Judy Reynolds

This week will be your last week of the semester with the ninth graders. You have all done a great job. At the end of today you need to be sure to say good-bye and thank them for all their cooperation and contributions. Towa

The topic for today is assertive behavior, and it will probably take the whole time. As planned, I will go over the principles of assertive, aggressive, and passive interaction as quickly as I can.



vague, indirect

strong desire to please


clear, direct

not highly emotional


desire to compromise or contribute to the solution of the problem


threatening, demanding



desire to control

sometimes highly emotional


(Passive Aggressive)



You will set up role plays to demonstrate the different styles. Each role play will have several parts. If the role play is going well, just let it go. If the person is having trouble demonstrating the style, stop and get audience suggestions or pick someone else to try it. If you have other scenarios that you think are better than these, feel free to improvise.

Role plays-

1.You have chosen to buy some articles of clothing that your parent thinks is inappropriate and refuses to let you buy. You see nothing wrong with your selection.

select 2 students to play parent and child

1st time: parent is just regular/child is passive--evaluate with class

2ond time:parent is just regular/child is aggressive--evaluate with class

3rd time: parent is just regular/child is assertive--evaluate with class

2. Your team mate has not bothered to learn the plays and doesn’t seem to care. His foul-ups make it difficult for you to do well at your position. You are tired of looking bad and decide to talk to him

select 2 students to play team mates- student 1 is constant st. 2 changes

1st time: student 1 is fouling up/student 2 is passive--evaluate with class

2ond time: student 1 is fouling up/student 2 is aggressive--evaluate

3rd time: student 1 is fouling up/student 2 assertive-evaluate

3.Your coach is not playing you or is not playing you at your best position. You want to play more or at another position so you decide to talk to him.

select 2 students to play coach and player

they should both model assertive behavior