John A. Rowland High School
Science Department
Mr. D. Canfield
Welcome to the beginning of a successful year. At Rowland High School, we understand the importance of education and take it seriously. For each student to be successful, participation of both the student and parent is essential. At RHS we have established Raider Goals that successful students will be: Thinkers, Contributors, and Communicators. I welcome your support in order to give your student the best learning environment possible.
I hope this will be an enlightening one for your son or daughter. The following information concerns expectations for proper behavior in my science class. Each student will be expected to follow these Class Expectations everyday:
1. Respect the rights and properties of others.
2. Be on time to class and prepared with textbook, science notebook, calculator, paper,
pen, and pencil. Ready to work.
3. Follow all lab safety rules, for the safety of all
4. Leave all Cellphones, MP3 players, iPods, electronic games, etc. outside of the classroom
5 Leave all food, candy, and drinks (except water) outside of class.
Also, please take some time and read the General Information /Class Expectations Sheet which explains the course expectations. One of the requirements for the class is a science notebook. The notebook contains an up to date record of your son or daughter’s grade as well as all work assigned and completed so you will be able to check their progress at anytime.
Any student in need of assistance will find I am very accessible. There are opportunities to speak with me throughout the day: before school, lunchtime, and after school. In addition, Rowland High School offers the START tutoring program to assist students in their classes.
I am looking forward to a great year with your student in science. If you should have any questions or concerns about the course or your son or daughter’s progress, please contact me at:
Voicemail--(626) 965-3448
Mr. David Canfield
Please complete and sign.
Student Signature:______Date ______
Period ______
Parent / Guardian Signature:______Date ______
Daytime Phone Number: ( ) ______- ______