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STUDY GROUPS / Document 8A-9B/TEMP/76-E
17 March 2000
English only

Received:17 March 2000

Joint Rapporteur Group 8A-9B (Task 4)

Summary of Task 4 (Characteristics and spectrum requirements forBroadband RLANs


At the opening plenary of this meeting the JRG approved Mr S. Bond (UK) as the new Rapporteur for JRG 8A-9B Task 4.

DG-Task 4 held four meetings and considered Documents 8A-9B/180, 187, 188, 201 and 173, (Attachment 14) the latter paper having been an output from the last meeting. The following topics were addressed by Task 4:


The liaison statement and attached PDNR from WP7C (Doc. 8A-9B/180) was considered in conjunction with two input documents from Japan (8A-9B/187 & 188(Rev.1)). Following discussion on these documents a draft liaison statement to WP7C (Doc. 8A-9B/TEMP/68 was produced.

The liaison statement proposed that JRG 8A-9B take over the drafting work on the PDNR from WP7C. WP 7C would provide the necessary information and the protection criteria for the EESS systems based on SA-series Recommendations developed within Study Group 7. JRG 8A-9B will use this provided material to develop an M-series DNR on RLANs operational restrictions. This will be done mainly by JRG 8A-9B continuing the sharing studies initiated by WP7C using the same kind of methodology with the additional expertise of the RLAN community, in a close co-operation with WP 7C. The liaison statement also informed WP 7C that there was interest in the use of 5250-5350 MHz for FWA applications based on RLAN technology. JRG 8A-9B suggested the same kind of co-operation as stated above and attached a copy of Document 8A-9B/188(Rev.1) for information and comment. The establishment of a Joint Expert Group between both bodies would be beneficial for this task maybe at a joint meeting of WP 7C and JRG 8A-9B.

3Spectrum Requirements for NWA

At the sixth meeting of JRG 8A-9B a draft workplan (Doc. 173, Attachment 14) was agreed one of the items for consideration in this workplan was to ascertain the required amount of frequency spectrum for generic broadband NWA networks. Telia, Nokia and Lucent Document 8A-9B/201 addressing this issue was inputted on behalf of ETSI BRAN. Based on this document Task 4 agreed to start considering separately the methodology used and calculations for the spectrum requirement for NWA systems. Task 4 prepared a working document focussing mainly on the methodology (Doc. 8A-9B/TEMP/75). It was noted that the document at present only included the requirements based on one NWA centralised systems (HIPERLAN Type2). It is hoped that this document would prompt some input papers from organisations to include other NWA systems within it’s scope.

48A input documents

After the second WP 8A plenary documents JRG 8A/9B Task 4 were forwarded two documents (Docs. 8A/123 and 127) for consideration from WP 8A. The first contribution 8A/123 has already been taken into account by JRG 8A-9B in it’s previous work. The second contribution 8A/127 has already been taken into account in previous work conducted by WP 4A. JRG 8A/9B thanks WP8A for forwarding the documents for consideration.

It was agreed that the material from Documents 8A-9B/91, 115, 164,168, 180, 187, 201, 188(Rev.1), 173 (Attachment 14) and 8A-9B/TEMP/68, 75 should be used as references for the next JRG 8A/9B meeting. These documents will be made available at the ITU Web site: Agreement was made at the last meeting to appoint liaison officers from the regional NWA standardisation organisations. These liaison officers have now been appointed and are as follows:

ETSI BRANMr A. Gowans (UK)

MMACMr Masaharu Araki(Japan)

US IEEE 802.11To be confirmed


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