March 23, 2017

The regular meeting of the Hammonton Zoning Board of Adjustment was called to order this date by Chairman John Lyons, in Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m., with the announcement of the Sunshine Law and fire exit procedure. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. The meeting was televised.


John Adolf Frank Ingemi Charles Woolson, Esq.

Sal Colasurdo Kevin Dixon, Planner

Anthony C. DeMarco Patricia Berenato, Sec.

James Matro

Michael Messina

Nicolas Polito

Wayne Reichert

Ch. John Lyons


Chairman Lyons designated alternate member Nicholas Polito a full voting member for tonight’s meeting.

Chairman Lyons announced that the application for MICHAEL MASSARO, requesting a use variance for ground mount solar panels has been postponed to the April 27, 2017 meeting.


Mr. DeMarco made a motion to approve the minutes of the Hammonton Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting for February 23, 2017 as reviewed. Mr. Messina seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.


Frank Olivo, Esq. is present for the applicant George Reed. They are requesting a use variance to permit a plastics machine shop for Block 2416, Lot 7, Zone DT-1 at 318 North Washington Street. He said the property is adjacent to the DT-2 zone, where it would be a permitted use.

George Reed is sworn in. The building is suited for his plans and he can live in the house. He would re-locate the business, NJ Plastics, from EggHarbor and he currently lives in CollingsLakes. There is no melting done and he does not make the plastic. He does no molding. There is no hazardous waste since he uses no solvents or chemicals. He will use the sign that exists on the property. He uses lathes and a milling machine similar to wood working tools. He has no plans to expand and no need for trailers. The property is already fenced.

Mr. Colasurdo asked Mr. Reed if he needed a special license. Mr. Reed said, no. He submitted A-1, an array of the products he produces.

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Lance Landgraf, the applicant’s planner is sworn in. Mr. Landgraf stated the site works well for the area. It is adjacent to a mixed use zone. Previous approval for the property was for an auto repair shop for antique cars. It is less intense than the previous use. There will be limited deliveries. The hours of operation are from 9:00 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. There are only two people to work there on a regular basis.

Kevin Dixon, Board Planner addressed his report dated March 23, 2017. He stated there is proposed, two principal uses, one for the business and one to live on the premises. Conditions are set by board members as: 1-Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 2-two full time workers and 2 of their children on a part time basis. 3. deliveries by UPS or pick up truck only. 4. No additional buildings. 5. commercial trash pickup. 6. use existing sign. 7. he cannot rent the house. 8. remove storage trailers. 9. no additional vehicles. 10. One handicap parking space. 11. a modified variance plan will be reviewed administratively.



Mr. Adolf made a motion to grant the 2 use variances (one for the use of the rear building for a plastics machine shop and one for two principal uses on the property) and 11 conditions set forth by the board as noted above. Mr. Polito seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.


at this time, Sal Colasurdo disqualified himself from voting in this matter and exits the meeting.


Frank Olivo, Esq. is present for the applicant, Kessler Managemet, LLC. They are requesting to use a portion of the existing building, Block 3801, Lot 73, Zone HB at 600 South White Horse Pike for a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. Mr. Olivo stated that Kessler Management, LLC was given approval for a change of use from the Planning Boardon September 5, 2013 and disputes the zoning officer’s decision not to permit the rehab center to operate. This meeting is resumed from the meeting of February 23, 2017.

William J. Colgan, Managing Member with Kessler Management, LLC, Dr. Manuel Guantez, President and CEO of Behavioral Health Consulting Group, Jason Hendricks, Chief Operating Officer with Pyramid Healthcareand Lance Landgraf, Plannerare sworn in by Mr. Woolson. Mr. Colgan stated that they repurpose old hospitals in the state which help fill in medical gaps in the community.

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He said all purposes in the building have their own entrance at the site. 35,000 sq. feet are proposed for use by the rehab center. He submits A-1, a color rendering of sections for different uses within the building.

There will be four condominiums. 300 jobs will be created with this proposal. The facility will hold 100 beds with women and men sections. It is not a methadone facility.

There is a 5 day detox program and 20 day rehab. There will be 120 to 150 full and part time staff and transportation is provided for all patients. Patients will have a nursing ratio of 1 per 7 patients. Ages of the patients range from 18 to 65 years old. The days are highly structured. There is a screening process for each patient. It is paid for with patients insurance or cash.

The centers are needed everywhere. It will take 4 to 6 months to get state licensing and the building refitted for their use.

Mr. Hendricks stated that anyone can walk out. If they want to leave, transportation is provided. Patients are voluntary. The facility is not a prison and no lock down. They will have outdoor sessions on property at the lake. He said new full time staff members hired will have benefits.

At this time, Mr. Polito exits the meeting at 9:00 p.m. as he has a prior commitment. Chairman Lyons designated alternate member, Wayne Reichert a full voting member for this application. Mr. Weichert was absent at the meeting of February 23, 2017, but did watch the meeting on the town website before the meetingtonight.

Dr. Guantez submitted A-3 and A-4, county and state overview reports of substance abuse. He said there is a need for this treatment in the community and county. He said Pyramid Heathcare has a great approach to care and the screening process is great.

Mr. Landgraf stated he believes behavioral health is permitted in the HB zone and was approved in 2013 with a change of use. It meets the needs of the region. He said the use is less intense than the previous hospital use. He said there is no detriment to the zone plan. Atlanticare currently operates a behavioral site on the White Horse Pike.

Kevin Dixon addresses his reports dated March 23, 2017 and February 23, 2017. He said hospitals are a permitted use and this is not a hospital and is not consistent with the approval that was given in 2013. He agrees with the Zoning Officer’s decision.


Chairman Lyons said he has two concerns: security at the site and the site may negatively impact the community.

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Mr. Hendricks addressed the security. He said they will put a formal barrier between the buildings at the lake front. A security officer will be onsite 24/7.

Chairman Lyons stated 2 full time security officers is needed as condition of approval and to schedule monthly meetings with the town police department or designated town official. They should hold a recruiting event for jobs in Hammonton. Mr. Olivo stated he has talked to the Police Chief and has started a dialog. The applicant agrees with the conditions.


Mr. Adolf made a motion to uphold the Zoning Officer’s decision of denial. Mr. Messina seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.


Mr. Adolf made a motion to interpret the use as permitted in the HB zone. Mr. Matro seconded the motion, which was denied unanimously.


Mr. Matro made a motion to approve the use variance with conditions: 100 beds only, gate at the courtyard, 2 security officers 24/7, monthly meetings with the town police department or designated person, inpatient facility only. Mr. Adolf seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.


Being no further business, Mr. DeMarco made a motion to adjourn this meeting of the Hammonton Zoning Board of Adjustment. Mr. Reichert seconded the motion. All board members agreed.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia Berenato,
