Executive Committee Meeting
June, 2012 – Dresden – Germany
Joint ICA/IGU Working Group/ Commission on Toponymy
This report presents to ICA Executive Committee the Report of the Joint ICA/IGU Working Group/ Commission on Toponymy, from December, 2011 to June, 2012.
November/ December 2011
-After the meeting with Ron Abler, Peter Jordan and CosimoPalagiano during the IGU2011 in Santiago, Chile, a Report was sent to ICA EC, to be discussed during the EC Meeting in Vienna, yet in November 2011.
-The ICA EC agree with the terms for the creation of the Joint ICA/IGU Working Group/ Commission on Toponymy and as an exceptional situation the designated chair on ICA behalf was Paulo Menezes.
-There were some discussions about the right name to nominate the new ICA/IGU WG/Commission, but the final name was Joint ICA/IGU Working Group/ Commission on Toponymy.
-Almost at the same time Peter Jordan and Cosimo contacted the IGU 2012 (Cologne) LOC, to the new WG/Commission have place on the Conference.
-Contact with UNEGGN Chair, Helen Kerfoot. Sent a short report about the WG/ Commission.
-It was discussed also, about the WG/ Commission composition, to attend the ICA and IGU rules.
-Relating to IGU 2012, it was created two sessions: Place names as markers and ingredients of space-related identity; Chairs: Peter Jordan (Vienna) & CosimoPalagiano (Rome) and as Reading the landscape on the ancient maps; Chairs: CosimoPalagiano (Rome) & Paulo Menezes (Brazil). It was sent for a list of geographer and cartographer´s researchers on toponymy, an invitation to present paper on the Conference.
January 2012
-No activities.
February/ March 2012
-The IGU 2012 LOC informed about 18 papers for the Place names as markers and ingredients of space-related identity Session and one paper for the Reading the landscape on the ancient maps Session. Unfortunately the second session, although having interest to be kept, it was cancelled.
April 2012
-Final discussions about IGU 2012. Final Program defined.
-Discussions about UNGEGN Conference participation. It was defined the Report to be presented (Document on attach).
-I was nominated as ICA Observer on UNGEGN Conference on next July/ August in New York, USA.
May 2012
-It was discussed the composition of the WG/ Commission. It was decided about a group of 7/8 full Commission Members, composing the WG/Commission´s core. All other member will be Participant or Corresponding Members. The following persons were invited:
Peter Raper (South Africa)
FerjanOrmeling (Netherlands)
SungjaeChoo (Republic of Korea)
YaivesFerland (Canada)
EmanOrieby (Egypt)
Peter Jordan (Austria).
-It was proposed a Joint Pre Conference Meeting to be held in Leipzig, 2013, with the participation of the ICA Commission on Historical Cartography, ICA Atlas Commission and the Joint ICA/IGU Working Group/ Commission on Toponymy. All Chairs agreed with this proposal.
Rio de Janeiro, June,3rd,2012
Paulo Márcio Leal de Menezes
ICA Chair of Joint ICA/IGU
Working Group/ Commission on Toponymy
To Prof Dr LászloZentai,
Secretary-General of ICA,
EötvösLorand University
Rio de Janeiro, 13/ July/ 2011
Re: Initiation of Joint ICA/IGU commission on toponymy
Dear Prof.Zentai,
Herewith we propose the initiation by the ICA Executive Commission of a Working Group on Toponymy, as a first step to realize a Joint ICA/IGU commission on toponymy.
We have drafted the proposed terms of reference, and Prof Gartner has asked me to chair the Working Group, and – if this would be acceptable to IGU – to chair the commission as soon as the status of the group is thus elevated. Another option would be that IGU would also nominate a commission chair, and that we would act as co-chairs or alternate.
If the ICA Executive Committee agrees with the proposed terms of reference, we request that you would submit them to the IGU executive, and ask them, if they would agree with this proposal, to organize within the framework of the Regional IGU conference in Santiago de Chile in 2011(November), a first meeting of the proposed joint commission, and to take steps that this commission is initiated by IGU as well.
On behalf of the working group to be initiated, I request funding on behalf of ICA, with the understanding that this should be reciprocated by IGU.
We add the proposed terms of reference as an appendix.
Prof. Dr Paulo Márcio Leal de Menezes
Appendix 1a: Possible terms of reference for the proposed joint ICA/IGU commission on toponymy:
•to foster geographic/cartographic research in the field of place names, especially as regards:
–functions of place names on maps
–rendering of place names on maps
–names placement on maps
–elaborating principles for creating new place names
–place names as expression of time – or space-related identity
–place name/feature relations
–motives for place naming
–place names and administration
–place names and transportation
–place names in the cyber world
–social dimensions of place names
–elaborating principles for solving place-name conflicts
•to disseminate the scientific knowledge on processing and use of place names within geography and cartography;
•To link the toponymy concepts used by other sciences such as anthropology and linguistics to those used in cartography and geography;
•to support the establishment of national and regional boards on geographical names.
•to support the efforts of international standardization of geographical names, such as undertaken by UNGEGN);
•to maintain contacts and scientific exchange with UNGEGN and ICOS, such as by organizing joint events;
•to support and encourage the elaboration and publication of gazetteers, toponymic data files and place-names reference systems (such as EuroGeoNames);
ICA/ IGU Working Group on Toponymy Meeting
UGI 2011 - Regional Geographic Conference
Santiago, Chile – November, 17th
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, 2011-08-08
Dear Colleagues of the ICA/IGU Working Group on Toponymy:
I´d like to formally extend a meeting call for the Working Group on Toponymy during the Regional Geographic Conference – UGI 2011, in Santiago, Chile.
The meeting will be composed of two 90 minutes session each, on the morning of November 17th, granted by the Local Committee.
A preliminary Agenda is been sent attached, to each one and your suggestions to add more topics will be greatly appreciated. It will be appreciated also if this invitation be disseminate to anyone, who can be potential members of the Working Group.
I thank you in advances for making the outline of this meeting.
Paulo Márcio Leal de Menezes
ICA Vice President
ICA Chair of ICA/IGU WG on Toponymy