Journey Line: Memorable Moments

Journey Line: Memorable Moments

Student Name: Advisor: Date:

Journey Line: Memorable Moments

Journey Line Title:

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Journey Line Moments:
  • High/ Low or Negative/ Positive
/ ☐ I have a minimum of 5 meaningful/ memorable moments labeled on my journey line / ☐ I have 4-5 meaningful/ memorable moments labeled on my journey line / ☐ I have 3 meaningful/ memorable moments labeled on my journey line / ☐ I have 2 meaningful/ memorable moments labeled on my journey line
  • Symbols
  • Pictures – hardcopy or hand drawn
/ ☐ I used thoughtful visuals to represent a minimum of 5 moments in my life / ☐ I used thoughtful visuals to represent a minimum of 4-5 moments in my life / ☐ I used thoughtful visuals to represent 3-4 different moments in my life / ☐ I used thoughtful visuals to represent less than 3 moments in my life
Written Component / ☐ There is a well-written, and revised piece of writing accompanying 2 moments / ☐ There is a well-written, and revised piece of writing accompanying 2 moments / ☐ There is a written component accompanying 1-2 moments
☐ Writing needs revision / ☐ There is a written component accompanying 1 moments
☐ Writing needs revision
Quotable / ☐ There is a thought provoking “quotable” that captures the essence of your time line / N/A / ☐ There is a “quotable” / N/A
 I have completed my journey line
 My journey line has a minimum of 5 moments that shows high and low moments in my life
 I have artistically and neatly presented my journey line – colors, pictures, labels, etc…
 I have chosen two moments to write about separately from my journey line
In my writing I have explained the “backstory” to this journey line moment – what happened, what it meant to me, what it means to me, how it has shaped me, how it has changed me, how it has helped make me into the person I am today
 I have thought about how I am going to present this to my peers
Presentation / Presentation: (full credit)
☐ Your presentation of your time line was clear, focused, and shows your audience that you thought about your timeline and how these moments have shaped you into the person you are today
☐ Your presentation clearly addresses our unit question of: “Who am I?” and how the moments you have chosen for your timeline addresses that question
☐ Your presentation shows you have practiced your presentation
☐ Your speaking voice was loud and clear so that everyone can hear you
☐ You were an active listener -- you showed this through your body language (eyes, hands, feet)
☐ You positively participated by being a good audience member (listener), you asked questions when it was your turn, you allowed the presenter to respond, and asked follow-up questions if there was time
Total Score: /25(+1 for Title)

Student Name: Advisor: Date:

Journey Line: Memorable Moments

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Journey Line Moments:
  • Moments could be “big” or “small”—as long as it means something to you and how you have grown and is still growing as a person
  • Moments tie into the discussions we’ve had in advisory: discrimination, education, goals/dreams, community, etc…
/ ☐ I have a minimum of 5 meaningful/ memorable moments on my journey line / ☐ I have 4-5 meaningful/ memorable moments on my journey line / ☐ I have 3 meaningful/ memorable moments on my journey line / ☐ I have 2 meaningful/ memorable moments on my journey line
  • Could be hand drawn
  • Could be pictures of the memory, or a symbolic representation
  • Could be actual pictures (only if you have extra copies)
  • Could be pictures of artifacts from your life
/ ☐ I used thoughtful visuals to represent a minimum of 5 moments in my life / ☐ I used thoughtful visuals to represent a minimum of 5 moments in my life / ☐ I used thoughtful visuals to represent 3-4 different moments in my life / ☐ I used thoughtful visuals to represent less than 3 moments in my life
Written Component:
  • Writing is thoughtful and explains how this moments shapes you or has impacted your ongoing “journey”
  • Writing has been revised and is neatly presented
/ ☐ There is a well-written, and revised piece of writing accompanying X moments / ☐ There is a well-written, and revised piece of writing accompanying X moments / ☐ There is a written component accompanying X moments / ☐ There is a written component accompanying X moments
  • A short “quotable” or sound bite that captures your philosophy on life at this point in your life
/ ☐ There is a thought provoking “quotable” that captures the essence of your time line / N/A / ☐ There is a “quotable” / N/A
  • A chance to speak, listen, and learn from your classmates
  • A thoughtful sharing of your timeline and how these moments you have chosen have shaped you
/ Presentation: (full credit)
☐ Your presentation of your time line was clear, focused, and shows your audience that you thought about your timeline and how these moments have shaped you into the person you are today
☐ Your presentation clearly addresses our unit question of: “Who am I?” and how the moments you have chosen for your timeline addresses that question
☐ Your presentation shows you have practiced your presentation
☐ Your speaking voice was loud and clear so that everyone can hear you
☐ You were an active listener -- you showed this through your body language (eyes, hands, feet)
☐ You positively participated by being a good audience member (listener), you asked questions when it was your turn, you allowed the presenter to respond, and asked follow-up questions if there was time
Total Score: /25(+1 for Title)