Julian Treasure – Speaking and Listening

Julian Treasure – How to speak so that people want to listen

7 Deadly Sins of Speaking

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. ______
  7. ______

4 Cornerstones of Powerful Speech

______– to greet or acclaim enthusiastically

  1. ______– be clear and straight
  2. ______– be yourself
  3. ______– be your word
  4. ______– wish them well


  • ______– locate your voice
  • We vote for politicians with lower voices
  • Depth = ______
  • ______– the way your voice feels
  • We prefer voices that are rich, smooth, warm
  • ______– sing/song, meta-language to impart meaning in conversation
  • Don’t be monotone or repetitive
  • ______– how fast or slow we speak
  • ______– high and low tone
  • ______- loudness

Vocal Warm-up Exercises

  1. ______, deep breath in, and sigh out dropping arms
  2. ______- Bah and Motorboat
  3. ______- La la la la and rolling R
  4. ______– weeee ahhh

Powerful speaking ______

Julian Treasure – 5 Ways to listen better

______of communication time spent listening

Retain ______of what we hear

______– making meaning from sound

  • Pattern recognition to distinguish ______
  • ______– discount sounds that remain the same
  • ______– culture, language, values, beliefs, attitudes, expectations, intentions

Sound places us in ______and ______

We are losing our listening

  • ______– writing, video, etc – the premium for accurate listening has disappeared
  • The world is ______– hard to listen – many take refuge in headphones
  • We are becoming ______– we want soundbites – conversation being replaced by personal broadcasting
  • Becoming ______– sensation, shock, revealed, scandal, fury, exposed – harder to pay attention to the quiet, subtle, the understated

Conscious listening creates ______

5 Ways to improve listening

  1. ______– 3 minutes a day – reset ears and recalibrate
  2. ______– how many channels of sound can I hear
  3. ______– enjoy mundane sounds
  4. ______– active/passive, reductive/expansive, critical/empathetic
  5. RASA
  6. ______
  7. ______
  8. ______
  9. ______

______to ______– every human being needs to listen consciously to live fully

Julian Treasure – Speaking and Listening

Julian Treasure – How to speak so that people want to listen

7 Deadly Sins of Speaking

  1. Gossip
  2. Judging
  3. Negativity
  4. Complaining
  5. Excuses
  6. Lying
  7. Dogmatism

4 Cornerstones of Powerful Speech

HAIL – to greet or acclaim enthusiastically

  1. Honesty – be clear and straight
  2. Authenticity – be yourself
  3. Integrity – be your word
  4. Love – wish them well


  • Register – locate your voice
  • We vote for politicians with lower voices
  • Depth = Power
  • Timbre – the way your voice feels
  • We prefer voices that are rich, smooth, warm
  • Prosody – sing/song, meta-language to impart meaning in conversation
  • Don’t be monotone or repetitive
  • Pace – how fast or slow we speak
  • Pitch – high and low tone
  • Volume - loudness

Vocal Warm-up Exercises

  1. Arms up, deep breath in, and sigh out dropping arms
  2. Lips - Bah and Motorboat
  3. Tongue - La la la la and rolling R
  4. Siren – weeee ahhh

Powerful speaking Conscious listening

Julian Treasure – 5 Ways to listen better

60% of communication time spent listening

Retain 25% of what we hear

Listening – making meaning from sound

  • Pattern recognition to distinguish noise
  • Differencing – discount sounds that remain the same
  • Filters – culture, language, values, beliefs, attitudes, expectations, intentions

Sound places us in space and time

We are losing our listening

  • Recording inventions – writing, video, etc – the premium for accurate listening has disappeared
  • The world is noisy – hard to listen – many take refuge in headphones
  • We are becoming impatient – we want soundbites – conversation being replaced by personal broadcasting
  • Becoming desensitized – sensation, shock, revealed, scandal, fury, exposed – harder to pay attention to the quiet, subtle, the understated

Conscious listening creates understanding

5 Ways to improve listening

  1. Silence – 3 minutes a day – reset ears and recalibrate
  2. The mixer – how many channels of sound can I hear
  3. Savoring – enjoy mundane sounds
  4. Listening positions – active/passive, reductive/expansive, critical/empathetic
  5. RASA
  6. Receive
  7. Appreciate
  8. Summarize
  9. Ask

Live to listen – every human being needs to listen consciously to live fully