Joyful Learning Christian Preschool
I am in Preschool
I am not built to sit still
Keep my hands to myself,
Take turns,
Be patient,
Stand in line,
Or keep quiet
All of the time,
I need;
Adventure, And to
Engage the world with my whole body,
Let me play!
Please trust me I’m learning!
Mission Statement:
The mission of Joyful Learning Christian is to nurture and educate positive qualities in the growing child. We are each a gift from God and with the guidance of our parents, teachers and the Christian Community we will prosper. “The hope of the harvest is in the seed.”
Joyful Learning’s purpose is to provide an atmosphere that encourages social, emotional, physical, spiritual and intellectual growth and development of the child as a whole.
Planned within the framework of our philosophy and purpose, Joyful Learning Pre-school curriculum includes: sharing and conversation time, Bible stories, songs, physical movement to include sportgames, folk dances and coordination building activities. Also, students are exposed to arts and craft, shapes, colors, numbers and letters.
Joyful Learning advertises in the public and social media forms in order to make openings known to all. Children are admitted regardless of race, creed, color, sex, national orgin or religion.
Children who are ages 3,4,and 5 years old and bathroom trained are eligible to enroll. The staff at Joyful Learning will not change soiled pants. Parents will be called to come and change their child.
Joyful Learning follows the Evergreen School District Calendar for most school holidays. We do not participate in teacher in service days or early out times. In the event of a snow day if Evergreen has a 2-hour late start Joyful Learning will be closed for both sessions. No A.M. or P.M. Classes.
Student Drop off and Pick Up:
Our preferred method is to drop and pick up your child using our crosswalk service. Our staff will be out at the crosswalk to receive and deliver your child to you. This is the best and safest way to get your child to you and into the school.
Please drive with caution when dropping and picking up your children.
Tuition: Due by the 10th of each month. No refunds are given for illness, vacation or snow days. We do not offer any make up days.
Please print your child’s name on your tuition check. You may mail in your monthly tuition to our school’s address or hand your tuition to the teacher at the front drop off door or leave in the school office tuition drop box on the table. Please if paying in cash have correct amount.
Security: School doors will be locked during school hours. Please ring the front door bell. Please alert the staff if someone other than the designated person on file will be picking up your child.
Health: Immunization forms must follow with your child’s application form. Washington State requires immunizations for any child attending school. If you do not immunize your child your child’s physician must sign off.
Health: Do not send sick children to school. Any child who arrives noticeably ill, with a rash, fever, red eyes or a green runny nose will not be admitted. Should your child become ill during the school day, a parent will be called.
Allergies: Please alert us!!!!!
Snacks/Supplies: Monthly, we ask each family to provide a box of snacks or a quart or gallon size of juice (LIGHT COLORED) NORED JUICE,cups ,5oz. size or one box of Kleenex or 2 glue sticks. Please look on the school calendar under your child’s class preschool or pre-kindergarten as to what is requested. These items may be brought in anytime during the month. Thank you for your support.
Joyful Learning is a PEANUT FREE SCHOOL
Birthdays: We celebrate birthdays at our designated class snack time. Parents may coordinate with their child’s teacher as to the time. Store purchased treats are the best. Small cupcakes, jello cups, fun fruits act…some ideas. We allow only 10 minutes for birthdays so plan accordingly.
Discipline: We understand that preschool is the time to learn social skills and social skill consequences. We as a staff work hard to teach and to role-play appropriate behavior. If a child is having some difficulty we discuss calmly the issue at hand. Our chain of discipline is:
- Discuss with student/talk about kindness
- Roll Play the situation. Show examples
- Send a note just a FYI very low key
- Call parent if behavior continues.
- Aggressive behavior that continues the parent will be notified.
- Students will be asked to leave the program if aggressive behavior continues and his or her actions requires more attention than the classroom teacher can provide.
- In the event that a student leaves due to discipline tuition will be prorated.’ The school director has the final authority to exit a student that has unruly behavior.
Student withdrawal: If a student is leaving the program threeweeks notice is asked so we may have time to fill the vacancy. Joyful Learning will not issue a refund for the registration fee or tuition. If a student withdraws the last month of school inMaythey will be asked to pay the full months tuition.
Calendar/Supply/Events: school news can be found on the website or on the monthly calendar. Check your students bag.
Parents please have your student bring a backpack daily. Please check your student’s backpack for daily notes, calendar information and crafts. This is our way to communicate with you.
Parent participation: Parents are welcomed to help with various activities. Please coordinate with your child’s teacher. Please no siblings on parent volunteer days.
School Events: School Fundraiser Trike a Thon held the first Saturday in October on our school property. We encourage all students to participate. This is a free will donation and a student/family fun event. All donation help reduce increased tuition, some tuition assistance, fund student activities and new educational material.
Fall Open House: held in the school’s mulit-purpose room. Parents and family members attend fall program. Notes will be sent out.
Christmas Program: held in the Main Church Building. Parents and students arrive together.This is not a school day
Spring Program: held in the Main Church Building. Parents and students arrive together. This is not a school day
Parents please update your phone numbers as needed
Check out the year calendar for events.