Chris FulmerEnglish 4May 4, 2015

Jobs Just Need Skills

All of these sources talk about different jobs that need different skills or information to get them. For example the first two that we read just needed skills: such as leadership, Expertise, humility, and a lot of other skills depending on the job. These jobs want specified skills to make you become the best for that job. As you grow up you should pick up a lot of different skills from different jobs so you wouldn’t have to work on them.

First paper we read was about getting a job at google. It allows you to use all your skills and knowledge instead of relying on your grades or test scores which show absolutely nothing. Because when you go for a job interview it should be about you and that job not old grades. The job requirements for google are pretty much how you work and how you react in situations when something happens to show leadership. You have to fail to know success in the end and some people don’t know that always have A+ grades. The methods to get a job at google are definitely fair you just have to work and show them your skills so you don’t have to worry about grades sometimes not even college.

The second paper we read about was getting a job at Lego. It’s a fair job interview/opportunity to take. It puts you through the test of building an intricate Lego design to see if you have the ability to be a successful Lego designer. So you need to be prepared for anything in an interview. Such as what happened in that scenario they had a certain period of time to build something that would fascinate the judges so they would pick them to come on the Lego designing team.You don’t need any type of education to get these job just skills with Legos and building.Just be good at building be sort of creative and anyone could have the job.

The third article we read was about using your SAT score to get a job. This article is showing job opportunities that need your SAT scores to get the job regardless of how old you are. So for example in the article there’s someone like 50 or so and it was a lot different back when he took the SAT. Plus that doesn’t show gained knowledge or skills because it was taken over 30 years ago. One of the analysts even says he was just a good test taker that he wasn’t that intelligent. Not all company’s or firms do this but be ready in case they are.

My overview of these articles is they are all great idea and concepts except the SAT scores. For the first two articles I like them because a lot of people have so many useful skills but aren’t good test takers. So they have the chance to show that they have what it takes to get a job with having to answer test questions. But when they com one it don’t be scared to fail because you will never learn without failure. They all had valuable information in our job market today in different areas. Skills wise I think I could get the job but not taking tests.

Works Cited

Friedman, Thomas L. "How to Get a Job at Google." New York Times, 22 Feb. 2014. Web. 22 Feb. 2014. <

Hansgard, Jens. "Winning a Job at Lego." Wall Street Journal, 13 Nov. 2013. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. <

Korn, Melissa. "Job Hunting? Dig Up Those Old SAT Scores." . Wall Street Journal, 25 Feb. 2014. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.