St John Ogilvie
High School
Head Teacher: E Morrison
Parent Teacher Association
Register Charity No: SC043260
President Vice President
Mrs Laura Gaddis Mrs Catherine Duffy
161 Main Street 4 Lady Watson Gardens
High Blantyre Hamilton
07791918762 07910133215
Minutes of the PTA Meeting
6.00pm Wednesday 25th August 2015
Present: L Gaddis, E Morrison, A Balfour, K Doolan, A Crossar, C Keegan,
Apologies S Gunn, C Duffy, M Ferguson
Time: 6.00PM
1. Previous Minutes – agreed.
2. Matters Arising: None - all dealt with under agenda
3. Finance
· Monthly draw down in numbers but agreed still worthwhile to continue. Will do a big push to try and get new members.
· Environmental project – Mandy Boland now taking this onboard. Need to get some flowers LG suggested try Council in first instance failing that B&Q but ask for a discount. Need to take photos of the gardening work in progress.
· VAT – still no idea what is going on with this – there seems to be some issue with claiming VAT back when it’s a charity – still looking into it.
· OSCR – need to fill in forms and do the name change for the charity regulator – should be a formality but need to update signatories and board names.
· School show – PTA paid £834 for license and hire of materials. Sets and costumes cost around £200-£250. Raffle took in £754.18. Not sure what ticket sales total was but made a profit. Overall show was a great success next show likely to be a panto. Pupils are buying tickets for the Carluke AOS production of Hairspray as promised when we got the license.
· Latest bank statement confirmed there was £4851.80 in the bank.
4. Events:
a. Senior awards Thursday 10th September – speakers Angela Crawley MP and Julie McElroy.
5. Headteacher’s Report
a. New staff now in place Mrs. Millar PTPS/Drama, Michael Williams replacing Mrs. Lynn who retires on 4th September. New teachers in Computing, Chemistry and Maths plus probationers. Returning staff includes Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Celino, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Trow and Miss Screen.
b. SQA performance 2014/15 excellent – improvements across the board. EM gave PowerPoint presentation of results – he will send them to LG and these can be circulated.
c. PTA donated £300 towards the forthcoming Spanish Exchange students – 21 pupils coming on September 24th until 4th October. There will also be a French exchange from Sat 19th to 24th September.
d. Leadership Elections – scheduled to take place on Thursday 3rd September panel will consist of PTA President former deputy head boy, 3rd year boy and a member of staff. There will also be elections for junior leadership.
e. PTA gave school £400 for awards ceremony for Aristotle Award (3 this year) and Patrick Doyle music award.
f. St Andrews Hospice 6k to take place on Sunday 20th September at 10.30 am need to ensure we have more staff and pupils than St Brides and St Andrews!
g. AGM for Parent Council and elections scheduled for 1st Wednesday in November.
Date of next Meeting: 30th September 2015