(Monday, 01August to Friday,30December, 2016)


Issued by

Coordination Wing

National Management Wing, NMC


Ser # / Contents / Pages
Table of Contents / 2
Joining/Arrival Instructions and Registration Process/Formalities / 3
Administrative Instructions / 5
List of Important Telephone Numbers / 11
Form-A Bio Data Form for National Management Course * / 13
Form-BRegistration Form for National Management Course * / 17
Form-C Performa for Provision of Transport to Participants of National
Management Course * / 18
* there is no change in the Proformae already uploaded on the website

Joining/Arrival Instructions


Registration Process/Formalities

Joining/Arrival Instructions

  1. Nominated participants are required to join National Management Course as per following schedule:
  1. All out station participants are required to report and join College onSaturday, 30 July, 2016.However, owing to flight schedule they may arrive earlier with intimation to the college accommodation arrangement in advance.
  2. Participants who would need transport at Lahore Airport/Railway Station/Bus Stand MUST PLACE THEIR REQUEST WITH THE COLLEGE IN ADVANCE.
  3. Lahore based participants may join the college latest by 0800 hrs on Monday, 01 August, 2016.
  4. The first session will commence at 8:25 am on Monday, 01August,2016, for which all participants are required to be seated in National Management Hall by 0820 hrs positively. Please note that Inaugural session and Introduction of Participants is scheduled on Monday, 01 August 2016.

Registration Process/Formalities

  1. Registration process and formalities are to be completed as under:
  1. All participants will report at the Reception Counter for confirmation of their arrival and joining.
  2. They will submit their Registration Form and Bio-Data Form duly completed to the Officer/Official at the Reception Counter.
  3. They will fill I.T Pro-forma and Administrative Pro-forma andhandover to the Officer/Official.
  4. Fill in Registration Form and Bio-Data Form, in case not done earlier.
  5. Submit Latest Annual Medical examination Report as per paragraph 2 ofCabinet Secretariat, Establishment Division No.F.1/4/2015.T.1 dated 05August, 2015Islamabad.
  6. Have the College Medical Pro-forma filled in by the College Medical Officer, who will be present at the Reception Counter on Monday, 01August,2016.
  7. Exposing of photograph is done by an IT Wing Official and participants are required to have it done immediately on arrival/joining.
  8. In order to recheck and have entries completed, if any incomplete, in the above Pro-forma, 01 hr will be dedicated on Monday, 01August,2016.
  9. Every participant will be given a College Bag, which will contain documents including Program for the First Week. Participants are required to follow the events mentioned in the Program.


Administrative Instructions

1.1Pay and Allowances

a)Participants shall draw their Pay and Allowances from their parent departments/organizations according to the stipulated procedure throughout their stay at NMC.

a)The foreign participants of NMC will be provided pocket money equivalent to $150 per month.


a) On Campus residence for the whole duration of the Course is compulsory for out station participants.

b) Each participant not having residence in Lahore is provided with furnished accommodation with all basic facilities. Bedding and linen is made available.

c) Breaks during the academic session shall be provided at reasonable intervals during the session to enable the participants to visit their families in their hometowns.

d) Personal servants/attendants are not permitted to stay in the College for reasons of security and decorum. Permission for part time attendants may be given only in rare cases of illness or some serious emergency. The room bearers allocated to various participants by the College have been trained to take care of basic needs of the participants and maintenance of their rooms.

1.3 Mess

a) Mess arrangements are available for provision of bed-tea, breakfast, and refreshments during break, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner for the participants.

b) Dining hall remains closed when the classes are in progress.

c) Meals are only served in the dinning hall.

d) Meals are only served at the stipulated timings on all days.


Lectures, panel discussions, syndicate and group discussions, workshops and seminars are all restricted to the participants, the faculty and the visiting faculty. Visitors are not permitted to attend these sessions.


a)Sports facilities like tennis, badminton,volleyball, table tennis, billiards, chess and gymnasium etc. are available on the Campus.Squash courts and golf ground are however outside the Campus. Markers will facilitate the participants in availing the Squash Courts.

b)It is mandatory for the participants to engage in games/physical activities for which various clubs have been formed. Participants are required to take part in games for at least three days in a week. There would also be competitions of each club during the course. Secretary of the sports committee would regulate all the sports activities, in coordination with the Sponsor DSs.

c)All participants are expected to come equipped with sports gear, shoes and equipment for the sports facility that they want to avail. However, the participants are expected to bring their own rackets for tennis and squash as well as squash balls.

d)Dress for sports:

i)Track Suit

ii) Joggers/ Tennis Shoes

iii)Shorts/Sports T Shirts

e)Markers are available for billiards, tennis and squash.

1.6Sports Committees

a)Sports Committees are constituted from amongthe participants with following appointments:

i)Chairman Sports Committee

ii)Secretary Sports Committee (responsible for organizing all sports events.

Tasks of the Sports Committees

  • Secure membership from each participant for sports of their liking.
  • Ensure organizing regular games for the participants as per timings reflected in the weekly programme.
  • Organize sports competitions for all the sports in consultation with the administration.
  • Organize prize distribution ceremony at the end of the course under coordination of the Admin Wing.


a)The NMW of NMC has PABX telephone exchange, numbers of which are
+92-42-99202943-44 &+92-42-99203883-4. Telephone sets have been made available in all the hostel rooms.

b)The participants are not expected to make or receive telephone calls or messages when the classes are in session.

c)Telephone messages are not supposed to be communicated to the participants in the classrooms except in rare cases of emergency with the permission of faculty member incharge. The messages shall be noted by the Receptionist and promptly communicated to the participants concerned during break or after the conclusion of the session.

d)Mobile Phones are NOT ALLOWED in NM Hall, Syndicate Rooms, Library and Auditorium.

1.8Locker Facility

Locker facility is available for the participants. Lockers are located outside the Syndicates upstairs NMH in NMW. These are used to deliver incoming mail, provision of reading/reference material to the participants and notices from the College. The participants are expected to clear their lockers twice a day; once at the start of the session and once in the afternoon. In case locker key is lost, a fine of Rs. 500/- will be administered.

1.9Postal Arrangements


12.00 noon 08.00 a.m. to 04.00 p.m.

The incoming post is received by the Receptionist and is distributed among the participants. The participants may receive mail on the following addresses:

  1. C/o Dy. Director (Admin)

National Management Wing

Opposite PC Hotel,


Lahore. 54000


The Fax number of NMW of NMC is +92-42-99201294, which can be utilized for incoming faxes.The NMC e-mail address is . The website of NMC is www.


Laundry services can be availed by the participants for their personal clothing on payment at prescribed rates.

1.12Medical Facilities

a)Dispensary is available in NMW with Medical Officer who attends from 0800-1600 hours daily on working days. The participants are required to pay for the medicines and get reimbursement from their departments and organizations.

b)Serious cases are referred to the local hospitals/specialists and payment, if any, has to be made by the participants and reimbursement claimed from the respective department/organization.

c) The expenses of all the medical facilities provided to the foreign participants, will be borne by the college.

1.13Private Use of College Vehicles

a)There is a heavy pressure on College vehicles. However, these shall be made available for departure/arrival and medical purposes. For private use, staff car can be detailed on payment (including overtime) subject to availability.

b)Requests for casual use of College transport may be addressed to the Deputy Director (Administration) on a requisition form available at the reception, who will keep the
DS (Admn.) and DS (Training & Coordination) informed of such demands.

1.14Car Parking

a)Cars are to be parked, atthe designated areas outside of the campus, as marked on the ground.

b)All concerned are required to observe the speed limit of 20 Km/h while driving within the college premises: they are also requested to advise their guests to observe the speed limit.

c)No vehicle of participants should move or parked beyond library towards NMH.


As per the government policy, smoking is not permitted in any covered area within the campus, particularly Class Rooms, Library, IT Lab. Syndicate Rooms and Offices. Participants may, however, light up in their residential rooms.

1.16 Prohibition to use Mobile Phones

The use of Mobile Phones during classes, syndicate activity and during all official events is strictly prohibited. Any violation will be liable to a penalty of Rs. 2000/- for first time, Rs. 4000/- for second violation, and Rs. 6000/- for third and more violation.

1.17Dress Code


Monday to Thursday:

  • Lounge Suit.
  • National Dress (Black Sherwani, Shoe with Socks)


  • Lounge Suit.
  • White Shalwar Qameez with black waist coat. (Shoe with Socks)

1.18Flash Drives

In their own interest, the participants may bring with them their personal flash drives which will be of great utility to them in collection of data for their research topics and preparing presentations etc.


All participants of National Management CourseMUST BE IN POSSESSION OF OFFICIAL PASSPORTS before joining the college.


Each participant of National Management Coursemust bring 15-passport size (with white background) photographs for Foreign Study Tour requirements.

1.21Other Administrative Formalities

a)The Form-A - Bio-Data Form(applicable to participants of 105th (NMC) in duplicate and Form-B (Registration Form) &Form-C (transport) may please be filled in and mailed/faxed on the following address:-

Addl. DS (T&C) (Training & Coordination) NMW




Fax No. 042-99201294

b)Form-C (transport) may be copied and faxed or posted “well in time”,if the facility is to be availed by NMC participants.

1.22Weekend and Leave Policy

a)Request for weekend or leave through SMS or on telephone will not be entertained, except in case of Emergency/extreme compassionate grounds; as explained in paragraph (c) below.

b)Participants desirous to avail Weekend and proceed out of Lahore may apply on Weekend /Leave Register and also put up Weekend /Leave application.

c)Leave during class days is only permitted on extreme compassionate grounds i.e. marriage or demise of only blood relations.

d)Leave on personal medical grounds (sickness) can also be availed subject to the recommendation of the Medical Officer.

e)For any kind of above leave, participants may have to apply by endorsing in the weekend/leave register along with weekend/leave application form.

f)Leave status of participants will be counted against 7-days leave as stipulated in the college attendance policy as under:

Any participant who misses a total of 7 days of course studies (whether with permission or otherwise) would be liable to be withdrawn from the course. Genuineness of the reason cannot compensate for the loss of learning. Therefore, no exceptions are allowed.

g)Weekend/Leave Register and Application Forms would be available in the participants Tea Lounge in the National Management Hall, Building.

1.24Prohibition to Call/Take Computer Operators in the Participants’ rooms or outside NMW

The responsibility to complete computer related work lies on the participants, however the institution has arranged services of the computer operators to assist the participants. The participants are not allowed to take computer operators outside the campus. The computer operators are prohibited to attend to the participants in the participants rooms. Sufficient computers are provided in the computer lab, in the syndicate rooms as well as the simulation exercise area, accordingly participants will utilize services of the computer operators on duty in the computer lab or attached to the syndicate rooms or a simulation exercise group. Due to administrative reasons it is not always possible to continuously attach one specific computer operator to a specific participant or a group of participants;the participants must not insist on provision of a specific computer operator. The participants are prohibited to direct computer operators to find websites or research material for them, this must be done by the participants themselves.

List of Forms

i)Form-A (Bio-Data Form) For NMC is also available on NSPP Website

ii)Form-B(Registration Form) For NMC is also available on NSPP Website

iii)Form-C(Transport Performa) (For NMW)


NSPP Secretariat

PABX NOS: +92-42-99202943-44; 99203883-84 FAX NO. 99201294

Website Address: Address:

Name / Designation / Telephone No.
City Code
(042) / Ext (Off) / Res. Phone
Mr. Muhammad Ismail Qureshi / Rector NSPP / 99202906 / 301 / 99201181
KhawajaSamiullah / SO to Rector / 99202906 / 356
Administration Wing
Rai Ijaz Ali Zaigham / DG (Admn.)/DS(NMW) / 99202918 / 397 / 0300-8453949
Dr. Syed AsimHussain / DS (Admn.) / 99203887 / 351 / 36665999
Mr. Ali Ahmed / Dy. Director (Admin) / 99202001 / 327 / 0332-4904484
Mr. Manzoor Ahmed / Admn. Officer / 99205358 / 277 / 36638448
Mr. Hassam Rustam / Superintendent Admin / 299
Mr. Habib Ahmed Khan / Transport Incharge / 99202944 / 354 / 03334290704
Mr. Qaiser Mahmood / Care Taker Hostel / 258 / 0345-4056960
Coordination Wing
Mr. Muhammad Akram Khan / DDS (Coord) / 99205342 / 323 / 0314-4099643
Mr. M. Nadeem Khan / AVO / 99205342 / 323
Mr. Asim Rizwan / PO / 284 / 0300-8411182
Mr. Salman Khalid / APO / 99205345 / 366 / 03004791244
National Management Wing
PABX NOS: +92-42-99202943-44; 99203883-84 FAX NO. 99201294
Faculty Members
Mr. NaeemAslam / Dean / 99202908 / 305 / 35880576
Mr. Shafiq Hussain Bokhari / Chief Instructor (NMW) / 99202907 / 355 / 0346-4140023
Brig. AnwarulHaq, SI (M), ndc, psc, (Retd) / DS (T&C) / 99202913 / 304 / 99202917
Mr. Shahid Rahim Sheikh / DS / 99202924 / 344 / 0300-4888377
Rai Ijaz Ali Zaigham / DG (Admin)/DS(NMW) / 99202918 / 397 / 0300-8453949
Mrs. Iram Adnan / DS / 99203815 / 345 / 0313-8492349
Mr. Ahmed Yar Khan / DS / 99202910 / 313 / 99214235
Mr. Ejaz Hassain Shah / DS / 99202909 / 330 / 0321-8412145
Capt. Saeed Ahmad Nawaz (R) / DS / 99202905 / 303 / 0321-4733148
Mr. Inam Ghani / DS / 99203811 / 306 / 0302-8581000
Mrs. Iram Bukhari / DS
Name / Designation / Telephone No.
City Code
(042) / Ext (Off) / Res. Phone
Library NMC
Mrs. NaeemaNaeem / Research Librarian / 99202912 / 312/333
Medical Centre
Dr. Shahid Iqbal / Medical Officer / 99202935 / 395
Mr. Ahmed Ali / Mess Incharge / 264 / -
Mr. Muhammad AshiqBhatti / Supervisor Works / 357
Mr. Muhammad Babar Shafi / Supervisor Electric / 295
Main Gate & Davis Road Gate / 99202943-44 / 271/272
National Bank of Pakistan / PASC Branch / 99202927
Reproduction / 269




Important Notes: / Passport Size
(White Background)
To be copied and filled in duplicate.
No column to be left blank. Please give reason in case it is being left blank.
Form should be typed or filled in LEGIBLE HAND WRITING.
Please staple twelve (12) copies of your recent passport size photographs with white background.
Occupational Group/Cadre:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth: / City:
Domicile (Province):
Father’s Name:
Marital Status: / Unmarried / Married / Separated / Divorced / Widow
(Circle or Tick the relevant one)
Date of Entry in the Present Grade or Equivalent:
No of Children: / Son(s): / Daughter(s):
Date of Joining Service:
Designation (before joining the Course):
Date of appointment to the designation before joining the course:

Brief description of responsibilities of the designation before joining the course:

Date of Promotion: / BS-18
______/ BS-19
______/ BS-20
Last Four Positions held to BS-19 and BS-20 or equivalent, in Government or other organizations:

Grade or Equivalent










/ Duration
(Ascending order)
(Ascending order)
Educational qualifications (Post Graduate, Graduate and Diploma) with disciplines and years starting with highest qualification)

Diploma /Degree







Training Received in Pakistan
(CTP/STP, MCMC, NIPA/SMC and other during entire service:

Name of Course



(weeks/months) / Dates / Name of Institution
From / To






Training Received Abroad (with name of the Country):

Name of Course



(weeks/months) / Dates / Name of Country and Institution
From / To

Area of Specialization

(if any):

Additional technical or professional qualifications (if any):

Published/unpublished work:

(books, articles, reports)

Membership of official and unofficial committees /commissions:
Membership of academic/ literary/professional associations:
Name of the nominating Ministry/Department/ Organization for this Course:
Name and designation of the authority which maintains your PER and to whom the Course Report is to be sent:
Addresses & Contact Numbers: /
  • Official:
/ ______Contact#: ______Fax#: ______
  • Mailing:
/ ______Contact#: ______Fax#: ______
  • Permanent:
/ ______Contact#: ______Fax#: ______
Station: / Lahore / Signature: / ______
Date: / August, 2016 / Name (Capital words): / ______
Service Group: / ______




Note:Please make all entries in CAPITAL LETTERS using INK. Do not use lead pencil.

1. / Full Name: / ______
2. / Father’s Name: / ______
3. / Service Group: / ______
4. / Last Posting as/Designation held
before Joining the Course: / ______
5. / Date of Birth: / Date
______ / Months (in digits)
______ / Year (in digits)
6. / Date of Registration for 105thNMC: / ______ / ______ / ______
7. / Age as on 01st August 2016: / Years
______ / Months
______ / Days
8. / National Identity Card #: / ______
9. / Official Passport Details:
  • Do you have official passport (tick):
/ Yes ______ / No ______
  • Give details if Yes:
  1. Passport #: ______

  1. Date of Issue: ______

  1. Date of Expiry: ______

10. / Important Address &Contact Numbers:
  • Personal Cell #:
/ ______
  • Personal Email Address:
/ ______
  • Emergency Contact #:
  • Name (Person for contact): ______
  • Relationship: ______
  • Cell/Land Line #: ______

  • Residential Address where family is residing:
/ ______
11. / Resident Status: / Lahore Base
Yes/No / Hostel Room#