St. Peter’s Church
NOTICES for 23rd & 30th October 2016
Journeying together to share our Christian faith and the love of God with all
Sunday 23rd October Readings: Isaiah 45, v22-end; Romans 15, v1-6; Luke 4, v33-37.
8 am Holy Communion (said)
9.30 am Holy Communion
Wednesday 26th Oct. Readings: 2 Samuel 23, v1-5; John18, v33-37
10 am Holy Communion followed by Friendship café.
Sunday 30th Oct Readings: Daniel 7, v1-3, 15-18; Ephesians 1, v11-23; Luke 6, v20-31.
8 am Holy Communion (said) N.B. Clocks go back
9.30 am Holy Communion for All Saints
3.30 pm Tea followed by Remembering Service
Wednesday 2nd Nov. Readings: Lamentations 3, v17-26; 1Peter1, v3-9; John18, v33-37
10 am Holy Communion followed by Friendship café.
Service organisation: We are going to try a slightly different arrangement wherein :-
First Sunday will be 8 am Holy Communion (said), then Sung Eucharist at 9.30 am, followed at 11.15 am by Baptism or a service of Contemporary Worship.
Third Sunday will be 8 am Holy Communion (said) followed by All Age Worship at 9.30 am – youth Church will be in with the main service for the whole of the time.
The Light Service takes place at 3 pm.
2nd 4th & 5th as at present – H.C. at 8 am. And at 9.30 am.
Please pray for all who are sick, including: Richard Humphries, Peter Powell, Richard Roberts, Derek Bishop, Matthew B, David Gray, Chris Hart and Aurea, Phyllis Wallen, Jean Robertson and Barbara Tinson.
… and for the recently bereaved and their families and friends.
World issues. Please pray for all bereaved and displaced by World conflicts, and for those in authority as they try to find solutions to the refugee crisis and terrorist attacks – particularly at this time for the residents of Mosul.
Pray, too, for the victims of Hurricane Matthew in the Caribbean. Pray also for the future of our own Country.
Schools: Generous God, source of all knowledge and wisdom, thank you for the precious gift and opportunity of learning, and for the schools and colleges across our Diocese. The October focus is on the Explorer class (age 4-5 years) at St. Peter’s Academy.
If anyone needs a visit, call or chat please contact Daphne Brindle (653212) or Joan Chapman (460270) and a member of the pastoral care team will be in touch.
PeterPost, Apologies: a) to Millie, we missed off the last line of her prayer. Here it is in full: God before me, God behind me, God on my right and on my left; God above me, God beneath me, God this day within me and about me. b) to all those clamouring to buy from Auntie Wainwright: we missed off her contact number: Angela 653400.
Operation Christmas Child – Gift Filled Boxes. If you would like to contribute to this Appeal, flat-pack boxes are in the Narthex (easy to assemble and already decorated, so no need to put any Christmas paper on), or use a shoebox and cover it with Christmas paper. Also take a leaflet to help you decide what gifts to put in the box. Diana, Mary and Jean have knitted scarves, hats and gloves. Please ask Jean or Edith if you would like a set. Please bring your completed box to Church before November 30th. Last year 11.2 million gift-filled shoe boxes were delivered to children in over 100 countries. For more details contact Edith Pye 655314. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Wednesday Coffee Please could we have more helpers to join the Wednesday morning coffee makers? It would spread the load a bit, and help with the preparation (and washing up!). See any of the existing members.
Visit the Somme Earlier this year 29 people visited the Ypres Salient with fellowship, emotions and memories. Next year (27 – 31 May) a visit is planned to the Somme. If you would like to join in please contact Steven Couzens on 07787 151513.
Church Office Following the retirement of our office administrator earlier this year we are now in need of volunteers to work in the office. We are hoping to get a number of people to work as part of an administrative team. Do you feel you would be able to offer some time during the week or on Saturdays? If you can offer a day, or only an hour or two, it will help towards getting a full team. All information and training you will need will be provided. If you can offer any time please contact Chris Gough on 01249 657776.
Remembering Service. Please note that this is not to be confused with the National Remembrance Service (above). This one on 30th October is our own local, at St. Peter’s, chance to remember our own families and friends, without necessarily any connection with military service. A cuppa before the service enables mutual support.
1. Parents and carers are reminded that they are responsible for their children’s welfare whilst on church premises. Thank you for your co-operation. Caroline and Robin (Church Wardens).
2. Notices for this newsletter may be left by email or note in the office with your name and contact number by the Thursday noon before publication. Thank you. (Ivan Hurcum).
3. The Church Office is temporarily only occasionally manned due to illness. Contact Caroline by email on only. We are working on finding a regular manning programme and personnel.
Priest-in-charge: Rev. Andrew Gubbins: , tel: 01249 448530.
Office: , tel: 01249 461678 Messages can be recorded.
Office hours: Temporarily manned on an ad hoc basis till permanent cover is found.
Room hire: Caroline Masters tel: 07811 295319.