CAUSE NO. ______



v.§PRECINCT NO. ______


______§______COUNTY, TEXAS


Judge Presiding: ______

Date of Judgment:______

Offense: ______

Date of Offense: ______

Defendant’s Plea: ______

Fine: ______

Court Costs:______

Jail Credit:______

Total Amt. Owed:______

Restitution:______Payable to:______

This cause was called for trial in the Justice Court, Precinct No. ______, in ______County, Texas on the _____ day of ______, 20_____ at ______.M. The Court rendered its judgment in open court. Both parties appeared and announced ready for trial. The State appeared by and through its district attorney, criminal district attorney, or county attorney. The Defendant appeared in person and:

Was represented by ______.

Waived the right to representation.

A jury was selected, impaneled, and sworn. The complaint was read to the jury, and theDefendant entered the plea indicated above, freely and voluntarily. The Court received the plea and recorded it on the docket.

The jury heard the evidence submitted and the arguments of counsel. The Court charged the jury as to its duty to determine the guilt or innocence of the Defendant, and the jury retired to consider the evidence. Upon returning to open court, the jury delivered its verdict in the presence of the Defendant and defense counsel (if any).

Having received the jury’s verdict, the Court FINDSthat the Defendant committed the charged offense and ORDERS, ADJUDGES, AND DECREES that the Defendant is guilty of the charged offense.

The Court ORDERS the Defendant to pay the fine and costs, in the amount indicated above, to the State in the following manner:

The Defendant shall pay the entire fine and costs immediately.

The Defendant shall pay the entire fine and costs no later than______.

The Defendant shall pay a portion of the fine and costs at designated intervals, as specified by the Court below.


The Court FINDS that the Defendant is a child and authorizes the Defendant to discharge the fine and costs by performing community service and/or receiving tutoring, as specified by the court below. The Defendant’s signed, written election is attached to this judgment.


The Court FINDS that the Defendant is an indigent or a child who has defaulted in payment of the fine and costs. The Court FINDS that discharging the fine and costs by performing community service would impose an undue hardship on the Defendant. Therefore, the Court ORDERS that the fine and costs, in the amount indicated above, are waived.

The Court FINDS that:

The Defendant owes no restitution in connection with the charged offense.

The Defendant owes restitution to a victim of the offense, and the Defendant is ORDERED to make restitution to ______, the victim of the offense, as specified by the Court below.


In the event that the Defendant fails to satisfy the fine, costs, or restitution indicated above before the 31st day after this judgment is entered, the Defendant is ORDERED to pay an additional “time payment fee” of $25.00 in accordance with Section 133.103 of the Local Government Code.

The Court ORDERS the Defendant to satisfy the following sanctions authorized by law:

1. Complete _____ hours of community service as indicated below:


2. Within 90 days of the issuance of this order, complete the following:

An alcohol awareness program approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, a drug education program approved by the Department of State Health Services, or a drug and alcohol driving awareness program approved by the Texas Education Agency.

An additional 8 hours of community service as indicated below (if the Court finds that the Defendant resides in a county with fewer than 75,000 residents):


3. Provide the Court with evidence that you have complied with these sanctions in the following manner:


The Court ORDERS the Department of Public Safety to suspend the defendant's driver's license or permit for a period of ______days.

The Court makes these additional FINDINGS and ORDERS:



ISSUED AND SIGNED this _____day of ______, 20_____.
