FUNCTIONS:To lead on all archaeological matters for the Trust including input into the Museum’s learning and curatorial work in liaison with other members of MMT.To providespecialist advice on the conservation and interpretation of the listed buildings and monuments in the Museum’s care. To manage external contract work as directed by the Executive.


  • Provide specialist input into the conservationand interpretation of the listed buildings and monuments in the Trust’s care as directed by the Director of Collections and Learning and in liaison with other members of MMT
  • Work with the Trust’s learning team and other key staff to ensure the educational potential of Ironbridge’s archaeological work is realised
  • Writing papers and reports as agreed with the Director of Collections and Learning to raise the Museum’s academic profile and standing
  • Represent the Trust at conferences, seminars and events as agreed by the Director of Collections and Learning with a view to raising the Trust’s academic profile and standing
  • Prepare and keep updated an annual monuments survey and report on key issues to the Executive
  • Undertake periodic surveys of areas of the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site as directed by the Executive
  • Manage and co-ordinated the Ironbridge Young Archaeologists’ Club in liaison with volunteer Branch Leaders and Assistants
  • Curate and host the Ironbridge Archaeology Lecture Series
  • Co-ordinate the Ironbridge Archaeology Volunteer Group
  • Recruiting and supervising archaeological assistants as required
  • Managing commercial archaeological projects to agreed budgets and outputs as agreed with the Executive
  • Reporting regularly to Museum management and outside bodies such as Historic England on matters of an archaeological nature
  • Deliver against agreed research agendas, working in collaboration with Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage and the University of Birmingham as agreed with the Director of Collections and Learning
  • Contribute to the organisation and delivery of events and conferences as agreed with the Director of Collections and Learning
  • Provide specialist input into funding applications as directed by the Executive
  • Provide specialist care, and access to, the Trust’s nationally designated archaeological collections
  • Commission and project manage agreed community archaeology projects as directed by the Executive
  • Any other duties as directed by the Director of Collections and Learning or the Executive


  • None


  • Contract archaeology staff as and when required



  • Recognised professional qualification e.g. degree, MA, PhD
  • Knowledge, experience and understanding of industrial archaeology
  • Experience of managing archaeological projects
  • Understanding of planning law and in particular an understanding of its relevance to archaeology and listed buildings
  • Ability to work successfully with a wide range of people
  • Availability to work, on occasion, at evenings and/or weekends
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Excellent negotiation skills
  • Experience of staff management
  • Experience of project management
  • Ability to work as a team member
  • Good ITC skills
  • Full driving licence and access to own car


  • Experience of working with or for charitable trusts
  • Experience of volunteer management or supervision
  • Experience of GIS and illustration software
  • Membership of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists at ACIfA or MCIfA level

This Job Description is subject to periodic review.

Signed (Postholder)……………………….. Printed ………………………. Dated ………………..

Signed (Director of Collections and Learning).……….. Printed ………………………. Dated ……..

Signed (Director of Finance & Resources)….. Printed …………. Dated ………………..