An Easter Play

Written by


Translated by



PETER (as an elderly man)

CERVUS (guard)



PETER (as a young disciple)




HANNAH (Peter’s wife)

Copy right: JG van Niekerk

299 Knysna Ave.

Sinoville, Pretoria, 0182

Tel. 012 567-2101


Scene 1: A Roman jail cell in the time of emperor Nero. The cell is almost in darkness, with steps going up and off stage. There is a door at the top of the steps.


1. JAILER: Here’s your cell, old man. Come on, move it! As soon as I close this door, the steps

will be dark and you are old and doddery as it is. (PAUSE) You’re lucky, you know,

you could have been in the stock.

2. OLD PETER(START MOVING DOWN THE STEPS, PAUSE TO SPEAK) Thank you, Mister Jailer. Yes well, I don’t know much about the stock, but I do know how much discomfort shackles can cause. Had that experience in Jerusalem. Was shackled with two chains. But it was only for one night. My Master freed me. His angel took off my shackles and led me out of the prison – right between the guards.

3. JAILER(SHARPLY) With this kind of talk you will end up in the stock down in the deepest cell, old man. Don’t try to escape. You and your angel won’t get very far. Here in Rome, crucifixion is the punishment for rebels and troublemakers, especially when they try to escape. Come on, get down faster. I don’t have time for this!


4. PETER(PENSIVE) The cross? … I’m not worthy of dying like my Master

5. JAILERYour Master? (SHARPLY) Rome only crucifies troublemakers. Your master must

have been a rebel then.

6. PETERNo. He is the Messiah, the Saviour of the world.

7. JAILERIs? I thought you said he was crucified?

1. PETERYes, on Golgotha outside Jerusalem. But three days later He rose from the dead. Now He lives forever………………

2. JAILERLives forever? You’re blaspheming, old man. One doesn’t say things like that in Rome.

3. PETER(TRIUMPHANTLY) Our Saviour lives, Mister Jailer! Believe what old Peter tells you today. He lives! And He wants to be your Saviour too.

4. JAILER(SARCASTICALLY) From whom must this make belief saviour save you, and now also me? From Rome? Rome reigns! Nero is the emperor – MY Ceasar! Nero is god. And he does not allow such talk. Me neither. (ANGRY ASIDE) Let me go before I loose my patience with a senile old man. (TO PETER) And you can fall down the stairs and break your neck for all I care.


5. PETER(LOUD, WITH CONVICTION) There is only ONE God and that is the God of

Abraham! And Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Anointed one, the Saviour!

6. JAILER(TURNS AROUND) Did you say: Christ? So, you are one of those Christians? Maybe their leader? That’s why you are not with the other lot.

7. PETERYes. (PROUDLY) I’m Peter, the Rock. The Master gave me that name. For years I’ve been the leader – first in Jerusalem, then in Caesarea, for a while in Anthioch, even in Corinth and vicinity as well as here in Rome.

8.JAILER(WITH A SNEER) Like a good dog you followed in your troublemaker master’s footsteps.

9. PETER(CALMLY) We are not troublemakers, Mister Jailer. I was in Rome to protect his scattered flock when I was arrested. I don’t know why.

1. JAILER(INDIGNANTLY) You don’t know! Can’t you smell the stench of smoke and burning bones and rotting corpses? And are you deaf to the wailing of the women outside? The whole of Rome are in mourning………….over the death of Rome because of a fire that you Christians started, and you say you don’t know why?

2. PETER(CALMLY) Christians did not start the fire, Mister Jailer. We love our enemies, we turn the other cheek and we give to the emperor what is due to him. That is what our Master taught us to do.

3. JAILERLip talk! It’s not going to help you any with your hearing (SARCASTIC) Mister Rock. Our glorious Caesar is god. He knows everything! And he said it was you Christians that started that fire. (SOFTER, ASIDE) This old man is senile, but it sometimes happens that people like him get away with murder. Maybe I should just make sure.


4. JAILERCirenius, chain this prisoner to a guard. Use Servus, he’s there with you. (SHORT PAUSE) Yes, and double the guard outside. Immediately! (TO HIMSELF) I’m not risking my head for a doddering old man, who might succeed to escape by using bribery or his nonsense talk. (SCORNFUL) An angel? Gmff!



5. JAILERA.a.a.a.a that’s better. Now he won’t get away. (SARCASTIC) Company for you, old man. You won’t be able to say we don’t see to our “guests’ ” needs. (OVER POLITELY) But wait, let me introduce you: Peter, the rock and Servus, the servant. May your stay in my “guest house” be memorable and….. short.


6. JAILER:This time your angel won’t be of much help to you, old man.

1. JAILER:(MOVES FURTHER AWAY, SARCASTIC) Restful visit, mister Rock!



3. SERVUS(CURIOUS) Why does he call you that?

4. PETERMy Master gave me that name. Peter, the Rock. My real name was Simon. (SADLY, ASHAMED) But a few days ago I was, like so many times before, everything but a rock. I ran away again…… forsook my Master…… just like more than thirty years ago. (PAUSE) But this time there was no rooster………………

5. SERVUSYou’re speaking in riddles, Father Peter. But keep talking. Days can be long when two people are chained together like this. Servus is listening.

6. PETER(TO HIMSELF, LIKE SOMEONE IN A TRANCE) When Rome started burning, I stayed on……… I helped where I could. Then the soldiers came, they herded my Master’s flock together. (PAUSE) Then I ran away again – just like the time in the courtyard of the palace of Caiaphas, the High priest of the Jews. (BROKEN) That night I swore I did not know Jesus of Nazareth. Three times. When the rooster crowed……. He turned……… and looked at me, silently, with those sad …………. loving eyes.

7. SERVUS(CURIOUS) And then? Could you speak to Him before He died?

8. PETEROnly after He rose from the grave, at the Sea of Galilee. That morning I looked into His unforgettable eyes and …………cried and swore that I love Him. Three times.

9. SERVUSDid He forgive you?

1. PETER(PAUSE. BROKEN) Three times he told me to let His lambs graze, to look after His

sheep. I, the Rock, promised. Promised with all my heart and soul……… (PAUSE)

For years I kept my promise, I preached the Good News; even did miracles in his

Name. And now, with the first test, I failed Him again. I didn’t look after his sheep. I

fled again. This time … from Rome….. I forsook my Master again in the face of danger.

2. SERVUSIf you fled, why are you here now?

3. PETERI forsook my Master but He did not let me down! (PAUSE)On the Via Appia I met

Him. I asked: “Domine, quo vadis?” Sadly he answered: “I’m on my way to Rome to

be crucified again.” (PAUSE) I turned around, went back to the catacombes… I was

busy gathering the scattered flock and giving them some courage when the

soldiers came. (PAUSE) I don’t even know where the believers are now.

4. SERVUSSome of them are here, in another bigger cell. All together.

5. PETER(HOPEFUL) Then most must have escaped. There were hundreds of believers.

I know some fled deeper into the catacombs. Some were caught, with me. But they

separated us. (AGITATED) I can’t even encourage them, being separated like this.

6. SERVUSAre you their leader then?

7. PETERYou can say that. I’m the one who said the most and often took the lead, even

when the Master was still with us – before his crucifixion.

8. SERVUSWho is your master? And how can he be crucified twice? Nobody survives death on

a cross.

1. PETERJesus of Nazareth. That’s how everybody knew Him. (STRONGER,

WITH CONVICTION) He is the Messiah, the Christ, the Anointed of God!

(CHANGE, SOFTER) He was crucified on the hill of the Skull, outside Jerusalem

just before the Passover Feast. (STRONGER) But He conquered death – after three

days He rose from the dead - just like He promised.


3. PETER(SLOWLY, THINKING) Tiberius was still emperor. And the cursed offspring

of Herod was on the throne of Israel. (DISDAINFUL) Esau’s scion!

(PAUSE) Except in Judea, Herod had no power there anymore. Pilate was

the Roman procurator, he had control there.

(CHANGE, SADLY) It was he who gave my Master over to the Jews to be


4. SERVUSBut that Jesus is dead. Dead and buried. How could you have spoken to

him on the Via Appia?

5. PETERWhat do you know about what happened 35 years ago? You are a spring

chicken and a Roman to boot.

6. SERVUS(EVASIVE) Oh, I heard some stories. There are a lot of Jews in Rome. Never

believed a word of it. Can’t really understand your Jewish things. Especially not

your religion. Believing in only one god - and he is invisible.

(DERISIVE) My, my, what a strange religion and what a strange god!

7. PETER(WITH CONVICTION) There IS only one God – invisible and omnipresent. Your

gods are dead statues. And your emperors are human like you and me, not gods!

1. SERVUSBe careful, my friend. If someone should hear you, you would be done for.

(CHANGE) Your religion is just as strange and chaotic to us.

(THINKING) Perhaps we should not criticize each other’s religions.


2. PETERYou are right. (GROAN) Man’s religion is close to his heart. That’s why religion is the

cause of many wars. And it always creates havoc in relationships when people

argue about religion. (CHANGE.)

(GROAN AGAIN.) I’m getting old… can’t sit down flat for long

anymore. Must move a little.


Brrrrrr… it’s cold in here. And dark.

3. SERVUSThose two small windows up there don’t let much light in.

4. PETERThese old bones can’t handle the cold so well anymore.

5. SERVUSI’m still young and I’m cold too. Wait a minute, I’ve got a nice warm

robe upstairs. I’ll get it for you. (CALL LOUDLY) Cirenius, would you throw

me down my robe, please. It’s very cold down here!

6. PETER(APPRECIATION) You are a good boy, Servus……. even though you are Roman.

7. SERVUSNot all Romans are bad, just as not all Jews are good.

8. PETERI learned that lesson long ago. The officer of Capernaum was a good man,

as well as Cornelius of Caesarea. My wife, Hannah and I met many wonderful

Romans during our journey, long after our Master’s return to his Father. (PAUSE)

You are one of them. Not everyone of you are tyrants (TEASING) even though you

believe people and statues can be gods…..


1. CIRENIUS:Here, catch!

2. SERVUSThanks, Cirenius.


Here you go, put this robe on, I’ll use my mantle.

3. PETER(PENSIVE) Funny to see a Roman with a robe like that. It looks like a typical Jewish

one. You usually wear chitons and mantles. (PAUSE) But wait a minute, let me see


4. SERVUSSee what?

5. PETER(EXCITED) That robe. Come a bit closer. (PAUSE, WHISPERING) Where did you

get this?

6. SERVUSFrom my Dad?

7. PETERWhere did he get it?

8. SERVUSHe bought it. Here in Rome.

9. PETERWhen?

10. SERVUSA few years ago.

11. PETERWhere? From whom?

12. SERVUS(HESITATE A MOMENT) From a … from a Jewish weaver … an old woman … in

the Jewish settlement … here in Rome.

13. PETER(URGENT) Did you accompany your dad? Were you there yourself when he bought this robe?

14. SERVUSYes. Why all these questions?

15. PETERIt looks just like the robe my Master used to wear. Exactly like it. Thick and warm

and lightbrown. Woven in one piece.

1. SERVUS(INDIFFERENTLY) That’s logical. It was a Jewish weaver. Maybe she wove your

master’s robe previously. There were quite a few of them in her home. Everything

was for sale. Brand new.

2. PETER(DISAPPOINTED SILENCE) I’m sorry. For a moment I thought…… never mind.

… One doesn’t see very well in this light.

3. SERVUSIt’s all right. Our talking about your master could have triggered you thinking about his robe. But your story is very interesting, even though I don’t understand much of it.

4. PETER You wouldn’t. Not so quickly, anyway. Even we didn’t understand. Not one of us. Maybe John did. But me … and Judas Iscariot and Simon the Zealot, we did not understand anything. Yes, and Thomas too. (WRYLY) Even the women sometimes understood more than we did. (CHANGE) Yep, the idea of Jesus being the Son of God, we couldn’t grasp that very clearly.

5. SERVUSBut who said He was the Son of God?

6. PETERI did. And He did – at Caesarea Philippi: the place where Emperor August was honoured and Phillip tried to immortalize himself. We were walking in the field, close to the cave where they had an altar for the nature god, Pan. We were discussing the many Roman gods. The Master asked: ”Who do the crowds say, I am?”

We answered: “ Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” Then He asked: “And what about you, who do you say I am?” Ever the forward one, I answered: “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.”

7. SERVUS(DERISIVE) So, now you have two gods: your invisible god and now his son. It seems you are slowly but surely beginning to see the light.

1. PETERNo, there aren’t two gods. Just one – our Father whom are in heaven, because Jesus and the Father are One. He taught us this Himself. We couldn’t understand it fully at first. Even now I don’t understand it, but I believe it, because He said so. Many times.

2. SERVUSYou don’t understand it, but it was you who said He is the Christ, the Son of God. What made you say those words?

3. PETEROur Master answered that question Himself. He said:” Blessed are you Simon, son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”

4. SERVUSSo, that’s how you got the name Peter.

5. PETER(DEEP IN THOUGHT) Yes, I was Peter some of the time, to the Greeks I was Cefas. Sometimes I was Simon Peter, and sometimes just Simon. (PAUSE) When I was STRONG, I was Peter. When WEAK, Simon. Most of the time I was Simon, not Peter. One moment Peter would walk on water, the next moment Simon would sink beneath the waves. That was the pattern of my whole life. (PAUSE. THANKFUL) But He was always there – always there to grab my hand when I started to sink in the stormy sea………….

6. SERVUSWhat did the other disciples have to say about the …..the revelation that He is the Messiah?

1. PETERThey were very confused. The Master told us not to tell this to anyone. Then He walked away to pray on His own. He did that often. (CHANGE) Yes, that day everything changed. Until that day, especially after all the miracles He performed, we were thinking about the question: Who is he? Who is the true Jesus? But that day, we knew: He is the Messiah!

2. SERVUSThe older Roman soldiers told us that some of them thought him to be a magician –

because of the miracles he could perform.

3. PETER(BITTERLY) Some unbelievers in the Jewish community said He was Beelzebul

because He healed the sick - Baal of the flies and the sick, chief of the demons.


But at Caesarea Phillippi everything suddenly changed. The

secret was out: He was the Messiah, the Son of God! That was the turning point.

We started dreaming big dreams and showing our true colours…………

Scene 2: Four disciples walking in the field near Caesarea Phillippi



4. (YOUNG) PETER(EXCITED) The Messiah? Did you hear that, Judas? He openly admitted that He is

the Messiah!

5. JUDAS(WONDERMENT) I can’t believe it, Peter. The Messiah?