John Gordon Collier

John Gordon Collier—Bibliography

(1)1960Steam as a reactor coolant. A critical assessement. In Progress in Nuclear Energy, Series IV, 3, p.43, Pergamon Press.

(2)New thinking on heat transfer. Industrial Chemist, 36, (422) p.1981. Also published as AERE M572.

(3)(With P.M.C. LACEY) The spray cooled reactor. Nuclear Power, 5, (52) p.68.

(4)1961(With G.F. HEWITT) Data on the vertical flow of air-water mixtures in the annular and dispersed flow regions. Part II - Film thickness and entrainment data and analysis of pressure drop measurements. Trans. Inst. Chem. Engrs.,39, p.127. Also published as AERE R3455.

(5)(With J.A.R. BENNETT, H.R.C. PRATT and J.D. THORNTON) Heat transfer to two-phase gas-liquid systems. Part I - Steam-water mixtures in the liquid-dispersed region in an annulus. Trans. Inst. Chem. Engrs, 39, no 2, p.113.

(6)Burnout in liquid cooled reactors - Parts I and II. Nuclear Power, 6, (62) p.61, and 7, (63) p.64. Also published as AERE R3698

(7)(with P.M.C. LACEY) Heat transfer to high pressure superheated steam in an annulus - Part II - Boiling and Burnout, Condensation and Two-Phase Flow. Paper presented to International Heat Transfer Conference, Boulder, Colorado, 28th Aug-1st Sept. 1961

(8)1962(With P.M. LACEY and G.F. HEWITT) Climbing Film Flow. Paper presented to Symposium on Two-phase fluid flow, Inst. Mech. Engrs. Also published as AERE R3962.

(9)Spray evaporation for a steam-cooled heavy water moderated reactor. Chemical Process Engineering, 43, (4) p.162-167.

(10)1963(With G.A. WIKHAMMER, E.O. MOECK and I.P.L. MACDONALD) The effect of certain geometrical factors on dryout for high quality stream water mixtures flowing in a vertical internally heated annulus at 1000 p.s.i.a. Paper presented at 6th U.S. National Heat Transfer Conference. A.I.Ch.E./A.S.M.E. Boston, August 1963.

(11)(With A.D. LANE, R.D. PAGE and E.E. WINTER) The first experimental irradiation of fog cooled fuel. Paper presented at the E.A.E.S. Symposium on two phase flow, steady state burnout and hydrodynamic instability. Studswick, Sweden October 1963.

(12)1964(With P.M.C. LACEY and D.J. PULLING) Heat transfer to two-phase gas-liquid systems - Part II - Further data on steam-water mixtures in the liquid dispersed region in an annulus. Trans. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 42, (4) p. 127-139.

(13)(With A.D. LANE) Thermal and irradiation performance of experimental fuels operating in steam/water mixtures. Paper presented by Canada at the 3rd U.N. Int. Conf. on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. Geneva.

(14)(With G.A. WIKHAMMER, E.O. MOECK and I.P.L. MACDONALD) Methods of improving the dryout heat flux for high pressure steam water flow. Paper presented at the U.S. Winter Annual Meeting of the A.S.M.E., New York, December 1964.

(15)1966(With G.F. HEWITT) Measurement of liquid entrainment. Brit. Chem. Engrg., 11, no. 11, p.1375-1379.

(16)(With G.F. HEWITT) Experimental techniques in two-phase flow. Brit. Chem. Engrg., 11, no. 11, (12) p.1526-1531.

(17)1967(With G.F. HEWITT) Film thickness measurement in two-phase flow. Brit. Chem. Engrg., 12 (5) p.709-715. Also published as AERE R4684.

(18)1968Boiling of liquid Alkali Metals. Chem. And Process Engrg. Heat Transfer Survey p.167-173.

(19)Two-phase flow and boiling heat Transfer. Brit. Chem. Engrg.,13, (2) p.249-255.

(20)1969(With B.E. BOYCE and J. LEVY) Hold-up and pressure drop measurements in the two-phase flow of air-water mixtures and helical coils. Paper presented at Symposium on Co-current Two-phase flow, University of Waterloo, Canada, September 1968: Plenum Press 1969.

(21)1970(With B.E. BOYCE, A.S. DEDMAN and R. KHANNA) Natural convection through narrow vertical unheated annuli at high gas pressures. Paper presented at 4th Int. Heat Transfer Conference. Versailles, September 1970, published by Elsevier as Heat Transfer 1970.

(22)1971(With K.T. CLAXTON) Mass transport of stainless steel corrosion products in flowing liquid sodium. Paper presented at the U.S. Metallurgical Society. Fall Meeting Detroit, October 19th-20th 1971. Also published as AERE R7001.

(23)1972(with B.E. BOYCE and R. BELL) The structure of a submerged impinging gas jet. Journal of B.N.E.S., 11 (2) p.183-193.

(24)Convective boiling and condensation. McGraw Hill Book Co., New York.

(25)1973(With K.T. CLAXTON) Effects of corrosion product transport in fast reactors. Paper 44 presented to Int. Conf. on Liquid Alkali Metals, Nottingham.

(26)Post dryout heat transfer in nuclear and cryogenic equipment. Paper number 73-HT-16. Paper to Heat Transfer Conf. A.S.M.E.-A.1.Ch.E. Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.

(27)(With T.D.A. KENNEDY and J.A. WARD) The thermal design of plate fin reboilers. Cryotech 73 proceedings.

(28)1974(With R.F.COX, L.S. EVANS and G.R. BAINBRIDGE) Potassium/Steam Cycle for a High Efficiency Gas Cooled Reactor Power Station. Electr. Rev., vol. 195, no. 16, pp.565-568.

(29)(With T.D.A. KENNEDY) The structure of an impinging gas jet submerged in a liquid. Multiphase Flow Systems Symposium. Published by the Institution of Chemical Engineers Symposium Series No. 38.

(30)1975Boiling 7: Liquid metals, supercritical state, binary systems. Paper presented at the 5th Int. Heat Transfer Conference, Tokyo, 1974. Proceedings, 6, pp.293-304.

(31)1976(With R.G. OWEN and J.C.R. HUNT) Magnetohydrodynamic pressure drop in ducted two-phase flows. Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 3, no. 1, pp.23-33.

(32)1977(With W. MARSHALL) How UK experts assessed the integrity of PWR pressure vessels. Nucl. Eng. Int., 22, No. 259, pp.41-45.

(33)(With S. KAKAK and F MAYINGER) Introduction to Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer Phenomena. Two-Phase flows and Heat Transfer. NATO Advanced Study Institute , Istanbul, August 16-27, 1976. Proceedings, vol.1, pp.3-10.

(34)(With S. KAKAC and F MAYINGER) Post-Dryout Heat Transfer -A Review of the Current Position. Two-Phase flows and Heat Transfer. NATO Advanced Study Institute, Istanbul, August 16-27, 1976. Proceedings, vol.2, pp.769-813

(35)Single-Phase and Two-Phase Flow Behaviour in Primary Circuit Components. Two-Phase flows and Heat Transfer (ed. S. Kakac and F. Mayinger), vol. 1, pp. 313–355. Hemisphere Publishing Corp, Washington DC (USA). NATO Advanced Study Institute on Two-Phase flows and Heat Transfer, Istanbul, Turkey, 16-27 Aug. 1976.

(36)1979Two-Phase Gas-Liquid Flows within Rod Bundles. In Turbulent forced convection in channels and bundles, (Ed. S. Kakac and D.B. Spalding), vol, 2.pp.1041-1055.

(37)Two-Phase Heat Transfer within Rod Bundles. In Turbulent forced convection in channels and bundles, (Ed. S. Kakac and D.B. Spalding), vol, 2.pp.1057-1076.

(38)1980(With L.M. DAVIES) The Accident at Three Mile Island. Heat Transfer Eng.,1, No.3, pp.56-67.

(39)1981The nuclear fuel cycle and proliferation. The environmental impact of nuclear power BNES Conference 1-2 April

(40)Single and Two-Phase Heat Transfer. (Ed. O. C Jones). Chapter 7 Nuclear reactor safety heat transfer, pp 209-237.

(41)Convective boiling and condensation (Second Edition)l. McGraw Hil Book Company, New York.

(42)1982(With L.M. DAVIES and L. GARNE) PWR pressure vessel integrity-design for safety. Nuclear Engergy, 21, Dec. No. 6, pp377-383. Also in ATOM No. 308, pp127-131.

(43)(With L. GARNE and J. A. WARD) Design Transients for the pressurized water reactor . Nuclear Energy, 21, Dec No 6, pp385-393.

(44)(With L. M. DAVIES) Pressure vessels-Second Marshall report gives grounds for confidence. Nuclear Energy Int. 27, No 327, pp 30-36.

(45)Boiling.5.Heat Transfer in the Postburnout Region and During Quenching and Reflooding. Hestroni, G., ed. Handbook of multiphase systems, pp.6/142-6/188.

(46)1983(With A. E. BERGLES) Boiling and Evaporation. Heat Exchange Design Handbook, Vol. 2. Fluid Mechanics and heat transfer. Section 2.7, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation.

(47)Light Water reactors. Nuclear power technology vol 1 Reactor Technology Marshall, W.(ed). P208-296, Oxford(UK) Clarendon Press.

(48)(With L.M. DAVIES and L.J. GARNE) Second Marshall Study Group report on PWR pressure vessel integrity. Pressure Vessel Technology, 105(1) p52-57.

(49)(With M. R. HUGHES, C.J. GARDENER, L.M. DAVIES and I. MILNE) Fracture assessment of a PWR pressure vessel. IAEA-SM-269/103. P189-209. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria). Reliability of reactor pressure components. Proceedings of an international symposium organised by the IAEA and held in Stuttgart, 21-25 March.

(50)(With M. R. HUGHES and L.M. DAVIES) Fracture assessment of a PWR pressure vessel. Nuclear Eng. Des. 75(3) p.389-404. 2. special issue on SmiRT-7. Chicago, IL (USA) 22-26 Aug.

(51)Reliability problems of heat transfer equipment. Atom (London) (Aug 1983) (no 322) p.172-178. Reliability 83, the 4th National Reliability Conference. Birmingham (UK) July.

(52)1984Nuclear Engergy. Fourth International Conference on Energy Options; the role of alternatives in the world energy scene. 3-6 April 1984. Institution of Electrical Engineers, London (UK).

(53)Sizewell B - Britain's first PWR nuclear power station. Electrical Power Engineer, July - September 1984, p.172-174.

(54)1985(With M.J. WHITTLE) Design and validation of reactor vessel inspections. p.185-205 of The Pressurised Water Reactor and the UK, proceedings of a conference held at University of Birmingham, 22-23 April 1985.

(55)(With J.J. WHITMARCH-EVERISS) The orificing of once-through boilers for gas-cooled reactors. Boiler dynamics and control in nuclear power station 3. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference held in Harrogate, British Nuclear Energy Society, London, UK, 21-25 October 1985.

(56)1986(With M.G. GEMMILL) Forgings for the nuclear and power generation industries. Met. Mater., 2(4) p.198-200, 202-204.

(57)(With L.M. DAVIES) "Chernobyl", Central Electricity Generating Board. 20 p. MF available from INIS.

(58)1987(With G.F. HEWITT) Introduction to Nuclear Power, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York.

(59)1994(With J.R. THOME) Convective boiling and condensation. Third Edition. Clarendon Press, Oxford.

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