Join ECFH and let us help you make your high school field hockey team

Preparing girls to make their high school hockey teams is no easy task, but we’ve become very successful at it. Speed of play, speed of thought, foot speed, stick speed, these all play a part of your development. There is much more to your preparationsand for us to accomplish with you in addition to skill training. Remember the best players don’t always make the best team, it takes a lot more.

We’ll teach you the skills and work with you on what you need to be doing for your fitness. Having a great work ethic is a huge indicator of how important hockey is to you and the value you will have for a HS team. With our training, you will develop confidence reducing some of the nervousness that can be translated onto your performance on the hockey pitch.

Part of your preparation to make the high school team involves attitude. Your attitude regarding your hockey will be refined so from the time you arrive to practice till you leave, you’ll show your seriousness about playing at this level of hockey.

We’ll train you how to focus, not looking to coaches to see if they saw you perform your skills, but having your eyes glued to theirs while they are talking. Not taking breaks when the coaches are not looking and having negative thoughts about a mistake you might have made in front of a coach. When you look at your coach instead of being 100% focused on your game, you show insecurity. Because you’ll be well trained, you will let your game speak for itself

We’ll teach you core skills as well as advanced skills, not to look flashy as this is not good. You’ll become effective and you’ll learn how to make others look good so you look good. You’ll understand how to contribute to the team and show off your hockey strengths that will have few equals.

You will learn about all the positions on the hockey pitch and we’ll teach you to play 2 positions, this will increase your value as a high school player. We want coaches to see that you know everything these two positions and that you look and are “quick” while playing them. Within these two positions you’ll not only be able to effectively play, you’ll have quick and effective dribbling skills that will surely stand out.

We’ll teach you how to showcase your strengths on the pitch and avoid situations that showcase your weakness. We’ll train these weaknesses to make you even more effective.

ECFH does a fair number of events and activities not on the hockey pitch. There are many reasons and all of them relate to your making your high school teams. Social skills, speaking with teammates,how to communicate effectively in Hockey is a learned skill. The more you engage your teammates, the smarter players will work with you. Every activity you’ll participate will have extraordinary value to you both on and off the hockey pitch. The benefits from all the extra activities here in ecfh are huge and the benefits will follow you through high school hockey into college.

Coaches know who made your HS team last year. They will pay more attention to last season’s players. We’ll teach you how to learn who they are, bond with them, and play with them as much as possible. You’ll be trained to get the attention of high school coaches so you’ll look better playing with these starters from the last season.

You will learn how to fight for your position. How to contribute to team success no matter what position you play but to fight for the position you desire. How long you stay in a position often depends on how well you play. By playing to your strengths, you’ll become an effective player on the team in any of the positions you’ll play.

So much of what you achieve will be a result of your leadership abilities. Leadership makes you seem confident and you’ll play with more confidence. ECFH devotes a lot of time to teaching you about leadership and how to become a leader through not only our training exercises but also through all the extraactivities where you canparticipate. Through every event and practice, you’ll learn what it truly means to work hard and smart and how to gain the respect of your teammates.

Respect is important. Anyone can shout things, but coaches will notice leaders that are respected by other players. You’ll earn this respect by your play and training attitude. You’ll learn to dominate the pitch and be properly involved in the play. Plus, you’ll learn to look the part as two players of equal skill, one looks graceful with legs, arms and stick and the other does not, which one gets picked is an easy choice. You’ll learn how to efficiently and effectively move on the hockey pitch making you look as good as you play.