JOHN HALL of SETTLE 1692 Ref.Borthwick.York. Feb.1692bundle
Transcribed by S.Gordon
In the name of god amen I John Hall of Settle in the County of yorke Cordwainer being sick in body, but of good and pfect memory, thanks be Almighty God, and considering the uncertainty of this transitory life, Do make, ordaine, constitute and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following, Hereby utterly revoking all and every Testament or Testaments heretofore by me made or declared by word or writing: And that my Temporall Estate and such Goods, Chattels, and debts as belong to me may be the better settled I do order give and dispose the same in manner and forme following, That is to say, First I will that all those debts I owe in right to any manner of person or persons whatsoever be well and truly paid or ordained to be paid within convenient time after my decease and after the discharging funeral expences by mine Executors hereafter named, Item I do give and bequeath unto mine eldest son John Hall for an (sic) in Consideracon of the payment of such Legacies as be hereafter herein mentioned All mine houses lands and Tenements being and lying in Settle aforesaid and the precincts thereoff with all the deeds and writings concerning the same, namely that the said John do pay to his Brother Thomas Hall the sume of Twenty Pounds of lawfull English money When ye sd Thomas doth attaine the age of Twenty one years. Item my will is that the said John do pay to his three sisters Elizabeth Isabel and Mary Hall fifteen Pounds apeice as they do severally and Respectively accomplish and attaine the full Age of Twenty one years. Item I will that my wife Elizabeth Hall have occupy possesse and enjoy all the sd. mine houses lands and Tenemts. in Settle as abovesd and Receive and take ye profits thereof untill my said son John do attaine ye Age of Twenty one years That hereby she may be better enabled to bring up and educate my sd. children. And in case any of my children do dy \before ye age of Twenty one years be attained/ Then my will and pleasure is that ye legacy be given do Robert to my son Jn: Item my will and pleasure is yt ye Closes called Lings And ye Barns thereon standing be by mine Executors sold to and for ye payment of my Debts and be it Remembered yt ye six shillings and four pence Rent on the Pasture called High Scarr and Scalebarr And one pcell of ground called (Edlestone) Banks formerly granted by me to my daughter Ann Hall be out of this Will alwayes Excepted. Lastly I do ordaine appoint and nominate Elizabeth my wife and John Hall my son joynt Executors of this my last Will & Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the Thirty fi(rst) day of January in ye year of our Lord God One thousand six hundred ninety two
Leonard L \his mark/ K Kidd
Anthony Procter
R Atkinson John Hall
February the 10th. in the yeare 1692
An Inventory of all the Goods and Chattells belonging to John Hall of Upper Settle lately deceased prized & valued by these men whose names are hereunto subscribed
Li s d
Imp His Apparell & money in his purse / 01 / 00 / 00Two Tables and two formes / 00 / 07 / 00
One Cupboard five Chaires one table / 00 / 19 / 02
One Table and formes / 00 / 05 / 00
Two Chiests and two Arks / 01 / 03 / 00
In Meal and Beans / 02 / 16 / 00
One ombery & foure Chaires / 00 / 10 / 00
Two paire of Bedstocks / 00 / 02 / 00
Five Coverlets / 00 / 05 / 00
Foure paire of Blanketts, one Red Rug / 00 / 17 / 00
One paire of Curtains / 00 / 02 / 00
Five paire of Sheets, three Boulsters / 00 / 19 / 08
Foure Chaffe beds one brass pott 4 panns / 01 / 04 / 00
In pewther, Brass & one Backstone / 01 / 15 / 00
In wood vessel, & three shelf boards / 00 / 07 / 08
One Cart, wheels and Coope / 01 / 00 / 00
One plough, plowgeare & one Harrow / 00 / 06 / 08
In Oates, Hay and Beefe / 01 / 18 / 00
In Leather, Shoes and Boots / 09 / 11 / 09
One Horse and one Mare / 04 / 00 / 00
Three cows / 09 / 00 / 00
Three Heifers / 03 / 00 / 00
Twenty Sheep / 07 / 00 / 00
In Huslement / 00 / 15 / 00
Three Sacks / 00 / 04 / 00
49 / 07 / 11
George Atkinson
John Kidd
Hugh Hall
Leonard Kidd