John M. Bouda Referee of the Year for Adult Soccer
Age: 18 years of age or older
Length of Service: Minimum of three years
Demonstrates the ability to officiate at the adult soccer level.
Regularly and competently officiates adult soccer of all levels
Knowledgeable of the Laws of the Game in both written format and applicable process.
Presents themselves in a professional manner both on and off the field.
Has a willingness to mentor other referees.
Is supportive of the State Cup Series and other adult tournaments.
Strives to continue their referee education.
Nomination Process:
Anyone can nominate a referee that meets the requirements by completing the nomination form and submitting as instructed.
Selection Process:
A committee formed by the SRA will make selections based on the nomination letter and observations of performance.
Announcement of winners:
The announcement of the winning referees will be posted on the NCSRA website and made at the AGM Presidents Luncheon.
Winning Referees:
The winning referee will receive an invitation for four to the AGM Luncheon, an NCSRA embroidered polo shirt, an NCSRA embroidered warm up, an NCSRA embroidered back pack, and an invitation to attend the next scheduled Pro Referee Clinic in the state at NCSRA expense.