AUGUST 8, 2016

CALL TO ORDER-Meetingwas called to order at 7:31p.m.

  1. ROLL CALL-Brett Hubert (President), Don Middleton (1stPresident), Dave Delongchamp (2nd VP), Michelle Lewless (Secretary), Michelle Cooper (Concession Mgr.) and Kris Lore (Volunteer Coordinator)
  1. RECOGNIZE GUEST-Amie Dockett, Jill O’Hare and Guy Lore
  1. GUEST INPUT-Guy is coordinating Golf Outing.
  1. SECRETARY’S REPORT-Donmade a motion to accept minutes as presented. Dave seconded motion. Motion carried.

Boosters Savings Account balance $19,675.96

Primary Account balance $6,348.79

Concessions Account balance $12,703.27

Don makes a motion to accept Treasurer Report balances. Michelle C seconded. Motion carried.

  1. START UP-Usually cost about $4,000 to $6,000 for initial stocking of concessions. Michelle Cooper will be going next week to purchase needed candy and supplies. Don will be making a Coke and Pepsi order.
  2. STOCKING COOLERS-Discussed having a Booster member involved with stocking of coolers. This way we can rotate soda, to try and prevent it from outdating.
  1. MEETING-Troy will schedule a time for Matt Schmidt (Superintendent), Brett and Troy to have a planning meeting for the school year. Meeting is open for any Booster members.
  2. A.D. (Troy) SUPPORT-Troy once again, is encouraging us to contact him for any support or info we may need. We all have his contact.
  3. MEET THE BOBCATS-Wednesday, August 17 at 6 PM on football field (weather permitting)
  4. ALUMNI FOOTBALL GAME-Friday, September 23 at 7 p.m. This will be a flag football game and also having alumni PomPon and Cheerleaders perform.
  5. GOLF OUTING-Flyer was given to Troy and one will be emailed to him also. Troy will put flyer on website.
  6. SOCIAL MEDIA-Bangor Schools are using Facebook, Twitter, and websites to show the events and things going on in Bangor Schools. Boosters are encouraged to use as well.
  7. FOOTBALL PARKING-Boosters and volunteers are asked to park behind concessions. If the area is to wet, Troy will advise us where to park.
  8. LEAGUE-Independent this year.
  9. SOFTBALL FIELD-New tiles were installed this summer to help with draining off water. District paid for installation of drain tiles.
  10. FOOTBALL FIELD-Troy says football field needs some work, which is going to take place in the spring. He has quotes for work and is giving us a heads up. We will be asked for donation.
  11. UNIFORMS-Discussed previous figures with Troy. Troy is asking for $5,000 yearly. Donation will be used to update uniforms for 2-3 teams (freshman or JV). Teams also contribute to cost of uniforms as does the athletic department.
  12. HOMECOMING-Football is Friday, October 7 against Ogemaw.
  13. STUDENT SENATE REP-Bob LaRoche is the Senate Rep this school year.
  14. SPORT TEAM BANNERS-Discussed Banners in gymnasium which have not been updated with District and State years for sport teams. Per Troy, there are many that need to be updated. This is a work in progress.
  1. GOLF OUTING-Sunday, September 11 at Sandy Ridge. Business donation request and Golfer’s Flyers were mailed out beginning of last week. Kris will call KFC regarding food. Discussed having 50/50 raffle again and possible Hot Box/Raffle depending on donations we receive. Guy would like to have a gift for every golfer, if possible. We will meet on Monday, September 5 at 7:30 p.m. in football concession to finalize plans for Golf Outing.

1) FRYER CLEANED-Michelle L will make some calls and hopefully can have fryer cleaned this week or beginning of next week.

2) FOOTBALL CONCESSION FLOOR-Lewless will make calls to have floor cleaned and resealed. Hopefully floor can get cleaned end of next week.

3) HOT COCOA MACHINE-Currently is not working. Dave will take a look at it and hopefully fix it before football games start.


A) MEMBERS-NEEDED!!! Dave and Lewless are planning on being done end of this school year.

B)TRAINER CART-Ms Gradowski found a 2011 EZ Go Cart which is battery operated and has back area for injured athlete for $2,900 plus tax. After much discussion, Dave made a motion to purchase a gas, 4 stroke with 4 seats cart with an increase of up to $3,000. Don seconded. Motion carried. Don will make some calls and see what is available as it would be nice to have something before fall sports start.

C)UNIFORMS-After much discussion, we would like to see a list of uniforms that plan to be replaced within the next 10 years. Brett will contact Troy for list or plan. If we have Uniform plan by September 5th, we will take 5 minutes to discuss and possible make motions at Golf Meeting.

D)SAFE SERV-Stephanie is signed up to take class on Aug. 23 & 25.

E) DRIATHLON-Sunday, September 18 at Vets park. Trailer will be there to sell beverages and pizza again. All proceeds will go to Cheer Team. Need one Booster to manage as Cheer Team will be handling all sales.


A)CONCESSION PRODUCTS-Don will be placing a Coke and Pepsi order. We will no longer carry Coke Zero or Caffeine free Diet Coke. Also decided to eliminate a couple Powerade (orange and lemon/lime) but will replace with more popular flavors.

B)CONCESSION PRICES-Discussed which products are profitable. Increased prices on water ($1.50), Popcorn ($2), Coffee/Hot Cocoa ($1.50) and Pretzel ($2.50). Cheese is costly, discussed possible putting cheese in smaller containers and not squirting on top of nacho chips, put cheese in container holder only. Lewless will make new charge sheets for all concessions.

SPECIAL GOLF MEETING-Monday, September 5 at 7:30 at football concessions.

NEXT BOARD MEETING-Monday, September 12, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.

XIADJOURNMENT-Meeting was adjourned at 9:42 p.m. Michelle L made a motion to adjourn. Krisseconded. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted: Michelle M. Lewless