FBCMW, 14 June 09 Sunday School Lesson SS - Galatians 2-3.doc


1)  Jun 07 Gal 1:1-2:10 Talking about the Gospel

2)  Jun 14 Gal 2:11-3:25 Receiving the Gospel

3)  Jun 21 Gal 3:26-4:3 Living by the Gospel

4)  Jun 28 Gal 5:1-15 Claim your freedom

5)  Jul 05 Gal 5:16-26 Follow the Spirit

6)  Jul 12 Gal 6 Be Responsible

7)  Jul 19 James 1:1-18 When common sense isn’t enough

8)  Jul 26 James 1:19-27 How genuine are you?

9)  Aug 02 James 2:1-13 Let’s be fair about it

10)  Aug 09 James 2:14-26 Show me your faith

11)  Aug 16 James 3 How to sail through life

12)  Aug 23 James 4 Who is your best friend?

13)  Aug 30 James 5 How to live with confidence?


·  Why do we need laws?

·  When is it appropriate to call the baby ugly?

·  What is more important – Faith or Works?


Passage / Comments /
2:11-15 / Paul challenged Peter over eating ham sandwiches
·  When is it appropriate to challenge church leaders/elders/pastors/ministers?
w  Doctrinal issues? Behavioral issues?
·  Peter succumbed to peer pressure
·  Paul’s challenge was peer-to-peer
- Apostle-to-Apostle
·  If we ever need to challenge an elder/pastor, we need to have all the facts, and have appropriate witnesses 1 Timothy 5:19
2:16-19 / Justification by FAITH – not by WORKS
·  The law of God which provides DO’s and DON’T’s has a purpose – to make us aware of our sin and to teach us Rom 3:20; Gal 3:24
2:20 / Living by the Spirit or by Flesh
·  How can we tell if we are living by the Spirit instead of our flesh?
2:21 / The crux of the crucifixion
·  If we can make ourselves holy by doing the right things right, then Christ died in vain
3:1-4 / More name calling and provocative accusations to wake the Galatians up
·  When is it appropriate to take drastic action and call the baby ugly?
w  Nehemiah threw Tobia’s belongings out of the temple complex
w  Nehemiah pulled the beards off the faces of the leaders to get them to stop their immoral behavior
w  Jesus called the Scribes and Pharisees vipers and hypocrites
3:5-12 / The law may be GOOD, but it is not of FAITH
·  v5 – Even miracles are by Faith not by Works
- in other words, it is not the magical words one might utter or the righteous deeds one does to have God work a miracle – it is simply trusting Him to be Faithful to His Word
3:13-14 / Gentiles were included in the blessing on Abraham
·  The Holy Spirit of promise is granted by faith
3:15-18 / Speaking after the manner of men
·  In other words, looking at God’s plan by use of an earthly analogy – legal covenants
3:19-25 / If man did not sin, then we would not need laws
·  If drivers would be reasonable, would we even need a speed limit?


·  Know when we are living by Faith and not after the flesh (by sight)


Rom 3:20 Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin.

1Timothy 5:19 Do not entertain an accusation against an elder unless it is brought by two or three witnesses. [NIV]


·  We are neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free, male nor female before the Cross…

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