Nursery & Landscaping

Jordan Applied Technology Center

I. Unit: Horticulture Careers Instructor: Christensen Date: January 31,2005

II. Goal: Students will learn the importance of FFA in the Agriculture Curriculum.

III. Objectives:

At the Completion of this Unit of Instruction the Student will be able to:

  1. Identify three floriculture careers;
  1. List the five categories of Nursery and Landscape careers,
  1. Describe two jobs out of EACH category of the Nursery and Landscaping Careers;
  1. Outlines some of the requirements needed to begin a career in horticulture;
  1. List 10-15 horticulture careers (hopefully more);
  1. Present to class a job discripion in horticulture which they are interested in.

IV. Interest Approach:

- Ask the students to name as many jobs they can think of which deals with horticulture. WRITE them on the board!

V.Curriculum and Instruction:


  1. Identify three floriculture careers;
  2. Greenhouse Production
  3. Wholesale
  4. Retail Florist
  5. Garden Center
  6. Arboretum, Botanical Gardens
  1. List the five categories of Nursery and Landscape careers,
  2. Grower
  3. Landscape Design
  4. Garden Center
  5. Landscape Maintenance Firm
  6. Arboretum, Horticultural Garden
  1. Describe two jobs out of EACH category of the Nursery and Landscaping Careers;
–Develop new or improved varieties of plants having higher yield, quality, nutritional value, resistance to disease, or adaptability to climates, soils, uses, or processes.
–Educational Requirements: 4 year degree within discipline.
– Salary: $31,200- $52,000
Nursery Operator
–Control and manage nursery production, including the growing of trees, shrubs and other plants.
–Education Requirements: 2 Year Degree
–Salary: $22,000-$32,000
–Willing to travel, contacting other businesses to purchase product, usually works for another company…Ex. Monrovia.
–Education: Prefers you have a degree but not required.
–Salary: $25,000+, Depending on area servicing and what pay scale you are on.
Inventory Controller
Field Superintendent
•Sales Manager
Shipping Foreman and Traffic Manager
Landscape Design:
Construction Contractor
–Responsibilities include moving soil, equipment, and materials, and performing related duties to assist landscaper or landscape gardener.
–Fast Growth
–Salary: $30,000- $70,000
Landscape Architect
–Designs residential areas, shopping centers, golf courses, public parks, etc.
–4 year degree in discipline
–Salary: $40,000- $65,000
–Plans and executes small scale landscape operations and maintains grounds, private and business operations.
–Education: Vocational/ Certificate.
–$23,000- $60,000- Fast Growth
Construction Superintendent
Garden Centers:
Buyer/ Inventory
–Orders needs supplies, need computer and spreadsheet skills.
–Prefers higher education but not required.
–$24,000- $28,000.
Customer Service/ Stocker
–Answers clients questions, brings in extra plants as needed. Needs to have a good knowledge of the requirements of each plant.
–Prefers higher education but not required.
–$18,000- $26,000.
Landscape Maintenance Firm:
•Grounds Manager
–Maintain a variety of facilities, training others in their crew.
–Education: 2 year Degree
–$20,000- $50,000
•Plant Doctor
–Expert on diseases which effect flowers, trees and turf.
–Education: 2 year degree in disciple.
–Salary: $21,200- $32,000
Superintendent of Operations
–Oversees the work of landscaping crews.
–Education: Prefers higher education but not required.
–Salary: $26,000- $32,000
The Arboretum & Horticultural Garden:
–Writes articles for newspapers, magazines and write books on their own observations.
–Education: 4 Year Degree (Horticulture w/ emphasis in English).
–Salary: $25,000+
Greenhouse Manager
–Manages and oversees the growing of unique plants and the next seasons crop.
–Education: 4 Year Degree.
–Salary: $26,000- $35,000.
Educational Instructor
–Provides information/ classes in areas of horticulture, increases public awareness.
–Education: 4 year Degree.
–Salary: $25,000- $45,000.
Superintendent of Operations
  1. Outlines some of the requirements needed to begin a career in horticulture;
- Develop an Horticulture Career Portfolio.
  • A collection of your best work on horticulture projects and other career-related materials.
  • This portfolio is used to sell your skills to a prospective employers.
What do you include in your portfolio?
•Photographs and written reports of projects that you have complete
•Newspaper clippings
•Letters of Recommendation
•Personal and Career Goals
•Action Plan for accomplishing your goals.
In High School:
•Enroll in horticulture classes
•Enroll in college – preparatory courses in English, math and science
•Acquire hands-on, skill-development experience.
Career Plan after High School:
•- Obtain an horticulture job and plan ways to get additional training while on the job.
•- Enter a community college and take courses that will transfer to the college of agriculture.
•- Enter a two-year program in technical agriculture.

  1. List 10-15 horticulture careers (hopefully more);
  1. Relate to class on a future date a field in horticulture which they are interested in.
/ A1
Have the students write down as many horticulture careers as they can think of and than reward the student who has the most with a treat.
Handout to students; explain they have two weeks to interview a person in the horticulture industry which they are interested in