Johnson High School MCJROTC Company
Huntsville, Alabama 35810
Corps Regulations and Course Syllabus
1. To establish the corps regulations for the Johnson High School MCJROTC Company.
2. To provide a procedure for the implementation of these regulations.
Cadet Duties
1. Each cadet is required to have the skills and knowledge appropriate to his or her Leadership Education Training (LET) level, rank, and position.
2. Written excuses for absences must be signed by a cadet’s parent and must be approved by the Marine Instructor (MI).
3. Cadets must uphold the integrity of the company and the Cadet Corps at all times.
4. Cadets are to abide by all Corps rules and all school rules.
5. Failure to perform duties in a proper manner may result in the awarding of demerits and/ or demotion in rank.
Wearing the Uniform
1. The JROTC uniform is always worn in its entirety in a proper, dignified, and respectful manner throughout the designated uniform day (8:00 a.m. – 3:10 p.m.). Excuses to change out of the uniform must be approved by the Marine Instructor.
2. The male Dress Blue “A” uniform consists of low quarter regulation shoes, black socks, blue trousers, belt with buckle, white t-shirt, white cover, and white gloves. All authorized insignia and awards will be properly displayed on the blue jacket. Covers will be worn at all times when outdoors. The Dress Blue “B” uniform consists of the same items except no medals are worn.
3. The female Dress Blue “A” uniform consists of low-quarter regulation shoes, black socks, or skin-tone panty hose, blue slacks or blue skirt, blue blouse, white shirt with collar and blue neck tab, white gloves, and white cover. All authorized insignia, awards, and badges except medals will be properly displayed on the blue jacket. Covers will be worn at all times when outdoors. The Dress Blue “B” uniform consists of the same items except no medals are worn.
4. The males Service “B” uniform consist of low quarter regulation shoes, black socks, green trousers, and web belt. Khaki long sleeve shirt with white t-shirt, necktie, tie clasp and green cover. All authorized insignia, awards, badges, and accouterments will be displayed properly on the khaki shirt. Covers will be worn at all times when outdoors.
5. The female Service “B” uniform consists of low quarter regulation shoes, black socks or skin-toned pantyhose, green skirt or slacks with long sleeve khaki shirt, neck tab, and green cover. All authorized insignia, awards, badges, and accouterments will be displayed properly on the khaki shirt. Covers will be worn at all times when outdoors.
6. The male Service “C” uniform consists of low-quarter regulation shoes, black socks, green trousers, web belt with buckle, white t-shirt, khaki short sleeve shirt and green cover. All authorized insignia; awards (ribbons) and badges will be displayed properly unless directed otherwise on the khaki shirt. Covers will be worn at all times when outdoors.
7. The female Service “C” uniform consists of low-quarter regulation shoes, green slacks or skirt, skin-tone panty hose with skirt, black socks with slacks, khaki short sleeve shirt and green cover. All authorized insignia, awards (ribbons) and badges will be displayed properly unless directed otherwise on the khaki shirt. Covers will be worn at all times when outdoors.
8. The male and female Utility uniform consists of utility CAMI cover, boots, CAMI trousers bloused at the top of the boot, belt with buckle, CAMI jacket, green t-shirt, black socks and rank is worn on the CAMI jacket collar.
9. All uniforms are neatly pressed. Shoes and boots are clean. All buttons are fastened. The belt’s metal tip is to the cadet’s left. Non-prescription sunglasses are not worn in uniform. No government owned military clothing, may be worn with civilian dress or on non-uniform days, with the exception of the web belt and t-shirt.
10. Any cadet who fails to wear the uniform on the designated uniform day will be awarded demerits, and will be required to wear it on another day as directed by the Marine Instructor. Any cadet who is absent on the designated uniform day will be required to wear it on another day as directed by the Marine Instructor.
Personal Appearance
Cadets should show a pride in belonging by keeping a neat and well-groomed appearance at all times. Cadets are expected to maintain good appearance both, in and out of uniform, which are addressed in this document. Cadets are also expected to maintain good conduct at all times. A cadet’s behavior reflects on the company regardless, either favorably or negatively. Consequently, poor conduct may result in the awarding of demerits decided by
the Marine Instructor. Cadets also will be awarded demerits if he/she does not abide the following regulations:
1. Hair: Extreme, eccentric, or trendy haircuts or hairstyles are not authorized. If cadets use dyes, tints, or bleaches, they must choose those that result in natural colors. Cadets should avoid using colors that result in an extreme appearance. Applied hair colors that are prohibited include, but are not limited to fluorescent or neon colors. Appropriate hair colors will ultimately be at the discretion of the Marine Instructor.
2. Cadets may wear religious apparel, articles, or jewelry with uniform, if they are neat, conservative, and discreet. When religious jewelry is worn, the uniform must meet the same standards of wear as if the religious jewelry were not worn. For example, a religious item worn on a chain may not be visible when worn in uniform.
A. Headgear: Cadets may wear religious headgear while in uniform if the headgear meets the following criteria: It must be subdued in color (black, brown, green, dark or navy blue, or a combination of these colors) and it must be of a style and size that can be completely covered by standard military headgear.
3. Male cadets will not be permitted to wear earrings of any size or shape in uniform. During JROTC, male cadets also will not be permitted to wear any shades of nail polish. Haircuts will conform to the following standards:
a. Hair on the top of the head will be neatly groomed. The length and bulk of the hair will not be excessive or present a ragged appearance. The hair will present a tapered appearance on the back and sides of the head. Hair will be of natural color. When combed, the hair will not fall over the ears or eyebrows or touch the collar except for closely cut hair at the back of the neck. In all cases, the bulk or length of the hair will not interfere with the normal wear of all military headgear. Braids, cornrows, or dreadlocks (unkempt, twisted, matted, individual parts of hair) are unauthorized.
b. If the individual desires to wear sideburns, they will be neatly trimmed. The base will not be flared and will be a clean- shaven horizontal line. Sideburns will not extend downward beyond the lowest part of the exterior ear opening.
c. The face will be clean-shaven. Mustaches are permitted. If a mustache is worn, it will be kept neatly trimmed, tapered and tidy and will not present a chopped off or bushy appearance. No portion of the mustache will cover the upper lip line or extend horizontally beyond or below the corner points of the mouth where the upper and lower lips join. Handlebar, mustaches, goatees, and beards are not authorized.
4. Female cadets: may wear only one wristwatch, two rings, and one set of post-type earrings while in uniform. Earrings, if worn, must be spherical, unadorned, and worn in the lobe of the ear. Earrings may not exceed 6mm or ¼ inch in diameter. Chains may be worn so long as the chain is not visible while in uniform. One identification
bracelet may be worn. Any jewelry must be tasteful and conservative in style.
A. Hair holding ornaments (such as but not limited to, barrettes, pins, clips, bands) if used, must be unadorned and plain and must be transparent or similar in color to the hair, and will be inconspicuously placed. Bead or similar ornamental items are not authorized.
B. Cosmetics: Female cadets are authorized to wear cosmetics applied conservatively and in good taste. Exaggerated or faddish cosmetic styles are inappropriate with the uniform and will not be worn. Lipstick and nail polish may be worn with all uniforms as long as the color is conservative and compliments the uniform. Extreme shades of lipstick and nail polish such as purple, gold, blue, and white will not be worn.
5. Males and females: The wear of one wrist watch, identification bracelet, concealed neck chain and no more than two rings is permitted in uniform as long as they are conservative and in good taste. The wear of a purely religious medal on a chain around the neck is permitted provided neither the medal nor the chain is exposed. Hair will be of natural color only. No jewelry, watch chains or similar items, to include pens and pencils will appear exposed on uniforms. Uniforms will be kept buttoned, zipped, and snapped.
Military Courtesy
1. Proper military courtesy is observed by all cadets in uniform and during formations.
2. Cadets in uniform are to salute all superior cadet officers and all U. S. Armed Forces Officers when outdoors. The cadets should hold the salute until the officer returns it.
3. Cadets should always greet superiors, officers and Noncommissioned Officers (NCOs) as appropriate (For example: Good Morning/ Afternoon Sir, Sergeant, or Ma’am).
4. At the beginning of the class period, when the Marine Instructor, class aide, or any superior cadet enters the room, the first cadet to see him/her should call the class to “Attention”. When role is taken he/she responses with “Cadet last name here Sir/ Ma’am and remains at Attention.
5. In the absence of the Marine Instructor, or class aide, the senior cadet present will be in charge and act with the authority of the Marine Instructor.
Chain of Command
1. The proper chain of command will be followed in all cases (unless obviously inappropriate) for all approvals, requests, orders, etc.
2. The lowest level in the formal chain of command is the squad leader. The squad leader is in charge of the cadets, privates, private first class, corporals and sergeants that make up his/her squad.
3. For reporting purposes, the squad leader reports to the platoon sergeant. The platoon sergeant reports to his/her platoon leader.
4. The platoon leader reports to the Company Commander. Who is at the top of the student chain of command.
5. The informal chain of command, the NCO chain, headed by the Sergeant Major, may be used if the formal chain is not available.
6. The Company Executive Officer (XO) assumes command in the absence of the Company Commander (CO). While not part of the formal chain of command, the Company XO is the principal staff coordinator.
7. All cadets have the right to bypass the student chain of command if he/she feels it necessary to go to the Marine Instructor otherwise all affairs should be settled by use of the cadet chain of command.
Extracurricular Teams
1. Cadets will not be allowed to participate in ANY JROTC extracurricular activity unless the following requirements have been met:
a. Cadets must maintain a 70 composite numerical average each semester.
b. Cadets must pass FOUR out of SEVEN classes each school year.
c. Cadets must maintain a 70 average for their respective JROTC class each nine weeks grading period.
d. Cadets must not receive any significant disciplinary action (i.e. suspension from school).
The Marine Instructor will determine the course of action taken when a cadet has received any significant disciplinary action.
2. If a cadet has not met requirements a-c, they will not be allowed to participate until AFTER the average(s) have been raised or the class(es) have been made up.
3. If a cadet has not met requirements d-e, the final word rests in the Marine Instructor.
4. The Johnson High School JROTC Company fields three competition teams: the Color Guard, the Drill Team (includes the Exhibition Team), and the Rifle Team.
5. Additional qualifications for membership vary for each team, as set by the team commander or the Marine Instructor, as do the qualifications for dismissal. It is the responsibility of every team member to be aware of the rules of his/her team as well as Huntsville City School rules that govern varsity sports at all times.
6. Satisfactory participation on a Johnson High School JROTC team earns the cadet a Johnson Varsity Letter in addition to the team participation ribbon and the Varsity Athletic ribbon.
Activities, Formation, and Physical Training
1. Cadets must attend all scheduled formations, team practices, and other unit activities. Cadets must also participate in all scheduled physical training activities.
2. Excuses for absence from any activity or training must be requested prior to the absence or promptly afterward. Excuses must be signed by a parent or doctor. Unexcused absences result in demerits.
3. The JOJ JROTC unit participates in parades each year. Participation is by selection. All cadets will wear the appropriate uniform (as assigned by Marine Instructor).
1. Grades in JROTC classes are based upon:
Academic grades: 20% Citizenship/Participation: 10%