“Never doubt that a small group of people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

- Margaret Mead



September 16, 2014

I) Introduction & Welcome: (5 min)

1.  Alex

a.  Roll Call

b.  Minutes

II) Board (45)

1.  Lynette

a.  Gala Update: last Friday Marta and Lynette went to the Hassler hotel; they pushed the meeting aside twice so they had to take the vote online. She apologized for this but that was the way it had to be done to be efficient. 50 euros for ticket prices. Lynette really wants to work with all of us and she feels we need to be more of a unity and have more effective communication and a lack of accountability sometimes.

b.  Casa delle done: tomorrow from 6pm-8pm, if you have any further questions ask at the end, Alexandria sent the email explaining everything.

c.  Resignations: Margarita has work and can not make it, Claudia never appeared and she said she can not handle the work load this semester due to work and classes, Daria said she also has conflicts with the meeting time and will not be able to commit. Lynette will discuss this with Professor Dressien.

d.  Potential Senator: email will be sent!

e.  Student Government Picture: a photo as a whole will be taken soon.

f.  Guarini Institute: Prof Argenteri would like a professional alliance with SG in a permanent form. More information will be coming soon, and will need to discuss this further.

g.  JCU email (Facebook): need to stop using FB, for formality we need to use the JCU email more.

h.  Activity: next week we will do one.

2.  Marta

a.  Tentative Schedule for Gala Tickets: She does not have one yet because we were suppose to start telling tickets on Wednesday but the tickets are not ready yet. She hopes to start selling them on Wednesday. She will give everyone specific hours and we MUST be at the desk selling tickets. If you have any problems decide between each other to switch schedules,

b.  Gala Update: She decided to name each table according to a specific city, so that the hassle can decorate the table according to the culture of that specific country. She needs EVERYONES help to give names of city’s that we think represent us best, and will also be easy to decorate accordingly.

c.  Romecoming: had the meeting today with all the clubs involved, they decided to cut off all the Friday events with Athletics, because it was not working out. And this way they can give more attention to the pep-rally on Wednesday. A task force will be organized for this, this THURSDAY in T.G.1. Monday and Tuesday, downstairs in lobby trying to get more people involved and to sign up for help and events. She needs 4 people for Monday, and 4 people for Tuesday! From 1245-2! They must come dressed up as a Flight Attendant!! With Scarves, bright colors preferred. The goal is to inform people what a Romecoming is and what the Gala is! And sell the tickets.
Monday: Milena, Anna,
Tuesday: Milena, Elena,
Marta will send an email with all the details for Romecoming so that we can spread the words

3.  Mitko

a.  Academic Forums: We can discuss tuition increase, online registration, but that is probably not necessary because it is organized very well. The increase in tuition so people aren’t really realizing it until mid spring semester, and also the president already sent a very nice email explaining why it is happening. Last time the tuition increase happened they tried to fight it however the same thing happened last semester and nothing came out of it other then the president explaining the situations. We can discuss the dates for the Academic Forums: 30 Sept 14th of Oct. and 28 Oct. 11 Nov. There could be only three depending on the issues. There are none necessary for December because it is only a week or two left.

G it III) Task Forces (2 min)

V) General Assembly (10 min)

VI) Open Session (Debates) : Questions about anything discussed
a. did we decide the price of the Gala tickets?
b. Does the Gala have to be that Date? Yes, the are honoring Paula Frohing so that is the only date available. We will try to communicate to professors that students might be “tired.”

b.  What is the likihood of getting Monday off of school? No way.

c.  Are there any new senators that are good with flyers and posters: Carly

d.  Lynette spoke to Denette Anderson about the Buddy System; it is in the mist of discussion, TBA further information.

VII) Closed Session (Voting): Anna and Lynette will go to the events office and suggest that since it’s on a Sunday, due to the feedback, people are not willing to pay the 50 euros and we will understand that is the response and all agree that the price is 50 Euro.

VIII) Adjournment

September 16rd

1918 – Russian Civil War

1974– Guinea-Bissau gains independence from Portugal

2002- Switzerland joins UN