Bank Holiday Charity Trial

On Monday 28th August, Manchester 17, Staffs Moorlands, Congleton and Macclesfield Trials clubs came together for their annual charity trial at Rushton Spencer Country Fair. Plenty of spectators supported the event, which was split into an easy and dead easy route in the morning, with the much tougher Masters Trial taking place in the afternoon (see separate report)

78 riders entered the morning trial, which presented a mix of woodland and arena areas with a decent variety of rocks and logs. High winds and rain on the day made the course slippery and the dead easy route a bit tougher for some of the older men and machines.

Jason Burgess prevailed though and mastered the dead easy route with a loss of only one mark. Barry Craig came second dropping 14, followed by John Cantrell on his trusty Cub loosing 19 (the best of the 0/40 / Twin shocks). Paul Amos, also scored 19 and achieved the most cleans on the route.

The competition on the easy route was much closer with Jonathan Blount (youth) riding his Sherco to a 2 mark win, closely followed by up and coming rider, Daniel Turnock who lost 5. Third place went to Garry Proffit achieving the best Clubman score on his trusty Honda with 6 marks.

Outside the competition, John Hulme of Yoomee Products entertained all by cleaning the entire route to prepare himself and his bike for his “umpteenth attack” on the Scott trial in 9 weeks time.

After thoroughly enjoying the morning event all of the riders and spectators trooped over to enjoy the Hog Roast to build up their strength for the exciting afternoon Masters Trial. Final calculations have yet to be completed but as with previous years the days trial is expected to donate around £1000 to local charities.


Dead Easy Route:

Jason Burgess (youth) 1, Barry Craig (0/40) 14, John Cantrell (0/40) 19, Paul Amos (0/40) 19, Jack Beresford (youth) 35,

Harder Route:

Jonathan Blount (Youth) 2, Daniel Turnock (youth) 5, Garry Proffit (C/man) 6, Ally Williams (C/man) 7, Iain Robinson (Youth) 7, Tom Booth (C/man) 8, Gareth Salt (Youth) 8.

Report: Ian Dommett.