Employment factsheet Job seeking resources
About this factsheet
This factsheet contains a list of services, organisations and resources that may be able to help you with your job search. All the organisations listed offer employment-related services, but some also offer additional services that may be useful. Organisations are grouped into broad categories and then listed alphabetically for your convenience. This factsheet is part of a series of factsheets on employment issues. At the end you will find the full list, and details of where to find them.
1. RNIB and Action for blind people
2. Other employment services
3. Other useful contacts
4. Useful websites
5. Other factsheets in this series
For further information
RNIB Helpline can refer you to an employment specialist for further advice and guidance relating to your employment situation. RNIB Helpline can also help you by providing information and advice on a range of topics, such as eye health, the latest products, leisure opportunities, benefits advice and emotional support.
Call the Helpline team on 0303 123 9999 or email
Revised: June 2012
1. RNIB and Action for blind people
1.1 Helpline and employment specialists
Telephone: 0303 123 9999
RNIB Helpline is the gateway to a whole range of services that can help with your job search, including:
- referral to an employment specialist
- Welfare Rights - advice about your entitlements to benefits and concessions
- work experience placements and job tasters
- jobs skills training – including CV workshops and interview techniques
- workshops in confidence building and assertiveness training
- specialist training and rehabilitation including IT
- one to one mentoring
- job search support
- support in setting up your own business
- Emotional Support Telephone Service - confidential support for people with emotional difficulties due to sight loss.
Our UK wide network of employment specialists and advisers can help you with your job search. The exact nature of this support differs from region to region, so you should contact the RNIB Helpline and get a referral to an employment specialist to see what services are available in your area.
1.2 RNIB and Action for blind people websites
RNIB and Action for blind people both have websites which contain a wealth of employment resources.
RNIB employment web resources
Action for blind people employment web resources
1.3 Trainee Grade Scheme
The Trainee Grade Scheme (TGS) offers unemployed blind and partially sighted people paid work experience for a period of up to 50 weeks. Successful applicants have the opportunity to gain new skills and experience in a real work environment. In addition, trainees are offered training, job-search support and a full up-to-date reference.
TGS vacancies are advertised in the RNIB vacancy list, which is updated fortnightly. The latest vacancy list can be accessed via
or by calling 0800 195 4135.
If want to know more about the TGS scheme, we refer you to our Trainee Grade Scheme factsheet. Details of where to find this are in section 5 (Other factsheets in this series).
1.4 RNIB College Loughborough
RNIB College Loughborough run Residential Training programmes which
enable adult trainees to re-train for a different career. The programmes
are flexible and allow trainees to undertake work placements, gain job
seeking skills and explore job goals. Programmes are tailored to the
individual and help to bridge the skills gap to enable trainees to
re-enter the workplace". For further details contact 01509 611077 and
ask for the Marketing Team.
2. Other Employment services
ABAPSTAS (The Association of Blind and Partially Sighted Teachers and Students)
Telephone: 0117 966 4839
ABAPSTAS was founded in 1970 by a small number of visually impaired people with the primary aim of supporting VI students, teachers and lecturers. Since then, ABAPSTAS has grown into a national self-help and campaigning organisation with a strong voice. Their main focus is still on education and employment but members now include people who have moved into careers other than teaching.
Association of Disabled Professionals
Telephone: 01204 431638 (answerphone only service)
ADP is a membership organisation that provides advice, information and peer support to disabled people interested in working in professional fields. ADP also provides a quarterly newsletter and a series of employment guides for disabled people.
Association of Visually Impaired Office Staff (AVIOS)
Telephone: 020 8657 3563
AVIOS is a self-help organisation of blind and partially sighted people employed, training or having experience in office-related occupations. It promotes the employment of blind a partially sighted people in office environments. AVIOS has an email discussion group for members to ask for and obtain help and advice.
Blind System Admins
Self help group for blind system administrators (e.g. tech support helpdesk professionals).
Business Ability
Telephone: 01329 841814
Fax:01329 849149
This website includes some audio clips to help people with writing a CV, and developing a business idea.The CV advice covers two different types including a 'skills and experience' style CV for people who have had employment gaps, for whatever reason. There are also examples of CVs that can be used as templates.
Business Link
Business Link is the government's online resource for businesses.Their website contains tools to help you start up, improve and grow your business.
CareerConnect is a service run by the American Foundation for the Blind. It is a resource for people who want to learn about the range and diversity of jobs performed by adults who are blind or partially sighted throughout the United States and Canada. CareerConnect also has a database of successfully employed blind and visually impaired adults who are willing to discuss their work lives and how they perform their day-to-day work responsibilities with or without adjustments.
Skills Development Scotland
Telephone: 0808 100 1050
Skills Development Scotland aims to equip people living in Scotland with the skills to make well-informed career decisions for themselves throughout their working lives. They offer careers services and a range of job seeking information resources on their website. Skills Development Scotland support people of all ages whether they are in work or not.
Telephone: 0808 0013219
Connexions offer a range of services to people aged between 13-25 and who live in England. Connexions Personal Advisers can give you information, advice and practical help with a range of things that might be affecting you at school, college, work or in your personal or family life.
Disability Alliance
Telephone: 020 7247 8776
Fax: 020 7247 8765
Disability Alliance is a national registered charity which works to relieve the poverty and improve the living standards of disabled people. Their eventual aim is to break the link between poverty and disability. Their website holds a large number of factsheets on a variety of topics. In July 2011, the organisation announced it will be delivering some of the critical services Skill previously provided. Disability Alliance will now be able to deliver a wider range of information and advice to ensure disabled students have specialist support in making decisions about their education, training and employment choices after leaving school.
Disability Dynamics
Telephone: 01329 841814
This website includes information on the Equality Act, advice on becoming self-employed, and a guide to writing a CV.
Employers' Forum on Disability
Telephone: 020 7403 3020
Textphone: 020 7403 0040
EFD is a national network of employers who wish to develop their policies and understanding on employing people with disabilities. The forum does not operate a placement service for disabled job seekers but you can obtain a list of its members from their website.
Jobcentre Plus
Telephone: Call directory enquiries for details of your local office
Jobcentre Plus is a government agency supporting people of working age from welfare into work. Your local Jobcentre Plus office can give you a wide range of information on jobs, training and self-employment options.
Every Jobcentre has a specialist Disability Employment Adviser (DEA).They can provide a range of information and advice on your work options, financial assistance and what to do next. They will also be able to provide details on the services and programmes Jobcentre Plus and local organisations provide to help assist you to find work. You will need to be registered as on benefits before they can help you.
National Careers Service
Tel: 0800 100 900
The National Careers Service provides information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work opportunities. The service offers confidential, helpful and impartial advice, supported by qualified careers advisers.
National Council for Work Experience
Telephone: 0161 277 5267
Information on all aspects relating to work experience.
National League of the Blind & Disabled
Telephone: 020-7420-4000
Textphone/minicom: 020-7420-4099
The National League of the Blind and Disabled (NLBD) is a Trade Union organisation for blind and disabled persons only, established in 1899. The objective of the organisation is to promote the education, training, employment and general welfare of blind and disabled people, and to provide representation at work on an individual and collective basis. The NLBD operates under the umbrella of Community - The Union for Life. Their principle function is to campaign for full civil rights for all disabled people.
Telephone: 0121 450 8300
Pertemps specialise in offering recruitment services to disadvantaged jobseekers.Pertemps have offices throughout the UK and offer a range of employment and training services in each location.
Telephone (jobseekers): 0845 601 5878
Remploy is the UK's largest provider of jobs for disabled people. Remploy's recruitment services are designed to provide employment opportunities to disabled people across all sectors of business and industry.
Shaw Trust
Telephone: 01225 716 300
Shaw Trust is the largest UK provider of employment services for disabled people. They run a number of government-funded employment services to support people moving from benefits to work, with guidance on finding jobs, training and benefits. They also offer a range of pre-employment activities, work-related accredited training and offer supported employment opportunities.
Society of Visually Impaired Lawyers (SOVIL)
SOVIL is a self-help group that aims to promote the interests of blind and partially sighted lawyers and those wishing to work in the legal profession.
VI Sector Jobs
Telephone: 01905 28286 and 07778 611604
VI Sector Jobs is an independent email distribution list for VI sector vacancies.Sign-up to the mailing list and get a range of opportunities, including all the latest RNIB, Action for Blind People and Guide Dogs for the Blind vacancies, emailed to you directly.
3. Other useful services
British Computer Association of the Blind
Telephone: 0845 430 8627
The British Computer Association of the Blind (BCAB) is a lively community of blind and partially sighted computer users. They offer training, discussion, networking and help to all their members. Established in 1969 they are the oldest computer association for blind and partially sighted people in the world. Membership includes people of all skill levels, interests and abilities.
Community Service Volunteers
Telephone: 0207 2786601
CSV is the UK's largest volunteering and training organisation. CSV involves people in high quality volunteering and training opportunities that tackle real need and enrich lives. You can be employed in a range of destinations and situations throughout the World from as short as a day to up to a whole year.
Disability Now
Disability Now is a UK magazine for disabled people published by UK disability charity Scope.
Telephone: 01302 310 123
Scope DIAL UK is a national organisation with a network of 89 local Disability Information and Advice Line centres across the UK run by and for disabled people. These advice lines can offer you support with a range of issues, including benefits, equipment and discrimination issues.
Social Services
Telephone: Call directory enquiries for details of your local office
Social services offer help and assistance with daily living support. This can include rehabilitation and mobility training.
Telephone: 01777 705299
Visionary is the new name of the National Association of Local Societies for Visually Impaired People (NALSVI). Visionary believes that local organisations are best placed to offer support – providing, as they do, information, advice and practical help around living with sight loss
Local societies offer a diverse range of services that can include employment support, training and emotional support. The RNIB helpline (0303 123 9999 or email ) can put you in touch with your local society, who will be able to offer practical support via the range of services on offer in your area.
4. Useful websites
JobServe –
The world’s first internet recruitment service. The site works well with Jaws and other screen readers.
Guardian Jobs -
Allows you to browse through a large range of vacancies from across all sectors and professions, search by a number of categories, or register for regular email alerts on relevant vacancies to you.
Jobs Go Public –
Job listing website for public sector vacancies, including charities and local government.
Prospects -
Job listing and advice website aimed at graduates. Contains a database of employers, job vacancies and information about a variety of careers.
Jobs in Charities -
Details of the latest vacancies in the voluntary sector.
Reed -
Search a large database of jobs and place your CV online. Also offers a CV Builder that automatically formats a professionally laid out CV after you have entered in your details.
Total Jobs –
Search a large database of jobs, upload your CV and look through some good application process tips.
Directgov –
A very useful website includes information on employment, finance and benefits, training opportunities and housing.
CharityJOB -
CharityJOB is the UK's busiest site for charity jobs, NGO jobs and not for profit jobs.
LG jobs -
The official government jobs site advertising council vacancies.
5. Other factsheets in this series
We also produce the following factsheets, which you may find of use:
- Access to Work
- Looking for work
- Self-employment
- Staying in work
- Trainee Grade Scheme
- Your rights in employment
All these factsheets can be found in electronic form at . For print, braille, large print or audio, please contact Ross Hedley (RNIB Evidence and Service Impact) or on 0117 934 1718.
Factsheet updated: June 2012