JOHN BANCKS 1643 Ref. Borthwick.York Bundle Jan 1645/6 MIC 1735

Transcribed by S.Gordon

In the name of god Amen, The thirteenth day of May In the Nynteenth yeare of the Reign of our Sovereigne Lord Charles by the grace of god kinge of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faithe etc Anno Dni 1643 I John Bancks of Feiser within the Countie of yorke yeoman beinge at this tyme sicke of bodie but sound and pfict of remembrance god be praised do ordaine and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following first and principally I do commend my soule into the mercifull hands of god Almightie trustinge faithfully through the mercie of god and the merits of Jesus Christ my saviour to have my sins forgiven and to be made an Inheritor of the kingdome of heaven next I do comitt my bodie to the earth and to be buried in or at the pishe church of Clapham whereof I am a pishioner,

Also I give grant and bequeath unto Ellyne my doughter All that my mesuage farme and tenement withal and singular thappurtences belonginge to the same lying and beinge within the towne feildes & territories of Feisor\aforesaid/ The widow right of Isabell my wife therein to hir reserved duringe hir naturall lyfe

Alsoe I give grant and bequeath unto Elizabeth my doughter b after 1622 \all that/ my mesuage farme and tenement wich I have at the closehouse within the pishe of Giggleswicke withal the righteand apperteyning belongingunto the same, The widdowright of Isabell my wyfe therein to hir reserved duringe hir naturall lyfe

Alsoe it ys my will and mynd that my wife shall have the tuition of both my said daughters and the use and occupation of both the said tenements for their menteynance until they shall each accomplishe their severall ages of twentie one yeares Also it ys my will and mynd that all my due debts funeral expences mortuarie\and legacies hear after given/ shalbe paid out of my whole goods, And out of the remainder it ys my Will and mynd that Isabell my said wife shall have hir third, and for the other two pts I give it to Elline and Elizabeth my daughters equally betweene them to be devyded Excepting one great arke wich standeth in the loft over my parlor one stand bedd\stocke/ one Long table and one little Cubbord wich standeth in my parlor all wich I give and bequeath unto Elline my elder doughter, but so as they may be and remaine as heirelomes to the said house And for my childrens portions of my moveable goods it ys my will and mynd that Isabell my wife shall \have/ the use and benefit of the same until my said children shall come to lawfull age to rec(eyve) the same, Also I give unto everie \one/ that I am godfather unto one gimer lambe, Also I do noiate(nominate) and appoint Isabell \jurat/ my wyfe whole executrix of this my last will and testament,

And I do appoint my brother in law Heuge Armitstead and my cosan Anthonie Hall supervysers of this my said will \& testament/ desyringe them to be assistante to my executrix and to do their best indever to see this my will performed witnesses hereof……………….


Roger Armitstead


23, 1, 1609, Thomas, HALL, D, , , Elizabetha, BANKS, D John’s aunt

21.9.1614 / Anthonius / Thomae Hall of Settle