Personal Importance


For over___years, (WXXX) has been an important part of this area's cultural fabric.
We've grown and changed along with the communities we serve, always keeping in mind that an important part of what we do is to reflect what it means to live here in (YOUR MARKET).
Your support has helped shape this station into what it is today...radio that engages and challenges you and that sparks your imagination – telling stories, and asking questions designed to help us all understand our world a little better.
During this membership drive,(WXXX) is turning to you to help make sure that the ideals and mission of public radio continues to thrive and that there’s still a place for radio that matters.
(WXXX) counts on your financial support to pay for the programs you rely on every day. Please call with as generous a gift as makes sense for you – and call right now if you can.
You can reach a WXXX volunteer at (PHONE NUMBER)

Thanks so much.

Submitted by Charles Horn, KHSU


Personal Importance


Without the public, we’d just be radio.

Listener contributions make it possible for XXXX to continue bringing you top quality news and information programs… entertainment programs… (STATION MUSIC) AND folks such as (NAMES HERE).

It’s a tapestry of national and local programs unique to our area… made possible through the generous gifts of our listeners.

So if you like what you hear, please make a contribution today because every dollar, every member makes a difference.

Here’s the number to call.

Submitted by Evelyn Massaro, WNMU


Personal Importance


A lot of listeners tell us they tune to WXXX for more than the news.

They tune to WXXX to learn about the world in which they live. They tune to WXXX because living a fulfilling life means thinking beyond their household… their neighborhood… their jobs.

Put another way… they tune to WXXX because they believe there is more to life than just “us.”

Perhaps these are some of the reasons you listen to WXXX. If so, we’re glad to help you connect with the world.

Please, consider a gift of a dollar or two a week to WXXX so we can continue to bring you radio that makes a difference in your life.

The number to call is (PHONE NUMBER).



Personal Importance


WXXX is news that takes you to places you've never been before

...news that introduces you to people who expand your horizons and satisfy your curiosity

...news that takes time to provide the background you need to understand the complex problems of today's world

and it's news that's available at the touch of a button

…in your car,at home , or at your office

The only thing we ask YOU to do, is to help us pay for this service.

Call now with your pledge of support for NPR news in WXXX.


Submitted by Jean Noyes, WNINWXXX

Personal Importance


(WXXX) is that spot on the radio dial where articulate, knowledgeable people debate the issues that you care about…

Where you hear fresh ideas that challenge and entertain you…

Where you can enjoy the literate sound of people who love language as much as you do…

And where you sometimes have a good laugh about life, even (and especially) your own.

Through their financial support of (WXXX), members of this station make a difference every day.

They assure a constant source of accurate and balanced reporting, from NPR’s Morning Edition and All Things Considered.

They assure a constant source of engaging and stimulating conversation and discussion with (local or network talk program).

Today is your opportunity to become a part of this very special community of (WXXX) listener supporters.

A gift of a dollar or two a week… for the year… is all it takes to keep (WXXX) on the radio… in your life... and available to the entire (YOUR MARKET) area.

Here’s the number to call (PHONE NUMBER)

Submitted by Bryan Talbott, WFAE


Personal Importance


As a listener of WXXX, you understand that public radio is very different from any other media.

The values to which we adhere focus on the qualities of mind, heart and craft... not ratings and profit margins.

And your financial commitment to us is what provides the means to adhere to the highest journalism and production standards and to push ourselves to do even better.

We dare to examine the issues, provide comprehensive analysis and examine topics no commercial broadcaster would for fear of offending its advertisers or owners.

That’s why a gift of $5 a month… or $10 a month for the year makes a difference. It keeps public radio values on the air.

Please… call your with gift now to (PHONE NUMBER) or give on-line at (WEBSITE).

Submitted by Bryan Talbott, WFAE


Personal Importance


People who listen to public radio tend to be independent thinkers. So it really says something when ______(number of members) WXXX listeners come to the same conclusion that this station is worth supporting with a financial contribution.

Perhaps one reason so many listeners give is because independent thinking requires independent sources of news and information.

That’s NPR News on WXXX. Funded by and accountable to the people who listen to it.

Help keep it on the air with a gift now at (PHONE NUMBER). Or give on-line at (WEBSITE).



Station Value


A lot of listeners wonder why we open up these microphones and ask for donations.

The reason is simple: WXXX needs listener support to pay for the great musical programming you hear every day and night.

Now, I could spend an hour listing all the great musicians you hear on (program), (program), and all the other shows that bring you a world of music.

But you listen every day – you already know!

The very reason you tune to WXXX is that you can count on hearing this music on our airwaves.

So here's my point: Since you already know how great WXXX is, and you already know how important listener donations are – isn’t it time to show your support?

Call us now at (PHONE NUMBER). That's (PHONE NUMBER) to make your donation for the great public radio you count on. Thanks!

Submitted by Dan Mushalko, WCBE


Give Now

Gift Levels

We all make budgets. For some of us, when the money runs out each month, that’s the budget. For others, we carefully pinch each penny and examine each expense under a microscope.

No matter which of these camps you fall in, a pledge to WXXX can fit your budget. Every dollar makes a difference to WXXX, and no gift is too small or too large.

That’s the great thing about giving to WXXX, you get to decide how much WXXX is worth in your life. It doesn’t have to break the budget, just give what you can, whatever that is.

You might even be able to give more than you think if you use a credit card and break up a large pledge into smaller, monthly installments.

So look at your budget, choose a level that’s comfortable, then call (PHONE NUMBER) and make a pledge.

By watching your budget, you can help WXXX meet our budget and continue to serve you with the radio programs you want.

Submitted by John Lumagui, WUKY


Pre-drive Mail Support

Hi. This is WXXX Station Manager ______.

I've got just a few seconds to remind you that we need to hear from you right away if you are a member who is due to renew your support of the station.

WXXX is your connection with the world. Or MAYBE even your ESCAPE from the world.

Whatever we are to you, we cannot BE that without your membership dollars. You are the cause. WXXX is the effect.

The pledge drive starts soon. PLEASE - let's start it with your renewal already in hand. It is how we keep the drives so short.

Please send your check today or give on-line at (WEB SITE)
On behalf of the Staff, our Board of Directors, and all your friends who listen. Thanks.

Submitted by Dick Kunkel, KPBX


Pre-Drive Mail Support

This is WXXX’s ______.

It's that time again! WXXX's fall on-air fund drive is just around the corner. You count on us to keep these fund drives short, so you can hear the shows you love with minimal interruption.

Well, to limit our drives to just a few days, WXXX relies on YOU to donate a little early. If you're a current member, send in your check today.

And if you're not a member yet, just surf online to (WEB SITE) to make your donation now. Thanks!

Submitted by Dan Mushalko, WCBE


Pre-Drive Mail Support

As a XXXX listener, you know that it’s your contributions that enable us to air the top-quality programming you value.

As our federal and state funding is reduced, we’re always looking for ways to reduce costs as much as possible.

You can help by renewing your annual membership when you get your first renewal letter in the mail.

It’s saves us printing and postage costs by not having to mail you another letter. You can also give on-line at (WEB SITE).


Submitted by Evelyn Massaro, WNMU


Pre-Drive Mail Support

You already know that listeners are WXXX’s most important source of income. What you might *not* know is that we receive a lot of our listener contributionsbefore our pledge drive even begins.

When you give through the mail or at (WEB SITE)… you help pay for the NPR news you count on... and you make it possible for us to plan on shorter, more efficient pledge drives.

If you received a letter asking for you gift, please send your check today. Or give on-line now at (WEB SITE). Thanks.



Pre-Drive Mail Support

At WXXX, we raise a lot of money through on air-pledge drives. But that's not all of the money we raise from listeners.

In fact, we're trying to raise more money through the mail and on-line before we even come on the air to ask for your gift.That way we can plan the shortest, most efficient pledge drive possible.

If you received a letter asking for you gift, please send your check today. Or give on-line now at (WEB SITE). It'll make WXXX a better radio station.
