word lists from first grade. Each word should be instantly recognized. Make flash cards and pick them out as you read with your child.



  • Encourage your child to make lists for the grocery store, write letters to relatives, keep a diary or journal of camp or vacations, and make a scrapbook for a special event. Plan how many birds you can name, how many boys’ names can you think of in 5 minutes?
  • Word Study:
  • Practice spelling rhyming words. (fat, sat, chat, flat) Make longer words out of them (fattening, Saturday, chattering, and flattened). Spell words in the car. Look for exciting words on billboards. Practice spelling them. (fantastic) How many words can you make with letters from your name?
  • Handwriting:
  • Make sure your child is holding the pencil correctly. Use primary writing paper

available at teacher supply and grocery stores). Practice proper letter formation. Encourage your child to use capital letters properly. Upper and lower case letters should not be mixed within a word.

Example: My BiG brOTheR is fuN. (incorrect) My big brother is fun. (correct)


  • Independence: Build your child's independence by encouraging your new second grader to completely dress her/himself. Your child is old enough to be given jobs around the house. Explain what is to be done, have your child repeat it back to you, then leave him/her to complete it independently. Check back periodically. Don't expect too much too soon.
  • Homework: In second grade, students will be expected to complete HW every night. Encourage your child to be responsible for checking to see if the take home folder, planner, and occasional projects have been put in his/herbackpack before going to bed.
  • Grading: A=90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 F=Below 60
  • Adjustments: Any change takes time to get used to. Young children especially need time to get used to their new teacher and his/her expectations of how the children are to behave. The first few weeks of school are a time for the children and teacher to get to know one another and to set up some crucial guidelines for a successful year in the new grade. Please be patient and allow your child ample time to adjust to his/her situation. Always feel free to call with any special concerns.