Ho‘opono Mamo / Civil Citation Initiative Task Force Meeting
Oahu WorkLinks Conference Room
1505 Dillingham Plaza, 1stFloor
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
1:00-4:00 pm
Meeting Notes
Organizational representatives in attendance:
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Division, DOH – Robin Lee, Tim Ryan
EPIC ‘Ohana – Mahealani Ka‘awa, Laurie Tochiki, Noy Worachit (Youth Representative), Gernani Yutob (Youth Representative)
Hale Kipa - Lee Miyashiro and Deborah
Hoaloha - Wayde and Adele Lee
Honolulu Police Department – J Pedro, Darryl Jeremiah, Denise Nakabayashi
Judiciary – Carol Matsuoka
Juvenile Justice Center – Mary Lantano, Leina‘ala Nakamura
Living Life Source – Kehaulani Lum and Bruce Keaulani
Office of Youth Services, DHS – David Hipp, Ed Chargualaf, Merton Chinen, Kaleve Tufono-Iosefa, John Paekukui, Joe Losbanos
Queen Lili‘uokalani Children’s Center – Vernon Viernes, Melinda Lloyd
Kupuna – Jane Lee
University of Hawaii – Earl Hishinuma (Department of Psychiatry), Bridgitte McInerny, Matt Hom, Elizabeth Browning, Tai-An Miao
I. Review Ho‘opono Mamo Training Calendar
A. Wahi Kana‘aho Workshop (Ho‘oulu ‘Aina staff only) - Aug 13-14th
B. Introductory / Cross-Training Workshop on Sept 12th
1. Spread the word in your organization/agency and among your networks of community partners
2. Contact Tai-An if you are interested in helping with the planning
C. Wahi Kana‘aho Workshop for Ho‘opono Mamo partners – October 2013 (TBA)
D. Ho‘ala Community Conferencing - November 2013 (TBA)
II. Perspectives of Safety for Runaway and/or Youth in Foster Care (Noy & Gernani)
- When youth arrives at assessment center, how is their home determined as safe or unsafe?
- What does a “safe” home look like?
- Need to work on “safety” criteria and integrate the youth’s opinion into the decision-making process
- How can we make the assessment center feel safe and comfortable for the youth?
- Need to build a trusting relationship with the youth. Give them a little bit of freedom, let them relax for a bit, watch TV, use their phone, etc. Don’t make them feel like they are being punished for running away. When feel like that, the youth will NOT open up. Assessment center should have a homey feeling, family vibe.
- Like the idea of having a “peer” partner, a young person who can explain the process and what to expect, and also having a kupuna in there.
- Probably should think about re-naming the “assessment center.” It sounds scary and uninviting, like a place for people with mental health issues or drug addiction.
III. Update on possible site for assessment center (Leina‘ala)
A. Palama Settlement: Needs a lot of work, very old. Need to go upstairs so not ADA compliant.
B. Susannah Wesley: 1 story, lots of parking, small conference rooms for confidential conversations, computer lab, courtyard, gym and rec area, kitchen. HPD like this site, would be really easy for them to transport youth
C. St. Anthony’s Cathedral: Lei, Major Pedro, Kehaulani, and Tai-An will be visiting on Friday to explore future partnership potential. Outside of HPD District 5.
IV. Break into Working Subcommittees
- Policies and Procedures
- Assessment Center
- Conferencing Circles
- Wahi Kana‘aho